MSU student's award-winning film explains the science of snow and precipitation
A Montana State University student's film about the role of airborne
bacteria in causing rain and snow has won a prestigious award for its clear and
fun explanation of science.
Cell phone ban while driving begins Jan. 17
Beginning on Tuesday, Jan. 17, Bozeman Municipal Code prohibits the use of
hand held electronic communication devices, such as cellular telephones,
navigational systems, or other two-way communication devices, while driving a
motor vehicle or bicycle on a public street within the city limits of Bozeman. Read more... Teachers can apply for free Everest science kit from MSU
Classrooms across Montana will have the opportunity to follow an
expedition to Mount Everest this spring, interacting with the climbers and using
equipment that lets them mimic the team's scientific research. Read more... MSU's competitive programmers hit high mark
Three Montana State University seniors - Saiichi Hashimoto, David Stevens and
Nick Wills - in the computer science major of the College of Engineering brought
home a fifth-place finish in regional competition of the Association for
Computing Machinery (ACM) after competing at Colorado State University in Fort
Collins, Colo., last fall. Read more... MSU workforce and professional development courses open for registration
This semester, Extended University offers perennial favorites like Excel,
Access, Quickbooks and flight school. New courses include Search Engine
Optimization, How to Start a Business in Montana, and Climate Change in the
Northern Rockies, among others. Read more... New equipment in MSU lab measures body composition, helps fight chronic diseases
A piece of equipment that looks more suited to outer space than a
laboratory is enabling Montana State University researchers to gather data that
may help people fight chronic diseases. Read more... MSU students named to fall semester 2011 honor rolls
Montana State University has announced its undergraduate honor rolls for
fall semester 2011.