Bryce Neal
Degrees Held
B.A. Geology, University of Maine at Farmington, 2018
Degree Sought:
M.S. in Earth Sciences, Geology
Research Project:
Mechanisms and timing of tectonic attenuation in the Georgetown thrust zone: A new map of the Carpp Ridge 7.5’ quadrangle, Anaconda Range, SW Montana
The footwall of the Georgetown thrust in the Carpp Ridge area features a dramatically thinned section of Belt Supergroup strata. Some workers have attributed this to extension, while others have attributed it to compression. The aim of our mapping project in the Carpp Ridge quadrangle is to help resolve this controversy and better understand the Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic development of SW Montana. Stay tuned!
Preferred Email Address:
Research Experience:
Senior Research, University of Maine at Farmington, 2017-2018
Advisor: Douglas Reusch
Project: Hyper-cryptic thrust faults in the Rumford Inlier, Saddleback Wind, Carthage, Maine
Meso-scale geologic mapping in the Saddleback Wind-Bald Mountain massif of west-central Maine documented three new thrust faults. Detrital zircon data from Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks in the field area and other parts of the Central Maine Basin questioned prevailing interpretations of local stratigraphy and structure.
Research Experiences for Undergraduates Intern, Oregon State University, Summer 2017
Advisor: Adam Schultz
Project: Magnetotelluric investigations of the Yellowstone Caldera: Understanding the emplacement of crustal magma bodies
Inverse modeling of high-resolution magnetotelluric data collected in Yellowstone National Park during summer 2017 revealed several conductive features interpreted as hydrothermal alteration, fluids, and partial melt. Depth and conductivity of partial melt was largely coincident with seismic models of the Yellowstone Caldera.
Professional Experience:
Geology Intern, Maine Geological Survey, Summer 2020
Manually converted a Maine Geological Survey (MGS) 1:24,000 digital geologic map to the USGS Geologic Map Schema (GeMS) format using ArcGIS and Microsoft Access. Created a step-by-step manual to assist staff with future automation of the GeMS conversion process. Created a Maine Geologic Facts and Localities publication aimed towards the general public.
AmeriCorps Volunteer, Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District, 2019
Taught and developed curriculum for K-12 environmental education in the classroom and the field. Recruited and coordinated volunteers for several District events. Coordinated outreach efforts to community partners and the general public. Installed and maintained gardens to promote community agriculture. Assisted with technical projects.
Staff Geophysicist, Green Geophysics, Fall 2018
Deployed magnetotelluric instrumentation across the Northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain Front to investigate deep continental structure as part of the EarthScope project. Processed data and evaluated data quality. Contacted landowners and secured permits for station installation
Conference Proceedings
Neal, B.; Reusch, D.N., Cryptic Structure at Saddleback Wind and First Dates from the Rumford Inlier, West-Central Maine. Talk presented at: Michael D. Wilson Symposium; 2018 April 25; Farmington, ME.
Neal, B.; Reusch, D.N.; Strauss, J.V.; Bradley, D.; Gibson, D. Hyper-Cryptic Thrust Faults in the Rumford Allochthon, Saddleback Wind, Carthage, Maine. Poster Presented at: Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Meeting; 2018 March 18-20; Burlington, VT/ Geological Society of Maine Spring Meeting; 2018 April 6; Unity, ME.
Gurrola, R.; Neal, B.; Bennington, N.L.; Carbonari, R.; Cronin, R., Fry, B.; Hart, L.; Imamura, N.; Kelbert, A.; Bowles-Martinez, E.; Miller, D.J.; Scholz, K.; Schultz, A. Magnetotelluric Investigations of the Yellowstone Caldera: Understanding the Emplacement of Crustal Magma Bodies. Poster presented at: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting; 2017 December 11-15; New Orleans, LA.
Neal, Bryce, 2020, Volcanic Activity in the Tatnic Hills, South Berwick, Maine: Maine Geological Survey, Geologic Facts and Localities, Circular GFL-251, 16 p. Maine Geological Survey Publications. 603.
Honors and Awards:
- Senior Class Speaker, University of Maine at Farmington, May 2018
- Best Poster Presentation, Geological Society of Maine, April 2018
- Wilson Fellowship, University of Maine at Farmington, September 2017
- Michael Winston Leadership Award, University of Maine at Farmington, April 2017