MSU will turn on the big lights for Cat/Griz showdown
Montana State University Athletics Director Peter Fields announced
Thursday an ambitious plan to have lights in Bobcat Stadium in time for the
classic football rivalry between MSU and the University of Montana on Nov. 19. Read more...
MSU education student contributes to NASA outreach efforts
A Montana State University education student spent the summer
teaching others about the James Webb Space Telescope, the successor to the Hubble telescope that is designed to unravel the mystery of how the universe grew from a big bang into galaxies, stars and planets. Read more... Former MSU football player hopes his research will benefit Eastern Montana
Talk to the people of Broadus, and you'll hear lots of fond stories about Elliott Barnhard, the native son who played football for
Montana State University from 2004 to 2007. Talk to Barnhart, and you'll hear
plenty of affection for his home town. Read more... MSU offers new online environmental sciences course
Montana State University has announced a new online course in land resources and
environmental sciences called "Environmental Risk Assessment." The three-credit
graduate course is offered fully online and begins in January 2012. Read more... MSU grad's vaccines save millions
With the campus community contemplating the onset of flu season -- and the
annual question of 'to be vaccinated or not to be vaccinated' -- it is worth
noting that world of human health, particularly in the area of preventive
medicine, owes much to an graduate of Montana State University. Read more... "Clay Come Lately" on display at Exit Galley Nov. 7-22
The ASMSU Exit Gallery will present "Clay Come Lately," a collaborative
exhibition of ceramics by residents of the Red Lodge Clay Center, Nov. 7-22. Read more... Cat/Griz pep rally set for Nov. 18
A pep rally will be held at 5:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 18, in downtown Bozeman
to help the football team get ready for the Cat/Griz football game. Read more...