Upcoming Event: Student Accessibility Collaborative - 3/27, 2-3pm in Norm Asbjornson Hall, Rm 149 - FREE SNACKS!

Students walking and biking to class

Welcome to Disability Services!

Disability Services at Montana State University is dedicated to providing accommodations and support to student with disabilities to ensure access to all university programs and services. We empower students and collaborate with campus partners to foster a culture where all abilities are valued, respected, and integrated into the learning and living environments.



Request accommodations




Student in library

Information on completing the Accommodation process, how long it will take, and what to expect in your first accommodation meeting.


Woman writing

Information regarding how to support your students entering higher education with Accommodations for the first time. This includes information on our students' privacy rights.

Faculty & Staff

Faculty team

Information about Accommodation Notifications, accommodation protocol, syllabus statement, and much more! For employee accommodations please see the following page on Disability and Accommodation in Employment.

Policies and Additional Resources

Community Resources

Disability Services collaborates with offices and organizations on and off campus. Here you will find some of our most common contacts, as well as office procedures.


Types of Accommodations

Select one of our main accommodations to learn more or review our list of most common accommodations.


Housing & Dietary


Requests for special housing considerations can be recommended for approval by the Office of Disability Services after verification of medical or disability-related need.

Assistive Animals

Service Dog
Information and requests regarding assistive animals, including service animals and emotional support animals, on campus and in university housing.


Classroom Setting

Information regarding how to get signed up for academic accommodations through the Accommodate Portal.

Classroom/Campus Access

Campus and Classroom Access

Information about accommodations impacting access to classrooms and university facilities.