MSU launches mental illness treatment center
MSU has launched a new, multidisciplinary center
that is designed to help improve diagnosis and treatment of mental
illness throughout Montana.
MSU announces schedule of events for Homecoming 2014
Montana State University will celebrate Homecoming with a variety of events set for Sept. 26-27. Read more...
MSU faculty member to be honored for outstanding paper
Lance McNew, a new faculty member in the Department of Animal and Range Sciences, will be honored Pittsburgh at the 21st annual conference of The Wildlife Society. Read more...
MSU professor continues to spotlight African wild dogs
Scott Creel and the MSU-affiliated Zambian Carnivore
Programme are continuing their long effort to raise the profile of key
predators in Africa, particularly African wild dogs, a little-studied
and unique predator.
New MSU study shows tornadoes occurring earlier in ‘Tornado Alley’
Peak tornado activity in the central and southern Great Plains of the
United States is occurring up to two weeks earlier than it did half a
century ago.