For the first time, scientists have observed ripples in the fabric of spacetime called gravitational waves, arriving at the Earth from a cataclysmic event in the distant universe.
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A team of MSU paleontologists have identified several new types of dinosaurs from fossil evidence discovered in eastern Idaho, demonstrating the presence of a much more diverse group of theropods in the area than was previously known.
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Closely affiliated with the U.S. Commerce Department’s Export Assistance Centers and the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service, the Montana District Export Council is one of 59 nationally working to strengthen American exports. Read more
MSU's Thermal Biology Institute and Montana Institute on Ecosystems have created free, downloadable science valentines featuring microorganisms found in Yellowstone National Park. Read more
The MSU College of Agriculture will host a one-day seminar on Saturday, Feb. 20, for beginners interested in learning how to raise honeybees.
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Montana allows qualifying citizens a credit for a portion of their property taxes or rent paid based on their income. The credit can be used against state income liability or as a direct refund if the person is not required to file a Montana state income tax return.
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