Design Your Own offers an opportunity to develop and carry out a project of individual design. This means selecting a topic, deciding upon goals, obtaining resources and designing records. The member is responsible for developing the project with the advice or direction of an adult.

This project can cover any subject and may be related to any current 4-H project. Examples include ceramics, bookkeeping, and outdoor cooking. In some areas, counties offer county projects. Check with your county. 

Design a project ofspecial interest for you, as the success depends on your initiative. Those who select a worthwhile topic and become intrigued with it often do some of the best and most rewarding 4-H work. The member’s manual and the leader’s guide suggest ways to proceed.


Evaluate your project by determining the extent to which the goals were accomplished, what was learned and how it could be improved.


You Decide, 5314
Helping Them Decide, 5315