Scientists tell Yellowstone's story in Johnson's new book
Jerry Johnson has long been fascinated at some of the work being done by
his Montana State University colleagues in Yellowstone National Park. The
chairman of the MSU political science department thought that much of the
research was so interesting that it would make a great book. Read more...
Learn about Facebook, Twitter, Oct. 5
"Social Media: What's the Big Deal?" will be held from 9 a.m. to noon on
Tuesday, Oct. 5, on the MSU campus. The course gives an overview of social media
tools such as Facebook and Twitter, and covers their impact. Read more...
Business sustainability class begins Oct. 6 Look at your existing operations and how those operations can be made more
sustainable through energy use habits and efficiency, reduced carbon footprint,
water conservation, purchasing habits, fuel consumption, green cleaning, office
waste reduction and ultimately how to measure those improvements. Read more...
Science's big thinkers at MSU on Oct. 7
Some of the world's greatest minds in science and technology will participate in
a free, public panel discussion entitled "The Future of Humanity and Technology"
to be held Oct. 7 at Montana State University. Read more...