Barney Myers, 103, walks into MSU's history books 80 years after his graduation
Former Bobcat track athlete, Bernard “Barney” Myers, 103, who ran long distances when he attended what was Montana State College more than 80 years ago, walked into Montana State University's history books May 3 when he became the first Montana State graduate to celebrate the 80th anniversary of his graduation. Read more... Bobcat Athletics seeking Gold Rush t-shirt design submissions
Bobcat football fans have the opportunity to design Montana State University’s 2014 Gold Rush t-shirt. Read more... Gallatin College offers aviation for high school students
Gallatin College is offering an early college opportunity for area high school juniors and seniors interested in commercial aviation. The aviation ground school gives students a start in commercial aviation by letting them complete college course work, for college credit, while in high school. Read more... Montana State celebrates 2014 spring commencement
The Montana State University community gathered Saturday, May 3, 2014 to
celebrate spring commencement.