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Climate Smart Montana is a non-partisan, non-profit network with the goal of sharing information and resources to better coordinate community-based climate solutions and resiliency efforts in Montana.


 Network Activities Include:Climate Smart Montana Photo Collage

  1. Collect and distribute the most relevant climate science materials, news, and resources.
  2. Share best practices and highlight success stories of communities that have adopted local climate solutions.
  3. Understand local challenges related to a shifting climate and share strategies to adapt to those changes.
  4. Facilitate community efforts to accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy.
  5. Identify and obtain funds to strengthen community resilience across Montana.
  6. Encourage other communities to participate in this network and support their efforts to advance local climate solutions.

 Climate Smart Montana CollageListserve

We have an unmoderated listserve ([email protected]) to share information and network. To join the Climate Smart Montana list serve, send an email to: [email protected] with the following text in the Subject: "subscribe climatesmartmontana YourFirstName YourLastName"

For more information, contact Paul Lachapelle at paul.lachapelle@montana.edu


Get names and contact information for participating individuals and organizations. Update your participant information here.


Climate Smart Montana CollageMontana Community Climate Action Plans

See the existing and proposed community climate action plans in Montana (also known as resiliency or sustainability plans) ; learn more about the term 'community resiliency.'

Resources and Publications

See resources and publications on topics relevant to Climate Smart Montana's work.

Past Events

October 16, 2019: Institute on Ecosystems Rough Cut Science lecture "Creating Climate Resilient Communities"

October 3, 2019: Montana League of Cities and Towns 88th Annual Conference presentation "Creating Climate Resilient Communities"

Climate Smart Montana Collage

Meeting Recordings

Our next meeting is Tuesday, March 25th, 12:30pm.

Anne Hedges, Executive Director, Montana Environmental Information Center, presenting "Montana Legislative Overview of Bills Related to Climate Change."

Please join the listserv to learn more about upcoming webinars!

February 25, 2025  Megan J. Wolff, Ph.D., MPH, Cottonwood Environmental Law Center, presenting "Bad, but how bad? Plastics, Climate, and Human Health."

January 28, 2025Steve Thompson, Climate Smart Glacier Country, presenting “The Launch of the Northwest Montana Climate Network”

December 11, 2024  Laurel Eastman, Mountain West Region Coordinator, Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL), presenting “Prioritizing Climate Solutions with En-ROADS: A Path to a Livable Future." 

November 20, 2024  Meghan Guevara, Senior Grant Manager, JSI Research & Training, presenting “An EPA Funding Opportunity: The Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program.”

October 16, 2024  Adam Gill, Executive Director, and Carolyn Jones,C-PACE Program Manager, presenting “Financing Projects With The Montana Facility Finance Authority.”     

September 18, 2024  MarkBostrom, Administrator, Conservation and Resource Development Division, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation presenting“Montana's Forest, Community and Working Landscapes Climate Resiliency Project

May 2, 2024  Jesse Therien, Montana Project Manager, Yellowstone-Teton Clean Cities, presenting "Alternative Transportation Fuels and Technologies available and deployed around Montana."

April 4, 2024  Bill Barron, Citizens' Climate Lobby Mountain West Regional Director, presenting "Lobbying for the Climate: Your Role in Shaping the Future."

March 7, 2024  "Transforming the Rural Narrative on Climate Solutions" featuring Madeline McGill, Communications Director, Resource Rural, a project of the Heartland Fund.

February 1, 2024  LET'S SUPPORT MONTANA SCHOOLS: A collaborative effort to win climate pollution reduction funds for one of our most important community resources featuring Winona Bateman, Families for a Livable Climate, Bruce Peterson, Dawson Resource Council, and Steve Thompson, former Exec. Dir. of NCAT.

January 4, 2024 featuring Keith Fichtner, Financial Advisor, Edward Jones presenting "Decarbonize Your Money."  This webinar will address the increasingly popular options to change your investment options to eliminate fossil fuels and other funds that do not meet environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria. 

