Comment sought for MSU mission statement Montana State University is in the process of reviewing its mission
statement and drafting core themes, in part to comply with new accreditation
requirements. One way you can participate is to help describe what MSU aspires to do well. Read more...
MSU asking for participants in wireworm survey
Montana State University is seeking producers willing to survey wireworms
infesting their fields by setting out simple bait traps shortly after crop
emergence. Irrigated and dryland fields of wheat or barley are sought, with and
without a history of wireworm damage.
Hemingway and Cuban activists at Leadership Institute event Cuban activist Norma Guillard, filmmaker Catherine Murphy and author
Valerie Hemingway will participate in La Fiesta Cubana, a Montana State
University Leadership Institute endowment benefit event to be held at 5:30 p.m.
Monday, March 28, in the MSU Strand Union Building Ballrooms.