MSU alum and successful businessman gives more than $3 million to College of Business
Jake Jabs, an MSU alum and president and CEO of American Furniture Warehouse based
in Denver, has given more than $3 million to the MSU College of Business. Click here to see excerpts from an interview with Jake Jabs.
The gift will pave the way for thousands of MSU students to hone their entrepreneurial skills.
Jabs, well-known in Colorado for his philanthropy, has come to view gifts to education as an important way to make a difference.
“I thought, ‘Well, where does the money that I give do the most good?’ I got to thinking that maybe if I gave to education, and helped education, that my money would go further,” Jabs said. “I think I can do more good by giving to something like MSU.”
Jabs hopes his gift will provide opportunities for students to receive a strong education so that they can compete well in a global marketplace.
“I think the entrepreneurship center opens doors. It makes students feel like there are other opportunities out there where they could be an entrepreneur, also.”
Click here to read the full story here.
For more information on how gifts make a difference for the College of Business, please contact Jackie Sather, [email protected] or 406-994-6766.