Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Faculty

Daniel Samborsky, MS, P.E., P.Eng.
Research Coordinator, Instructor
I also get paid to break lots of stuff and do failure analysis
Office in 130 / 136 Barnard Hall
Testing Lab - 138 Barnard Hall
Composites processing lab - 008C Barnard Hall
Mail Box located in:
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Dept.
220 Roberts Hall
Bozeman, MT 59717
Email: [email protected]
ph: 406.994.7186
- M.S. Civil Engineering, Montana State University
- B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Montana State University
- 1989 - Pres. Research Engineer, Montana State University
- 1983 - 2002 Design and Research Engineer, Samalta Design Associates Engineering Ltd, Edmonton, Alberta.
- and lots of other engineering projects all over the place (Material and component failure analysis).
- P. Eng. - The Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta
- P.E. - State of Montana
- Outstanding 2003 Wind Energy Journal Article ("New Fatigue Data for Wind Turbine Blade Materials", ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, V.125, No. 4, November 2003)
- Outstanding conference paper award (Prediction of Delamination in Wind Turbine Blade Structural Details) 2003 ASME Wind Energy Symposium)
- 2002 MSU College of Engineering Outstanding Research Award
- 2002 MSU College of Engineering Outstanding Classified Employee Award
- 1998 received the best wind energy conference paper 1998 ASME Wind Energy Symposium
DOE/MSU composite material fatigue database (glass, carbon and hybrids)
- failure analysis (metals, plastics and composites), components and structures
- environmental conditioning of composites
- static and fatigue properties of: unidirectional, angle ply laminates, determination of off axis material properties for FEA models
- fatigue of servo hydraulic testing machines and support equipment
- effects of "good" humor on professors and staff (non-paid research but FUN)
Life is to short not to smile; ............and it makes everyone nervous.
Contractor reports
Mandell, J.F., Samborsky, D.D., Miller, D.A., Agastra, P., Sears, A.T, "Analysis of SNL/MSU/DOE Fatigue Database Trends for Wind Turbine Blade Materials, 2010-2015", Contractor Report SAND2016-1441, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM (2016).
3-D Static Elastic Constants and Strength Properties of a Glass/Epoxy Unidirectional Laminates
Mandell, J.F., Samborsky, D.D., Agastra, P., Sears, A.T., and Wilson, T.J., "Analysis of SNL/MSU/DOE Fatigue Database Trends for Wind Turbine Blade Materials," Contractor Report SAND2010-7052, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM (2010).
Wahl, N.W., Mandell, J.F., and Samborsky, D.D., "Spectrum Fatigue Lifetime and Residual Strength for Fiberglass Laminates," Contractor Report SAND2002-0546, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM (2002).
Mandell, J.F., Samborsky, D.D., and Cairns, D.S. "Fatigue of Composite Materials and Substructures for Wind Turbine Blades," Contractor Report SAND2002-0771, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM (2002).
Mandell, J. F., Samborsky, D. D., Combs, D.W., Scott, M.E., and Cairns, D.S, "Fatigue of Composite Material Beam Elements Representative of Wind Turbine Blade Substructure," NREL Contractor Report SR-500-24379, November 1998.
Mandell, J.F., and Samborsky, "DOE/MSU Composite Material Fatigue Database: Test Methods, Materials, and Analysis," Contractor Report SAND97-3002, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM (1997).
Mandell, J.F., Reed, R.M. Jr. and Samborsky, D.D., "Fatigue of Fiberglass Wind Turbine Blade Materials," Contractor Report SAND92-7005, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM (1992).
Mandell, J.F., Samborsky, D.D. and Miller, D., "Creep/Fatigue Behavior of Resin Infused Biaxial Glass Fabric Laminates," 54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 2013, DOI 10.2514/6.2013-1630
Mandell, J.F., Samborsky, D.D. and Miller, D., "The SNL/MSU/DOE Fatigue of Composite Materials Database: Recent Trends," 53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 23–26 April 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii, AIAA-2012-1573
Miller, D., Mandell, J.F. and Samborsky, D.D.,"Performance of Composite Materials Subjected to Salt Water Environments," 53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 23–26 April 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii, AIAA-2012-1575.
Samborsky, D.D., Sears, A.T., Agastra P. and Mandell, J.F. ,"Mixed Mode Static and Fatigue Crack Growth in Wind Blade Paste Adhesives, "Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, 59717, USA. AIAA-2011-1755. Presented atAIAA-SDM 2011, Denver, April 2011.
Samborsky, D.D., Agastra, P., and Mandell, J.F., "Fatigue Trends for Wind Blade Infusion Resins and Fabrics", 2010 AIAA SDM, April 2010, Orlando, Wind Energy Session, AIAA-2010-2820
Edgecombe, B. D., Cruce, C., Stephen, T, McCarthy, T., Mandell, J. F., Samborsky, D. D., Agastra, P. and Wetzel, K. K.