December 7, 2023Robin Paone, Bret Luedke, Angie Winter, and Laurel Eastman representing Citizens’ Climate Lobby presenting “CCL Montana: Climate Advocacy in Action.”  Get the presentation handout here.

Monday, November 27, 2023Denise Roth Barber, Climate Pollution Reduction Coordinator, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, presenting “Climate Pollution Reduction Grant." Get the presentation handout here.

November 2, 2023 William Kattrup (Researcher, Brown University Climate and Development Lab), Isaac Slevin (Researcher, Brown University Climate and Development Lab), and Timmons Roberts (Ittleson Professor of Environmental Studies and Sociology at Brown University and the Executive Director of the Climate Social Science Network).

October 5, 2023 Makenna Sellers, Executive Director, Montana Renewable Energy Association. “What's the deal with DERs (Distributed Energy Resources)? Montana rooftop solar in the context of a clean energy transition.” 

September 7, 2023  Dennis "Chipper" Longknife Jr., Fort Belknap Indian Community's (FBIC) Climate Change Coordinator, presenting "Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the Aaniiih and Nakoda People."

August 3, 2023  Sierra Harris, Climate Conservation Coordinator, Greater Yellowstone Coalition, presenting “Assessing Climate Change Priorities and Projects in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.”

July 6, 2023  Kevin P. Owens, PE, former General Manager, Beartooth Electric Cooperative presenting “Understanding Electric Cooperatives: Lessons from the Beartooth Electric Cooperative.”

June 1, 2023"Creating local climate solutions through Climate Resilience VISTA partnerships." Steve Thompson from NCAT and Callye Foster from Montana Campus Compact will provide an overview of their collaboration with local partners to support community capacity to work on local climate solutions through MTCC’s Climate Resilience VISTA cohort.

May 4, 2023  Anderson Rosenthal, Founder, Project Winterland, presenting “Can Flathead County meet a challenge to become the first carbon-negative county in the nation by 2040?"

April 6, 2023  Joan Kresich, Board Chair with Northern Plains Resource Council, presenting “A critique of NWE's Laurel Methane Fired Plant”.  

March 2, 2023  Anne Hedges, Director of Policy and Legislative Affairs, MEIC, presenting “Legislative Update.”

February 2, 2023  featuring Karen Stears, member of the City of Billings Energy & Conservation Commission presenting "City of Billing’s LEED GOLD certification." 

January 5, 2023  featuring Isaac Cheek, Mike Lily and Youpa Stein, presenting "Plastics and Climate Change: A Big Picture and a Montana Actions View."

December 1, 2022  featuring Don Safer, Sierra Club Tennessee Chapter Know Nukes Chair, presenting "New Nuclear Power is a Losing Climate Solution,"  Get the handout here.

November 3, 2022  featuring Kyla Maki, MT DEQ, covering updates on the state implementation of federal funding for electric vehicle charging infrastructure. 

October 6, 2022  featuring Diego Rivas, Senior Policy Associate,Northwest Energy Coalition

September1, 2022  featuring Kristi Drake, Executive Director, Billings Trailnet

August 4, 2022  featuring Michael Durglo Jr, Tribal Preservation Department Head of the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes, presenting "Indigenized models of climate adaptation: Biocultural restoration of whitebark pine forests by the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes"

July 7, 2022  featuring Dr. Beth Schenk, PhD, RN, FAAN, Executive Director, Environmental Stewardship, Providence, presenting "An Introduction to Decarbonizing Healthcare."  

June 2, 2022  Featuring Dr. Tyler Hoecker, Climate Adaptation Postdoctoral Fellow with the University of Montana, presenting "Anticipating forests of the future in the northern Rockies."  

