

Synonyms/Experimental #s


Release year


Breeding Program

North Dakota State University


Spring two-row

Agronomic Characteristics:

Yield: 15% yeild advantage to Conlon. 
Protein: Low (11.6)
Maturity: Medium to late. Heads out 3 days later than Conlon.

Appearance: Long rachillia hairs, smooth awns, white aleurone.

Straw Strength: Strong. Greater straw strength than Colon.
Straw length: Medium height 
Disease Reaction: Greater resistance to spot bloch than Conlon. 

Malting Characteristics

Higher percentage of plump kenels and lower protein than Conlon. The remainder of malting characteristics are similar to Conlon. 

Brewing Quality Traits



Related Articles:

NDSU Pinnacle Fact Sheet