Out of State Travel: our MSU Admissions Counselors travel throughout the country to connect with students and families during high school visits, college fairs, and pizza parties. Please check back regularly for updates!

Visit Dates 
Out of State Travel - Event & Location
Feb. 5
Feb. 6-7
Feb. 16
March 2
March 8-9
March 12 - 16
April 2
April 5-9
Illinois Regional College Fairs + High School Visits
April 7-11
April 7-11
Minnesota Private School Fairs + High School Visits
April 9
Utah/Salt Lake City, UT RMACAC College Fair
April 12
Boise, ID PNACAC College Fair
April 24-27
Seattle, WA + Portland, OR PNACAC Fairs + High School Visits
April 23-26
Southern CA WACAC College Fairs + High School Visits
June 7
Denver, CO NACAC College Fair


In-State Travel: Please see the detailed schedules below for a breakdown of each visit. Please check back regularly for updates!

Visit Dates  In-State Travel - Greater Area Representative
February 10-13 Bozeman Area High School Visits Mandy Brandt
April 7-10 MPSEOC Tribal College Fairs - Week 1 Charly Allmer 
April 13-17 MPSEOC Tribal College Fairs - Week 2 Charly Allmer 

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If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us! You can email our staff at [email protected], or call us Monday - Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm MT at 1-888-MSU-CATS.