MSU students win spot on fall 2012 honor rolls
A total of 3,356 students have been named to either the President's Honor Roll
or the Dean's Honor Roll.
'Drive less' challenge designed to promote sustainable transportation
Montana State University's Campus Sustainability Advisory Council, Western
Transportation Institute and the City of Bozeman are sponsoring a challenge
beginning this month to promote more sustainable transportation choices in the
greater Bozeman area. Read more... MSU offers course on Bakken oil boom via distance learning
Montana State University's Department of Earth Sciences and MSU Extended
University are offering an online non-credit class called Montana's Oil Boom. Read more... MSU opens spring online courses for science teachers
Montana State University's online graduate courses for science teachers are now
open for spring registration. The courses are all part of MSU Extended University's National Teachers
Enhancement Network (NTEN), now in its 20th year.
Stedman to deliver MSU's Martin Luther King, Jr., lecture on Jan. 17
Activist and author Chris Stedman will speak at the annual Montana State
University Martin Luther King, Jr., lecture set at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 17, in
the Strand Union Ballroom A.