Owls wow crowds, showcase natural setting at MSU
It’s common these days to see people gazing intently toward the second floor of Montana Hall on the Montana State University campus. Read more...
MSU’s online Native American studies courses now open for fall registration
MSU’s online courses in Native American studies are now open for fall registration, including two graduate courses and one undergraduate course. Read more...
MSU College of Education, Health and Human Development to hold fundraising golf clinic
MSU’s College of Education, Health and Human Development will hold its second annual Golf Clinic and Scramble on Thursday, Aug. 7. Read more...
MSU freshman convocation tickets to be released to public July 30
Organizers of MSU's 2014 Freshman Convocation said
about 2,000 tickets will be made available to the public on Wednesday,
July 30, for a lecture by Shiza Shahid, the CEO and co-founder of the
nonprofit Malala Fund.
Volunteers sought to help MSU welcome back students on Aug. 20
Volunteers from both MSU and the community will help move an expected 1,850 new students into their residence halls. Read more...