October 27th, 2021
Hello, Bobcat parent and family members of first-year students,Just as soon as I say it's the been the best autumn in recent memory, it dumps a foot of snow and the power goes out -- October has been a bit of an adventure! Things are back to normal now and the near-term forecast is looking more familiar. With the combination of stormy weather, homework, mid-semester exams, projects, and quizzes, it's no wonder you might not have heard from your student in a while. If you haven't, now is a good time to check in with your student asking questions like:
In my professional (and personal) life, I'm often surprised by the power of a good sounding board. When we are feeling overwhelmed or frustrated, sometimes we just need someone to listen and ask good questions. Problems can be overwhelming when you try to solve them alone, which leads some students to drop out, but MSU has a resource for nearly all circumstances. The key is matching the problem to the resource and getting the student through the door. If conversation with your student leads to questions about how MSU can support them, please send them my way. Next month, I'll offer a look forward to Spring 2022 classes and share my guidance on coaching your student through the end of their first semester of college Sincerely, Brenda Truman
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