September 3rd | 10am - 2pm |SUB Ballrooms B, C & D

Employer Information

Find your best student employees at our Student Employment Job Fair. Recruit for interships, part-time and work study opportunities.

We invite on-campus employers from 10am - 2pm AND local employers from 12pm - 2pm to connect with students for your part-time and work study opportunities on Wednesday, January 29th. Registration is FREE to ALL employers!

*Attention Local Employers: You may begin setting up your table for the Fair starting at 11:30am in SUB Ballroom D.

For ON-CAMPUS Employers:

Registration coming soon!

For LOCAL Employers:

Registration coming soon!

Student Information

Looking for a job while you go to school? Check out the variety of on campus job opportunities at the Student Employment Job Fair!

Date: Wednesday, September 3rd

Time: On-Campus Employers: 10am - 2pm | On-Campus & Local Employers: 12pm - 2pm

Where: Ballrooms B, C & D in the Strand Union Building

Past Employers Include:

MSU Leadership Institute

University Student Housing


Culinary Services

MSU Alumni Foundation

Plant Growth Center

Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success – SmartyCats tutors

University Police Department

University Facilities Management


UIT Student Labs


Additional Resources

For more Information

Call Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success: 406-994-4353.