
Adjunct Professor of Geology
Eby Petrography and Consulting, Inc.

Contact Information:

Email:  [email protected]


A.B.  -  Geology, Franklin & Marshall College, 1969
M.Sc. - Geology, Brown University, 1972
Ph.D. - Geology, State Univ. of N. Y. at Stony Brook ,1977

Research Interests:

I am particularly interested in research and teaching related to carbonate reservoir characterization, microbialite reservoirs and depositional settings, carbonate sedimentology and diagenesis, non-marine (lacustrine and terrestrial) carbonates, carbonate outcrop analogue studies, stratabound ore deposits, CO2 sequestration pilot studies, and terrestrial analogues for Martian sedimentary deposits


Dave Eby is a Geoscientist with a total of 44 years experience in the oil and gas industry as well as academia.  He taught at four universities and colleges (Univ. of Texas at Dallas and at Arlington; Franklin & Marshall College, and Southampton College), acting as the principal supervisor of several PhD and MSc students; performed research and served as a carbonate trainer at two major oil company research labs (Mobil and Marathon); and performed teaching, technical service projects and research for a large independent oil company (Union Pacific Resources – now Anadarko).  He is the principal of a consulting company he founded that works within the oil and gas E&P, corporate training, and CO2 sequestration sectors.  He has been the principal carbonate and petrographic consultant to the Utah Geological Survey for over 17 years.   His carbonate reservoir-related projects have been worldwide.  He has published broadly and has delivered papers on carbonate reservoir characterization, carbonate sedimentology, diagenesis, outcrop analogue studies, stratabound ore deposits, CO2 sequestration pilot studies, and terrestrial analogues for Martian sedimentary deposits (with his daughter and colleague, Rebecca Williams, a Planetary Geologist).  He has served as an associate editor over many years for the AAPG Bulletin and the Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 

Selected Publications:

Blakeney, B. and D. E. Eby, 1988, Upper Devonian Nisku Formation at East Kevin Field, Sweetgrass Arch, Montana, in M. W. Longman and S. Goolsby (eds.), Carbonate Reservoirs of the Rocky Mountain Basin:  Rocky Mtn. Assoc. Geologists, p. 121-128 and p. 436-439.

Chidsey, T. C. Jr., L. Brinton, D. E. Eby, and K. Hartmann, 1996, Carbonate-mound reservoirs in the Paradox Formation: An outcrop analogue along the San Juan River, southeastern Utah, in A. C. Huffman, Jr., W. R. Lund and L. H. Godwin (eds.) Geology and Resources of the Paradox Basin:  Utah Geol. Assoc. Guidebook 25, p. 139-150.

Chidsey, T. C. Jr. and D. E. Eby, 2010, Regional lithofacies trends in the Upper Ismay and Lower Desert Creek zones in the Blanding Sub-basin of the Paradox Basin, Utah, in L. Wray, P. Moreland and W. Huston (eds.) Geology and Resources of the Paradox Basin: Rocky Mountain Assoc. of Geologists (CD).

Chidsey, T. C. Jr., D. E. Eby, and D. M. Lorenz, 1996, Geological and reservoir characterization of small shallow-shelf carbonate fields, southern Paradox Basin, Utah, in A. C. Huffman, Jr., W. R. Lund and L. H. Godwin (eds.) Geology and Resources of the Paradox Basin: Utah Geol. Assoc. Guidebook 25, p. 39-56.

Chidsey, Jr., T. C., D. E. Eby and M. D. Vanden Berg, in review for 2014 pub., Modern and Ancient Microbial Carbonates in Utah, U.S.A.: Examples from Great Salt Lake and the Uinta Basin’s Tertiary (Eocene) Green River Formation, Geological Society of London Sp. Pub., Microbialites in Time and Space, London, U.K.

Choquette, P., D. E. Eby and L. Brinton, 1997, Pennsylvanian Phylloid Algal Buildups with examples from the Paradox Basin, in P. A. Scholle and N. P. James (eds.), Middle Ordovician to Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) Carbonates and Associated Rocks, SEPM Photo CD-16.

Montgomery, S. L., T. C. Chidsey, Jr., D. E. Eby, D. M. Lorenz and W. E. Culham, 1999, Pennsylvanian carbonate buildups, Paradox Basin: Increasing reserves in heterogenous, shallow-shelf reservoirs: AAPG Bull., v. 83, no. 2, p. 193-210.

Vanden Berg, M.D., D. E. Eby, Chidsey, Jr., T. C. and M. D. Laine, in review for 2014 pub., Microbial carbonates in cores from the Tertiary (Eocene) Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, USA: Analogues for Non-Marine Microbialite Reservoirs Worldwide, Geological Society of London Microbialites in Time and Space Sp. Pub., Microbialites in Time and Space, London, U.K.

Williams, R. M. E., T. C. Chidsey, Jr. and D. E. Eby, 2011, Field guide to exhumed paleochannels near Green River, Utah: Terrestrial analogs for sinuous ridges on Mars. IN: B. Garry and J. Bleacher (eds.) Analogs for Planetary Exploration, Geological Society of America Spec. Paper 483, pp. 483-505, and Supplemental Figures, pp. 2-16.

Williams, R. M. E., T. C. Chidsey, Jr. and D. E. Eby, 2011, Exhumed paleo-
            channels in central Utah: Analogs for raised curvilinear features on Mars, in G. C. Willis, M. D. Hylland, D. L. Clark and T. C. Chidsey, Jr. (eds.), Central Utah – Diverse Geology of a Dynamic Landscape, Utah Geological Association Publication 36.