MSU Police alert MSU students about new phone scam
MSU Police are notifying students to be aware that phone scammers are again targeting MSU students. Read more
MSU professor’s talk will link Yellowstone research and a new view of viruses
While the prevailing view of viruses is connected with disease, Mark
Young, professor of plant sciences and plant pathology at MSU, would like to see viruses get some credit for helping shape
life on planet Earth. Read more
Leslie Taylor, MSU’s top lawyer, to retire in June
Leslie Taylor, who has offered legal counsel to five Montana State
University presidents, has announced that she will retire at the end of
June. Read more
MSU grad student discovers important molecule in fight against lung infections
An MSU graduate student who wants to reduce the
number of people dying from lung infections has discovered a molecule
that’s critical for immunity. Read more
MSU-based study finds underrepresented students study science if they believe it helps their community
A study conducted by a group of scientists at MSU
and California State University, Long Beach, has found that students
from underrepresented minority groups are more likely to pursue
scientific or research careers in biosciences if they believe the
careers will in some way help them give back to their home communities. Read more
MSU to host elementary, middle and high school students in regional robotics tourney
Students from Montana, Washington, Idaho, Utah and Wyoming will test
their robots against each other on Jan. 30 and 31 in the annual College of Engineering First Robotics championship. Read more
Local company sponsors cumulative $5 million in research at MSU
The technology capabilities of a small Bozeman company have been
compared to Superman’s X-ray vision, while at MSU
it is also the millions of dollars the company has invested in research
over several years that places it in the superhero category. Read more
MSU Extension: Seniors can apply for Montana homeowner/renter tax credit
Montanans who turned 62 or older by the end of last year may qualify for Montana's elderly homeowner/renter tax credit for 2014. Read more