“Effects of a new, high-toughness infusion resin on the fatigue performance and defect-tolerance of glass composite laminates,”
AWEA Windpower conference, Dallas, May 2010.
Sears, A.T., Samborsky, D.D., Agastra, P., and Mandell, J.F., "Fatigue Results and Analysis for Thick Adhesive Notched Lap Shear Test", 2010 AIAA SDM, April 2010, Orlando, Wind Energy Session, AIAA-2010-2821
Qian, C, Nijssen, R. P. L., Samborsky, D.D., Kassapoglou, C, Gürdal, Z., Zhang, C.Q., "Tensile Fatigue Behavior of Single Fibres and FibreBundles", 14th European Conference on Composite Materials, 7-10, June 2010, Budapest, Hungary.
Agastra, P. Samborsky, D.D., and Mandell, J.F.,"Fatigue Resistance of Fiberglass Laminates at Thick Material Transitions," Palm Springs, May 2009, paper AIAA-2009-2411.
Samborsky, D.D, Wilson, T.J., and Mandell, J.F., "Comparison of Tensile Fatigue Resistance and Constant Life Diagrams for Several Potential Wind Turbine Blade Laminates," Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol.131, Iss.1, February 2009
Samborsky, D.D., Sears, A.T., Mandell, J.F., and Kils, O., "Static and Fatigue Testing of Thick Adhesive Joints for Wind Turbine Blades," 2009 Wind Energy Symposium, Orlando, Florida, January 5-8, 2009, AIAA-2009-1550.
Samborsky , D.D, Wilson, T.J., Agastra, P., and Mandell, J.F., "Delamination at Thick Ply Drops in Carbon and Glass Fiber Laminates Under Fatigue Loading," Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Special Issue on Wind Energy, ASME, Vol.130, August 2008, pp.1-8.
Samborsky, D.D, Agastra, P., and Mandell, J.F., "Effects of Glass Fabric and Laminate Construction on the Fatigue of Resin Infused Blade Materials," 2008 Wind Energy Symposium, January 2008, Reno, Nevada
Jacob, G.C.,Bernd H., Pham, H.Q., Dettloff,M.L., Verghese,N.E., Turakhia, R.H., Hunter, G., Mandell, J.F., Samborsky, D.D.,"Technical Advances in Epoxy Technology for Wind Turbine Blade Composite Fabrication," SAMPE 2009, October 19-22, 2009, Wichita, Kansas.
Samborsky, D.D, Wilson, T.J., and Mandell, J.F., "Comparison of Tensile Fatigue Resistance and Constant Life Diagrams for Several Potential Wind Turbine Blade Laminates," 2007 Wind Energy Symposium, January 2007, Reno, Nevada.
Samborsky, D.D, Avery, D.P., Agastra, P., and Mandell, J.F., "Delamination at Thick Ply Drops in Carbon Fiber Laminates Under Fatigue Loading," 2006 Wind Energy Symposium, January 2006, Reno, Nevada.
Nijssen, R.P.L., Samborsky, D.D., Mandell, J.F., van Delft, D.R.V.,
“Strength Degradation and Simple Load Spectrum Tests in Rotor Blade Composites,” 2005 ASME Wind Energy Symposium, ASME/AIAA.,AIAA-2005-0197, pp. 28-38. (2005)
Avery, D. P., Samborsky D. D., Mandell, J. F. and Cairns, D. S., "Compression Strength of Carbon Fiber Laminates Containing Flaws with Fiber Waviness," 2004 ASME Wind Energy Symposium, ASME/AIAA., AIAA-2004-0174, pp. 54-63. (2004)
Mandell, J.F., Samborsky, D.D., Wahl, N.K., and Sutherland, H.J., "Testing and Analysis of Low Cost Composite Materials Under Spectrum Loading and High Cycle Fatigue Conditions," Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-14), Society of Manufacturing Engineers, San Diego, California, July 14 - 18, 2003. Paper 1811. (2003)
Mandell, J.F., Cairns, D.S., Samborsky, D.D., Morehead, R.B., and Haugen,D.J., "Prediction of Delamination in Wind Turbine Blade Structural Details," Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, ASME, Vol. 125, No. 4, pp. 522-530. November 2003. (2003)
Mandell, J.F., Samborsky, D.D., Wang, L., and Wahl, N.K., "New Fatigue Data for Wind Turbine Blade Materials," Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, ASME, Vol. 125, No. 4, pp. 506-514. November 2003. (2003).
Mandell, J.F., Samborsky, D.D., Wang, L., and Wahl, N.K., "New Fatigue Data for Wind Turbine Blade Materials," 2003 ASME Wind Energy Symposium, ASME/AIAA. AIAA-2003-0692, pp. 167-179.
