The International Business (IB) Minor consists of 30 credits, with 21 credits of required courses and 9 credits of elective courses with a geographic or subject matter focus. Foreign language study is not required but is strongly recommended. Students pursuing the minor are also encouraged to study abroad and/or engage in other intercultural experiences.

Upon completion of the IB Minor, you should be able to explain fundamental concepts associated with conducting business internationally, including in economics, management, finance, marketing and intercultural competence.

If you’re interested in the IB minor, please make an appointment with the IB minor advisor listed below to review the course and complete this form. The completed form may be submitted at any time, but no later than one year before you graduate (for business students, at the same time you submit your pre-graduation worksheet (PGW)).

The form can be picked up from the Office of Student Services in Jabs 124. You can also email them at [email protected] or click here to access the IB minor form through Docusign  (see below for required classes and elective offerings).

IB minor advisor: Dr. Myleen Leary, [email protected], 406-994-6203, Jabs 340

After you’ve met with the IB minor advisor, you will also need to officially declare your IB minor. You can get the change of curriculum form to do so from the Jabs’s Office of Student Services in 124 Jabs Hall or click here to download the form .

Required Courses* for minor:

  • ECNS 101IS, 202, 204IS or 251IS
  • BGEN 210: Actg & Finance Basics**
  • BGEN 242D: Intro to Int'l Business

Take 2 of the following 3 courses:

  • BMKT 325: Principles of Marketing
  • BMGT 335: Mgmt & Organization
  • BFIN 322: Bus. Finance (note pre-requisities)

Take 2 of the following 3 courses:

  • BMKT 441: Int'l Marketing ***
  • BMGT 464: Int'l Management (fall only)
  • BFIN 452: Int'l Finance ***

* Students must earn a C- or better in all courses taken for the minor.

** Business majors may substitute ACTG 202 or 223 & BFIN 322 for BGEN 210. EGEN 330 may substitute for BGEN 210.

*** or substitute course approved by IB minor advisor if not offered

IB minor elective offerings: Pick 3 courses with either a geographic or subject matter focus. Course descriptions for the listings below can be found on MSU's website here:

Geographic Focus Electives:

HSTR 140 D: Modern Asia
HSTR 443: Gender in Asia
PHL 270: Philosophies of Asia

CHIN 102D: Elem. Chinese II
CHIN 201D: Intermed. Chinese I
CHIN 202D: Intermed. Chinese II
CHIN 211D: Chinese Culture & Civ (in Eng.)
CHIN 320IH: Hist. Chinese Cinema (in Eng.)
HSTR 345: Modern China
HSTR 446: Sci & Medicine in China

ANTY 343: Pop Culture: Japan
ANTY 441: Social Movements in Japan
HSTR 145D: Reinventing Japan
HSTR 342: Japan's Meiji Revolution
JPNS 102D: Elem. Japanese II
JPNS 150: Japanese Culture & Civ. (in Eng.)
JPNS 201D: Intermed. Japanese I
JPNS 202D: Intermed. Japanese II
JPNS 305:  Japaese Adv. Convers.
JPNS 321: Modern Japanese Lit. (in Eng.)
JPNS 325: Women in Japanese Lit & Culture (in Eng.)
JPNS 361IH: Text & Cinema (in Eng.)
JPNS 450R: Japanese Lit. & Culture

HSTR 346: Modern India
HSTR 375: Eurasian Borderlands
HSTR 407: Soviet Union: Rise & Fall
HSTR 468: Making of Mod. Turkey

HSTR 102IH: Western Civilization II
HSTR 324: 20th Cent Europe
HSTR 407: Soviet Union: Rise & Fall
PSCI 353: British Politics

FRCH 102D: Elem. French II
FRCH 201D: Intermed. French I
FRCH 202D: Intermed. French II
FRCH 255: French on Stage
FRCH 301: French Oral & Written Expression
FRCH 320D: La France Aujourd'Hui
FRCH 401: French Text & Cinema
FRCH 402: French Lit.
FRCH 450: French Lit. & Culture
HSTR 353: Modern France
GRMN 102D: Elem. German II
GMRN 201D: Intermed. German I
GRMN 202D: Intermed. German II
GRMN 360IH: German Myths (in Eng.)
GRMN 422IH: German Text & Cinema (in Eng.)
GRMN 440IH: German Cultural Studies (in Eng.)
HSTR 362: Modern Germany

