Extension remains vital to America's future, MSU's Cruzado tells national APLU
Montana State University President Waded Cruzado today said that Extension will
remain important to America's destiny if it eliminates the traditional
classifications between rural and urban programs and serves all people who need
its services. Read more... Gillia's thesis show exhibits powerful body of work
It is not a coincidence that it took living in the strong Big Sky
landscape for Francesco Gillia to develop as a painter of large, powerful
paintings. Read more... Dogs, humans team up to help eradicate Dyer's woad in Montana
A Labrador that's trained to find cadavers, and a Border collie plucked from a
Bozeman animal shelter are now helping rid Montana of noxious weeds. Read more...
Upheaval: A Revolution of the Arts, Student Art Sale and Show set for Nov. 26-28
The 9th annual Upheaval: A Revolution of the Arts, Student Art Sale and Show will be held Nov. 26-28 from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. in the
SUB Ballrooms. Read more... MSU's Douglas, Sexson named Regents Professors
Two Montana State University professors -- one a pioneer in the field of
nanoscience and the other a master teacher of ideas and English literature --
have been named Montana University System Regents Professors, the most
prestigious designation to be attained by a professor in the system. Read more... MSU to award honorary doctorate to philosopher Robert Pirsig at December
Robert Pirsig, the author and former Montana State English instructor who
inspired a generation to look inward to the "high country of the mind" with his
book "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance," will receive an honorary
doctorate in December from Montana State University, university officials
announced today.