Montana’s Next Generation Conference to be held in Shelby
A conference to help Montanans transition their farms and ranches to the next generation will be held Jan. 30 and 31 in Shelby. Read more... Grant to help MSU increase Native American, minority grad students in STEM
MSU and three partners across the Northwest are working together to increase the number of American Indian and other underrepresented minorities entering and earning doctorates in the STEM fields of science, technology, engineering and math. Read more... Free lecture on mass spectrometry set for Jan. 16 at MSU
A free public lecture about improvements in the use of mass spectrometry to analyze complex biological fluids. Read more... EcoStar Pollution Prevention Award applicants and nominees sought
Montana small businesses and non-profits from all arenas, including construction, hospitality, agriculture, manufacturing, education, healthcare, etc., are encouraged to apply for recognition of their outstanding pollution prevention efforts through the MSU Extension Pollution Prevention EcoStar award program. Read more...
MSU chemists solve long-standing problem
A MSU team says it has discovered the grail of organic chemistry and has just published a paper about its accomplishment in one of the field’s top journals. Read more... MSU hosts prospective student program on Jan. 30
MSU in Bozeman will open its campus, classrooms and activities to potential students during MSU Friday, the university's campus visitation program. Read more...