MSU team publishes brain research, receives $300,000 to continue work
Montana State University researchers who study short-term memory say their
findings may someday help people whose brains are not functioning as they
should. Read more... Western Transportation Institute project recognized with national award
Members of a transportation technology transfer project with Montana State
University's Western Transportation Institute (WTI) received an award this fall
for their work with planning, coordinating, implementing and facilitating the
annual Western States Rural Transportation Technology Implementers Forum. Read more... Free MSU multimedia concert set Dec. 9
"Discoveries: A concert of audiovisual art," a concert in the Montana State
University School of Music's Sunday Night Multimedia Series, will be held at
7:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 9, in Reynolds Recital Hall. Admission is free. Read more...
MSU Holiday Open House set for Dec. 13
Please join President Waded Cruzado for the Montana State University Holiday Open House on Thursday, Dec.
13, from 4-6:30 p.m. in the Strand Union Building Ballrooms. Read more... MSU scientist, former MSU researcher publish pioneering paper on ancient
microbes in Antarctica
A Montana State University professor and a former postdoctoral researcher at MSU
are co-authors of a pioneering study that reveals, for the first time, a viable
community of bacteria that survives and ekes out a living in a dark, salty and
subfreezing environment beneath nearly 66 feet of ice in one of Antarctica's
most isolated lakes.