MSU makes strong showing in 2013 Peace Corps college rankings
The number of Montana State University graduates volunteering for the Peace Corps has placed the university 16th in the organization's 2013 rankings for volunteer participation among colleges and universities with enrollments
between 5,000 and 15,000 undergraduates.
"College Goal Montana" offers FAFSA assistance Feb. 13 and 19
The Office of Financial Aid Services will host "College Goal Montana!" Feb. 13 and 19 to help students and parents fill out their FAFSA
Applications now available for awards at the 90th annual Day of Student Recognition
The Office of Activities and Engagement is seeking applications for awards at the 90th annual Day of Student Recogintion set for Tuesday, April 9. The event honors students who are outstanding in the areas of leadership,
service and academic achievement. Read more... Temple Grandin to discuss autism, animal science March 5 at MSU
Temple Grandin, who is widely known for handling livestock with the lessons she
learned from her autism, will speak Tuesday, March 5, at Montana State
University. Read more... Workshop on managing urban insects set for March 19
A one-day workshop on managing insect pests in urban landscapes will be held
Tuesday, March 19, in Bozeman.