" If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." --Desmond Tutu
Celebrate our 2024 Women's Center Students of Achievement here!
What is the Women's Center?

The MSU Women's Center works with students, faculty, staff and community members to create an equitable environment through educational programs and support services. A department in Access and Success, the Women’s Center encourages student engagement and expression, community involvement, critical thinking, and an exchange of ideas to enhance the classroom experience and move forward a dialogue surrounding gender constructs, identity and equality. The Center is open to all students, staff, faculty, and community members of all genders. The Center is physically accessible and a place for students to stop by, relax, and explore their concerns, issues, and options through information and conversation. Campus and community members are encouraged to become involved in the Center through work-study, volunteer, and internship positions.
Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the academic year when classes are in session.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."Margaret Mead
How can you become involved with the Women's Center?
Anyone is welcome to volunteer at the Women's Center in a variety of capacities. You
can work with existing programs or coordinate new ones.Internship opportunities and
referrals are also available at the Center; just stop in and talk to a staff member
for additional information.
For further information and specific details, contact the Women's Center either by
phone @ 994-3836, via email at [email protected], or by visiting our office in SUB room 372.
"If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it."Margaret Fuller
The staff at the Women's Center is prepared to answer questions or make referrals in areas such as academics, career choices, child care, pregnancy, sexual assualt, counseling, employment, legal rights, re-entry, scholarships, and more.
The Geraldine Fenn Memorial Library is in the Women's Center and contains a large variety of reference materials. These
materials can be checked out by students, staff, faculty and community members. The
Center also subscribes to a few major feminist periodicals and alternative press publications.
The "Womanifesto"is our newsletter which contains news, herstory, book reviews, opinions,
and calendars of events that are of special interest to women. The "Womanifesto" is
published three or four times per year and is distributed on and off campus at no
charge to the reader. Articles, illustrations and suggestions are welcomed and can
be left at the Center. Go to our Women's Center Newsletter page for our "Womanifesto" archives.
Weekly Sack Lunch Seminars feature local, state, and sometimes national speakers. These informational seminars cover a wide variety of topics and convene every Wednesday from Noon - 1:00 pm in the Strand Union. The seminars are free, fun, and open to everyone!
The Shannon Weatherly Memorial Lecture Series is an annual event presented by the Women's Center in honor of past MSU student and Women's Center board member, Shannon Weatherly. An endowment was created by Shannon's family and friends to bring nationally known feminist speakers to the campus. These lectures are usually given during the fall semester; they are free and open to the public. Past presenters have included singer/songwriter Holly Near, psychologist and author Charlotte Davis Kasl, activist and award winning film-maker Stacy Kabat, cartoonist Nicole Hollander, scholar and author Dr. Juliet Schor, performance artist Alicia Quintano, comedienne Maria Falzone, and scholar Dr. Diana Russell.
National Women's History Month is March, and we like to celebrate this event all month! Through a variety of programs with guest speakers, films, displays, and articles, we highlight notable women in history and look at the latest focus among today's women historians.
The Latin American Speaker Series is an annual program co-sponsored with various organizations each spring and features speakers who travel here from Latin America to discuss their activism in Latin American communities.