When creating and/or editing a quiz item, the "Submissions View" area has a default setting and an "Additional View" can be built.

In the "Manage Quizzes" area.

Select to edit the quiz to be worked on from the contextual drop menu associated with the quiz..

Brightspace screenshot - 20_22_04 - select to "Edit " the quiz from the contextual menu


Select to add an Additional View.

  1. On the "Edit Quiz - XXX" page.
  2. Select the "Submission Views" tab to make it active.
  3. Select "Add Additional View" button.

Brightspace screenshot - 20_22_04 - select to "Add Additional View" from the "Submission Views" tab


Set up the "Additional View" as desired.

  1. On the "Add View" page.
  2. In the "View Properties" area, give the additional view a name.
  3. In the "View Restrictions" area, set the time that the additional view will be available.
  4. In the View Details" area, set the properties related to the additional view.

Select "Save" to add the view.

Brightspace screenshot - 20_22_04 - example of an "Additional View"  show questions set-up


After an "Additional View" has been created the details related to the view display.

  1. On the "Edit Quix - XXX" page.
  2. The "Submission Views" tab is active.
  3. The "Additional View" displays.
    • Name.
    • Specifics of the view.
    • Selecting the name will take the user back into the submission view.
    • Select the checkbox and the delete can to remove the view.


Brightspace screenshot - 20_22_04 - the "Additional View" displays on the "Submission Views" tab


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What dialog boxes look like and how dialog boxes and browsers interact is dependent upon the operating system and browser being used. The screenshots in this tutorial may differ from the screen that the user is viewing when performing actions described.

CD 202206