1. Commencement is NOT the same as graduation! Applying for your degree (graduation) is a separate process from attending the ceremony (commencement). The application for graduation initiates the process for your transcript to be audited to ensure you met all the academic requirements of your curriculum, having the degree posted on your transcript, and having a diploma printed. All candidates for graduation, whether or not participating in commencement, MUST apply for their degrees.
  2. Graduate student deadlines for graduation application
    • Spring Degree Candidates – February 5th
    • Summer Candidates – June 10th
    • Fall Candidates – September 20th
  3. To access the degree application, log into MyInfo, click apply to graduate under student services tab

All graduates participating in commencement are required to wear regalia to the ceremony, unless following Montana State Law 2 – 1 – 315. See Below.

American Indian Tribal Regalia

In accordance with Montana State Law 2-1-315, American Indian degree candidates are permitted to wear tribal regalia instead of traditional academic regalia at Montana State University’s commencement ceremonies. Keep in mind that all students participating in commencement must adhere to accepted university standards regarding appropriate content, as outlined below. For more information about Montana State Law 2-1-315 please visit the Montana Code Annotated 2017 web page.

  1. Your name will be featured in the Commencement program corresponding to the term for which you applied for your degree.
  2. Student MUST apply by their term of graduation deadline, if they apply after the deadline they will need to check the program for their name and notify [email protected] to have their name added. If you do not notify [email protected] your name will not be included in the program.
  1. Diplomas will be mailed to students approximately 10 weeks after the end of the semester. An email notification will be sent from the diploma company Michael Sutters once your email has been printed and shipped. All diplomas will be going to the CURRENT MAILING ADDRESS on file.
    • Spring graduates will receive their diploma in July
    • Summer graduates will receive their diploma in October
    • Fall graduates will receive their diploma in March
  1. For framing purposes, diploma measurements are as follows:
    • Undergraduate – 8.5 X 11
    • Masters – 11 X 14
    • Doctoral – 12 X 17

Hooding rehearsal in the Brick Breeden Fieldhouse Thursday, May 8th at 1:00pm 

Please make sure your chair/person hooding you will be at the rehersal as well. 

Please meet in the arena towards the front of the stage.

Join us in a day of celebration of your incredible achievement of walking across stage and completing your academic journey! This is a momentous occasion that marks the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. Once the ceremony is over you will want to capture the moments of you and your family on campus.  After the ceremony, take pictures with your family and friends in photographic locations around campus. Use #CatGrad25 on your social media posts so we can celebrate this accomplishment with you! 

  • The Spirit Statue on Alumni Plaza 
  • Outside of Montana Hall
  • On Romney Oval
  • Your favorite campus building
  • The Sonny Holland statue outside of Bobcat Athletics Center
  • The MSU sign on the corner of Kagy and 11th
  • The MSU sign on the corner of College and 11th