May 5, 2022  Featuring Matt Madsen, Research Associate with the Western Transportation Institute, presenting “GoGallatin – Sustainable Transportation Solutions”

April 7, 2022 Featuring Peter McDonough, Climate Change Studies Program Director, University of Montana, presenting “How Not to Teach Climate Change.”   

March 3, 2022  Featuring Emma Redfoot, Secretary and Board Member with Mothers for Nuclear  on "The future of nuclear power in an evolving energy world".

February 3, 2022  Featuring Courtney Long, Assistant City Planner, Red Lodge, MT., presenting Energy Conservation for Small Towns: Small towns can make big progress toward climate resiliency, which Red Lodge is tackling with its 2018 Energy Conservation Plan.

January 6, 2022 Featuring David Strohmaier, Missoula County Commissioner and Chair of the Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority on current and future initiatives to reestablish passenger rail across the state. 

December 2, 2021Featuring Steve Thompson and several of his colleagues from the National Center for Appropriate Technology to discuss implementing the Montana Climate Solutions Plan.

November 4, 2021Featuring  Nate Bellinger, Senior Staff Attorney, Our Children's Trust, who will discuss the current Held v. State of Montana lawsuit.

October 7, 2021Featuring, Kyla Maki, Energy Resource Professional with MT DEQ, "Planning for Electric Vehicles in Montana.” Specifically Kyla will cover: state funding for charging stations and vehicles; coordination with neighboring states; federal EV corridor designations, focused on interstates/highways in Montana; planned private investments in EV stations in Montana; and fuel tax and regulatory issues.

September 2, 2021Featuring Peter Reynolds, Chair of the Bitterroot Climate Action Group (BCAG) & BCAG colleagues, "Starting the Conversation: Building Climate Resiliency in a Rural Community.” Please review this information at: https://bitterrootcag.org/our-science-primer/ which was written by a panel of scientists and local experts in 2020 to serve as a basis for starting climate resilience planning.  

August 5, 2021Featuring Bonnie Rouse, Section Supervisor, Energy Efficiency & Compliance Assistance, MT DEQ (https://deq.mt.gov/energy/Programs/code), Energy and Radon Code for New Construction: Implications for Enhancing Climate Resiliency and Improving Occupant Health.”

July 1, 2021 Featuring Amy Cilimburg from Climate Smart Missoula and Sarah Coefield, Missoula's Air Quality Specialist, impacts and ways to adapt to wildfire smoke. https://www.missoulaclimate.org/wildfire-smoke.html  

June 3, 2021 Featuring  Anne Hedges from MEIC , energy/climate-related laws passed from the most recent Montana legislative session.

May 6, 2021 Featuring: Carolyn Craven and Amy Rapp, “Great Falls Slaughterhouse Mega-Complex” 

April 1, 2021 Featuring: Dr. Andrea Hamre, of the Western Transportation Institute and Vanessa Palmer of Streamline Bus

March 4, 2021  Featuring: Anne Hedges, MEIC

February 4, 2021  Featuring: Patrick Judge, Helena Sustainability Coordinator

January 7, 2021  Featuring: Karen Stears and Randy Hafer, Billings Energy & Conservation Commission

December 10, 2020  Featuring: Tom Woods    

November 12, 2020  Featuring: Sen. Pat Flowers (SD32), Rep. Mary Ann Dunwell (HD84), and Rep. Christopher Pope (HD65)

October 8, 2020

September 10, 2020  Featuring: Steve Thompson, National Center for Appropriate Technology

August 6, 2020 

July 9, 2020 Featuring: Tom Woods 

June 4, 2020  Featuring: Constanza von der Pahlen and Adrian Leighton, Salish Kootenai College

May 7, 2020  Featuring: Tonya Graham, Geos Institute      

April 2, 2020 Featuring: Michelle Archie, Harbinger Consulting

March 5, 2020 Featuring: Mary Sheehy Moe, City of Great Falls          

Feb. 6, 2020

Jan. 9, 2020


 Our Partners Include: 

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