Mammal Project 2020
During fall 2020, students in Mammalogy (BIOO 475) picked a species of mammal and learned
about a variety of topics related to that species, which they summarized in written
papers throughout the semester.
This learning culminated in the creation of a podcast, poster, or video sharing the
most interesting features of their selected species. Some students agreed to share
their efforts - check out their amazing work below! [Literature Cited sections available
upon request.]
During fall 2020, students in Mammalogy (BIOO 475) picked a species of mammal and learned about a variety of topics related to that species, which they summarized in written papers throughout the semester.
This learning culminated in the creation of a podcast, poster, or video sharing the most interesting features of their selected species. Some students agreed to share their efforts - check out their amazing work below! [Literature Cited sections available upon request.]