An educational garden series will be held this summer at the MSU
Horticulture Farm. The four part series will teach practical information
regarding yard and garden care and maintenance through interactive activities. Read more...
Montana Shakespeare in the Parks will commemorate Independence Day with a
special presentation of the Declaration of Independence prior to its July 3 show
in Bozeman.
A free public concert incorporating dramatic images of the sun and music
representing the human experience will be held June 18 in conjunction with an
international gathering of solar scientists at Montana State University. Read more...
Students who attend Montana State University, Dawson Community College and Rocky
Mountain College are writing a Web journal about their experiences while in
China to investigate dinosaur eggs that have unusually thick, but porous shells. Read more...
Ben Naab says his high school grades were nothing to brag about, but no one
would suspect that by his performance at Montana State University. Read more...