The Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success and Access Success programs are enormously proud of our graduates and their accomplishments. We recognize their excellence in academic, personal, and professional skill-building endeavors as Montana’s Own Scholars at Montana State University. These scholars represent the best of Montana. They have benefited greatly from the generosity of Terry and Pat Payne who founded Montana’s Own Scholarship Program to support higher education and invest in the lives of Montanans.

mto grad

2024 Graduate Spotlight

Jordyn Meyer
Jordyn Meyer
Bachelor of Science Microbiology Medical Laboratory Science
Robert Dalton
Robert Dalton
Bachelor of Science Business Accounting


Conner Flanagan
Conner Flanagan
Bachelor of Arts History 
Jerry Bowman
Jerry Bowman
Bachelor of Science Biotechnology - Microbial Systems and minor Genetics-microbiology



Moriah Schutt
Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Food and Bioenergy - Food Systems


Triston Fabich
Bachelor of Science in Business Management 
Minor in Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Madison Scott
Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Hannah Dutro
Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Shaylyn Evans
Bachelor of Science in Sociology - Criminology

2022 Graduates

Montana's Own Scholars group picture




















Congratulations to Fall 2022 Baccalaureate graduate Tavia Torralba.