Orser Speaker to Present “What’s Really Going on in the Mideast” on October 10
Orser Speaker to Present “What’s Really Going on in the Mideast” on October 10
Dr. M.H. Elovitz will present “What’s Really Going on in the Mideast,” on Thursday,
October 10, from 4:10-5:30 p.m., in Leon Johnson Hall 339. Dr. Elovitz will explore
how the Mideast crisis affects major business dealings and economic development, which
does not stop at the Montana border. He will discuss the factors and motivations in
the fractured and often chaotic Mideast that impact these relationships.
Dr. Elovitz is recognized for his penetrating insights and astute assessments of world affairs. His distinctive careers, extensive worldwide travels and diverse international contacts help produce presentations with uncommon depth, offering a unique understanding of world affairs. He provides unjaded content and context, which are often absent from the print and broadcast media. As a result, Dr. Elovitz’s dynamic presentations are colorful, illuminating and decidedly thought provoking.
Currently, Dr. Elovitz is director of the Centre for Strategic Geopolitics, a world affairs think tank. Prior to lecturing around the world, he served as a professor of law, a litigator, a U.S. government advisor and a U.S. Air Force officer. As a Phi Beta Kappa scholar, he has earned four post-graduate degrees.
Dr. Elovitz has lived in the Mideast and Europe and periodically visits 16 Muslim countries, as well as multiple South Asian nations. As a United States Air Force officer, he was liaison to American military stationed throughout Europe, England and Africa. In that capacity, he received the U.S.A.F. Commendation Medal.
Additionally, Dr. Elovitz served in Washington during the Carter and Reagan Administrations
as a government advisor on public policy. He has testified before the U.S. Congress’
Committee on Foreign Affairs and he has been a participant in the U.S. Naval War College’s
Current Strategy Forum.
Dr. Elovitz has also published hundreds of articles addressing a wide range of subjects
including legal liability, biomedical ethics, American public policy, world affairs
and international geopolitics. Some of Dr. Elovitz’s colorful commentaries include:
“The Machievellian Mideast,” “The Soggy Syrian Spring,” “Bear Claws & Dragon Breath,”
“Whose Lunch is the Dragon Eating?,” “Should the Aryans Have Nukes?,” “Iranian Doublespeak,”
“A Pressure Cooker, a Boiling Pot & a Lions’ Den” and “When is Later Too Late?”Â
In addition, Dr. Elovitz has authored a regular newspaper column focusing on enhanced
healthcare delivery. He has also been the lively and often provocative anchor/commentator
for a world affairs TV show.
The MSU Jake Jabs College of Business & Entrepreneurship’s David Orser Executive Speakers Forum is named for David B. Orser, a 1966 MSU graduate who started funding the program in 1988 to inspire MSU business students to pursue careers as innovative, responsible and ethical business leaders. For more information about the forum, contact Audrey Lee at 406-994-7026 or [email protected].