SPNS 102D: Elem. Spanish II
SPNS 201D: Intermed. Spanish I
SPNS 202D: Intermed. Spanish II
SPNS 320: Spanish Culture & Civ.
SPNS 342: Passion & Politics in Spanish Lit
SPNS 363IH: Spanish Cinema (in Eng.)
SPNS 460: Contemporary Spain & Nations

HSTR 130D: Latin American History
HSTR 433: Lat. Am. Perspectives
HSTR 435: Lat. Am. Human Rights
SPNS 102D: Elem. Spanish II
SPNS 201D: Intermed. Spanish I
SPNS 202D: Intermed. Spanish II
SPNS 330: Mod Cultures of Lat. Am.
SPNS 332: Contemp. Lat Am. Lit.
SPNS 361: Lat Am Text & Cinema
SPNS 362: Hispanic Poetry
SPNS 416: Lat Am. Culture and Revolution

ARAB 102D: Elem. Modern Arabic II
ARAB 201: Intermed. Modern Arabic I
ARAB 202: Intermed. Modern Arabic II
HSTR 135D: Modern Middle East


Subject Matter Focus

ANTY 101D: Anthro. & Human Experience
ANTY 225IS: Culture, Language & Society
ANTY 473* Language & Culture
BIOH 303: Global Diseases & Health Disparities
BIOO 162CS: Insects & Human Society
NRSG 469: Cultural Applications in Nursing
RLST 202D: Hindu Traditions
RLST 203D: Buddhist Traditions
SOCI 344*: Soc. of Race & Ethnicity
SOCI 355* Population & Society
SOCI 370*: Soc. of Globalization

ARCH 221*: World Arch. Modern
ARCH 323IA: World Arch. II
ARCH 425*: Western Arch. II
ARCH 427*: Non-Western Arch. Hist.
ARTH 201IA: Art of World Civ II
FILM 202D: Film History II: 1960s to Present Studies in Film
FILM 381: Studies in Film
LS 451: Film, Photos & Culture: Global Perspective
MUSI 307IA: World Music

(For business majors: note that these courses will not count as non-business/non-economics courses)
AGBE 210IS: Econ. of Ag. Business
AGBE 315: Agric. in Global Context
ECNS 303: Intermed. Macro w/Calc.
ECNS 314: Int'l Economics
ECNS 317: Economic Development
BFIN 452: Int'l Finance (if not taken as a required course for IB minor)
BGEN 245D*: Cult. Dim. of Int'l Bus
BGEN 365*: Int'l Practicum
BMGT 464: Int'l Management (if not taken as a required course for IB minor)
BMKT 441: Int'l Marketing (if not taken as a required course for IB minor)
GPHY 121D: Human Geography
GPHY 141D: Geography of World Regions
HSTR 102IH: Western Civilization II
HSTR 207CS: Sci & Tech in World History
ANTY 225IS: Culture, Lang & Society
ANTY 473*: Language & Culture
BGEN 245D*: Cult. Dim. of Int'l Bus
LING 210IH: Intro to Language/Linguistics Film
LS 451: Film, Photos & Culture: A Global Perspective
PSYX 462: Psychology of Prejudice

BIOH 303: Global Diseases & Health Disparities
ECNS 317: Economic Development
PSCI 230D: Intro. to Int'l Relations
PSCI 331*: Int'l Relations Theory
PSCI 337: Model United Nations
PSCI 338*: Comparative Politics
PSCI 418: Politics of War & Peace
PSCI 423: Politics of Development
PSCI 434: Int'l Law
PSCI 436*: Pol. of Food & Hunger
PSCI 437*: Int'l Political Economy
PSCI 439: Int'l Human Rights

*offered only "on demand"