Question: May I design a new logo or use an existing logo for my program or group?

Answer: Anyone may apply for exemption from the MSU Graphic Identity Policy. Your request for exemption will be reviewed by the graphic identity committee. However, before applying for exemption, consider these questions:

  • Could your group or program use a unit identifier instead? (see example below) [If no, you will be asked to explain why an MSU unit identifier would substantially inhibit your program or group from achieving its communications goals.] If yes, contact Ron Lambert in MSU Creative Services, 406-994-5128 or [email protected], to receive a unit identifier file.
  • Could you use the overall graphic look of your promotional materials (photos, colors, graphic style, etc.) to project a unique identity for your program, while still including the MSU logo (or appropriate brand extension or unit identifier)? [If no, you will be asked to explain why using a form of the MSU logo will confuse stakeholders or drive customers away]
  • Does including the MSU logo violate laws, contractual agreements or regulations imposed by an external agency?
  • Is your program or group located on the MSU campus in Bozeman but involves other colleges or interests that would not be adequately represented by the MSU logo?
  • Is there a reason that the MSU logo alone cannot represent the interests of groups external to the campus that cooperate with you?
  • Does your program or group benefit by maintaining an identity that is separate from MSU? [If yes, this may be an organizational question that should be discussed with the president and/or provost.] If you apply for exemption, the review committee will consider:
    • Whether your group’s mission is consistent with one or more of MSU’s core missions,

    • Whether your target audience(s) are the same as the core MSU audience(s), and

    • Whether public perception would clearly be enhanced by your group being separated from MSU.

    • Other criteria to consider include: source of funding for your organization; whether your group’s employees receive an MSU paycheck; what other groups might be confused with yours; does your group benefit in any way from being associated with MSU; and whether your dean, director or department head supports your request to use a unique logo.

Example of unit identifier:

The vertical MSU logo with a unit identifier saying "Molecular Biosciences Program"

Vertical Unit Identifier


The hoirzontal MSU logo with a unit identifier saying "Molecular Biosciences Program"

Horizontal Unit Identifier