We encourage all prospective students to explore our Real Deal Tuition Calculator to establish an estimated cost of attendance for the 2025-2026 academic year.
Test Optional
Test scores are no longer required for admission or scholarship consideration at Montana
State University for the foreseeable future. Please note that other academic information,
including a self-reported cumulative GPA, is still required. Students can still submit
ACT/SAT scores for math and writing placement purposes.
Scholarships for Incoming Freshmen Students
Scholarships for Incoming Transfer Students
Additional Financial information
Are you an International student?
Please visit our International student scholarship website for more information!
Want more information about MSU? We're here to help.
If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us! You can email our
staff at [email protected], or call us Monday - Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm MT at 1-888-MSU-CATS.