Cairns, D.S., Mandell, J.F., and Samborsky, D.D., "Quantification of Processing Parameters for Wind Turbine Blades," 2003 ASME Wind Energy Symposium, ASME/AIAA. AIAA-2003-0694, pp. 180-190.
Mandell, J.F., Cairns, D.S., Samborsky, D.D., Morehead, R.B., and Haugen, D.J., "Prediction of Delamination in Wind Turbine Blade Structural Details," 2003 ASME Wind Energy Symposium, ASME/AIAA. AIAA-2003-0697, pp. 202-213.
Mandell, J.F. Samborsky, D.D., and Wang, L., "Effects of Fiber Waviness on Composites for Wind Turbine Blades," Proceedings of the 48th International SAMPE Symposium, Vol. 48, SAMPE 2003, Long Beach, CA, May 11-15, 2003. pp. 2653 - 2678, ISBN 0-938-99494-8, (2003)
Wahl, N.K., Samborsky, D.D., Mandell, J.F., and Cairns, D.S., "Effects of Modeling Parameters on the Accuracy of Spectrum Fatigue Lifetime Predictions for a Fiberglass Laminate," 2002 ASME Wind Energy Symposium, ASME/AIAA.
Larsen, E.B., Cairns, D.S., Mandell, J.F., and Samborsky, D.D., "Investigation of a Two-Stage Resin Injection Process to Reduce Effects of In-Plane Resin Flow, "2002 ASME Wind Energy Symposium, ASME/AIAA.
Wahl, N.W., Samborsky, D.D., Mandell, J.F., and Cairns, D.S., "Spectrum Fatigue Lifetime and Residual Strength for Fiberglass Laminates in Tension,"2001 ASME Wind Energy Symposium, AIAA-2001-0025, ASME/AIAA. (2001)
Mandell, J.F., Samborsky, D.D., Li. M., Orozco, R., and Cairns, D.S., "Selection of Fiberglass Matrix Resins for Increased Toughness and Environmental Resistance in Wind Turbine Blades," 2000 ASME Wind Energy Symposium, ASME/AIAA, AIAA-2000-0057, pp. 354- 366. (2000)
Samborsky, D. D., Mandell, J. F., and Cairns, D. S, "Selection of Reinforcing Fabrics for Wind Turbine Blades," 1999 ASME Wind Energy Symposium, AIAA-99-0024, ASME/AIAA, pp. 32-42. (1999).
Mandell, J. F., Samborsky, D. D., Sutherland, H. J., "Effects of Materials Parameters and Design Details on the Fatigue of Composite Materials for Wind Turbine Blades," 1999 European Wind Energy Conference, 1-5 March 1999, Nice, France, pp. 628-633.
Samborsky, Daniel, "Fatigue of E-glass Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials and Substructures," M.S. Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, Montana State University, 1999.
Mandell, J. F., Samborsky, D. D., Scott, M.E., and Cairns, D. S, "Effects of Structural Details on Delamination and fatigue Life of Fiberglass Laminates," 1998 ASME Wind Energy Symposium, ASME/AIAA, 98-0061, pp. 323 - 327. (1998).
Cairns, D. S., Haugen, D. J., Mandell, J. F., and Samborsky, D. D., "Fracture of Skin/Stiffener Intersections in Composite Wind Turbine Structures," 1998 Wind Energy Symposium, ASME/AIAA, 98-0062, pp. 334 - 343. (1998).
Mandell, J.F., Samborsky, D.D., and Cairns, D.S., "Advanced Wind Turbine Blade Structure Development Program at Montana State University," 1997 ASME Wind Energy Symposium, ASME/AIAA, AIAA-97-0952, pp. 189-196 (1997).
Samborsky, D.D., and Mandell, J.F., "Fatigue Resistant Fiberglass Laminates for Wind Turbine Blades," 1996 ASME Wind Energy Symposium, ASME, pp. 46-51 (1996).
Mandell, J.F., Combs, D.E., and Samborsky, D.D., "Fatigue of Fiberglass Beam Substructures," 1995 ASME Wind Energy Symposium, W.D. Musial, S.M. Hock, and D.E. Berg, Eds., SED- Vol. 16, ASME, pp. 99 - 106 (1995).
Mandell, J.F.; Samborsky, D.D., "MSU/DOE Wind Turbine Blade Composite Material Fatigue Database," November 1995, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, 87185. Yearly updates available at
Mandell, J.F., Reed, R.M. Jr., Samborsky, D.D., and Pan, Q., "Fatigue Performance of Wind Turbine Blade Materials," in SED-Vol 14, 1993 ASME Wind Energy Symposium, S. Hock, ed., ASME, New York, pp. 191-198. (1993).
Mandell, J.F., Reed, R.M., and Samborsky, D.D., "High Cycle Fatigue of Wind Turbine Blade Materials," in SED-Vol 12, 1992 ASME Wind Energy Symposium, P.S. Veers, S.M. Hock, eds., ASME, New York, p. 105 (1992).