Sue Monahan, an associate professor in the Montana State University
Department of Sociology and Anthropology, has been selected as the new associate
dean for program and curricular development in the MSU College of Letters and
Crews finished the last major structural steel and precast concrete work
on the new end zone at Montana State University's Bobcat Stadium this week,
giving passers-by a view of the final structure.
Montana State University Extension and the Stillwater County Weed District
are looking for volunteers to participate in the "Yellow Starthistle Weed Watch
Day" August 4, 2011, in and around Columbus, Mont. Read more...
Volunteers from both MSU and the community will help move an expected 1,700 new
students into their residence halls. Shifts are 2 1/2 hours long. Read more...
Zach Adam is one of nine MSU-affiliated students who learned this spring that they
would receive an NSF Graduate Fellowship amounting to $30,000 a year for three
years. Seven are current or previous MSU students. Two are from other
institutions and plan to use their awards at MSU. Read more...