Mountains & Minds: Learners and Leaders
Members of the Montana State University community will be leaders, scholars and engaged
citizens of their local, national and global communities, working together with community
partners to exchange and apply knowledge and resources to improve the human prospect.
Objective E.1: Strategically increase service, outreach and engagement at MSU.
Metric E.1.1: By 2013, MSU will have a campus-wide coordinating infrastructure to support and advance engagement, outreach and service.
Technical note: Development of this infrastructure is currently underway.
Metric E.1.2: By 2019, the percentage of students, faculty and staff involved in service, outreach and engagement activities, with particular attention to underserved areas and minority populations, will increase.
Technical note: These data are not currently collected though this can be accomplished via yearly self-reporting. Staff should be surveyed for current and potential new engagement activities. The Council on Leadership, Outreach and Engagement should be consulted.
Metric E.1.3: By 2019 the number of MSU service, outreach, and engagement activities will increase.
Technical note: These data are not currently collected though this can be accomplished via yearly self-reporting. The Council on Leadership, Outreach and Engagement should be consulted.
Metric E.1.4: By 2019, MSU will have increased the percentage of students actively participating in student organizations.
Technical note: The number of groups registered with the Office of Activities and Engagement is reportable, but the number of students involved may not be.
Objective E.2: MSU graduates will have global and multicultural understanding and experiences.
Metric E.2.1: By 2019, the percentage of MSU students participating in cross-cultural study, work or service experiences, incorporating both academic preparation and post-experience reflection, will double.
Technical note: We will need a clear definition of what counts as "meaningful cross-cultural study". Diversity courses are required in the Core 2.0 curriculum. Additional service- and experiential-learning, credit-bearing activities are also measurable, however noncredit-bearing activity is not currently collected centrally.
Objective E.3: MSU students, faculty and staff will have increased opportunities for leadership development.
Metric E.3.1: By 2019, the number of opportunities for leadership development and practice will have increased. Awareness of the opportunities will have also increased.
Technical Note: The infrastructure to support this will need to exist. Tracking data are not currently collected, though this can be accomplished via a combination of participation tracking (seminar attendance, committee membership, etc.), self-reporting and performance review input.
Metric E.3.2: By 2019, the percentage of MSU students, faculty and staff participating in leadership development activities will increase.
Technical Note: The infrastructure to support this will need to exist. Tracking data are not currently collected though this can be accomplished via a combination of participation tracking (seminar attendance, committee membership, etc.), self-reporting and performance review input.

MSU Extension offers master gardener training across Montana.

The MSU Chapter of Engineers Without Borders works with communities to bring clean water to schools in rural Kenya.