Recent Publications
2025 Publications
(Bold denotes Ecology Faculty, * denotes Ecology Graduate Student, ** denotes Affiliate of the Department of Ecology)
Beever**, E.A., Westover, M.L., Smith, A.B., Gerraty, F.D., and Smith, F.A. (2025) Combining past and contemporary species occurrences with ordinal species distribution modeling to investigate responses to climate change. Ecography 2025(2): e07382. .
2025) Changes in African lion demography and population growth with increased protection in a large, prey-depleted ecosystem. Conservation Science and Practice, 7(1), e13256. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,& (
2024 Publications
(Bold denotes Ecology Faculty, * denotes Ecology Graduate Student, ** denotes Affiliate of the Department of Ecology)
, , , , , & (2024). The ghosts of ecosystem engineers: Legacy effects of biogenic modifications. Functional Ecology, 38, 5272.
Anderson, A.K., Levinson*, P.M., Conklin, A., Rotella, J.J. (2024) Observations of Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) supernumerary nipples. Polar Biol 47, 425–429.
Atmeh, K., Bonenfant, C., Gaillard, JM., ...Smit*, D., al. (2025) Neonatal antipredator tactics shape female movement patterns in large herbivores. Nat Ecol Evol , 9, 142–152.
Bakker, V.J., Finkelstein, M.E., Doak, D.F., et al. (2024) Practical models to guide the transition of California condors from a conservation-reliant to a self-sustaining species. Biological Conservation. v. 291.
Bowersock, N. R.*, Litt, A.R., Sawaya, M.A., Gunther, K.A., and van Manen, F.T. (2024) Spatial variation in black bear density on Yellowstone’s Northern Range. Journal of Wildlife Management 88: e22497. doi: 10.1002/jwmg.22497
Brennan, K.G., Brennan, S.R., Cline, T. and Bowen, G.J. (2025), Delineating population structure of resilient sea/river-type sockeye salmon. Limnol. Oceanogr. Lett.
, , , & (2024). Adapting standardized trout monitoring to a changing climate for the upper Yellowstone River, Montana, USA. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 00, 1–1.
, ,Duff, H., Debinski, D., Maxwell, B.D. (2024) Ecological refugia enhance biodiversity an crop production in dryland grain production systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, v. 359.
Glassic**, H.C., Chagaris, D.D., Guy, C.S., Tronstad, L.M., Lujan, D.R., Briggs*, M.A., Albertson, L.K., Brenden, T.O., Walsworth, T.E. and Koel, T.M. (2024), Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout Recovery in Yellowstone Lake: Complex Interactions Among Invasive Species Suppression, Disease, and Climate Change. Fisheries, 49: 55-70.
Glassic*, H.C., Junker. J.R., Guy, C.S,Lujan, D.R., Tronstad, L.M.,Briggs*, M.A , Albertson, L.K., Brendan,T.O., Walsworth, T., and Koel.,T.M. (2024) An invasive predator substantially alters energy flux without changing food web functional state or stability. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 34:e4240.
Glenny*, W.R., Runyon, J.B., Burkle, L.A. (2024) Bumble bee diet breadth increases with local abundance and phenophase duration, not intraspecific variation in body size. Oecologia 205, 149–162.
Goodheart*, B., Creel, S., Schuette, P., Droge, E., Becker, J.A., Banda, K., Kusler*, A., Matsushima, S., Banda, K., Kabwe, R., Donald, W., Reyes de Merkle*, J., Kaluka, A. Chifunte, C., Becker**, M.S. (2024) Spatial Risk Effects from Lions Compound Impacts of Prety Depletion on African Wild Dogs. Ecology & Evolution. 14:e70401
Hansen, A.J., Aragon-Osejo, J., Gonzalez, I., Veneros*, al. (2024) Developing national complementary indicators of SDG15 that consider forest quality: Applications in Columbia, Ecuador, and Peru. Ecological Indicators, v. 159.
Helmstetter* N. A., Conway, C. J., Roberts, S., Adams, J. R., Makela, P. D., & Waits, L. P. (2024). Predator‐specific mortality of sage‐grouse nests based on predator DNA on eggshells. Ecology and Evolution, 14(10), e70213
Hilty*, S.L., Litt, A.R., Maxell, B.A., Gower, C.N., Garrott, R.A., Hanauska-Brown, L. (2024) Characterizing diurnal roosts of male Little Brown Myotis (Myotis lucifugus) during summer, Journal of Mammalogy, V. 105:3, 652–666,
Jewell, O.J.D., Chapple, T.K., Jorgensen, S.J., Kanive**, al. (2024) Diverse habitats shape the movement ecology of a top marine predator, the white shark Carcharodon carcharias. Ecosphere, 15(4). e4825.
2024). Rising water temperature in rivers: Ecological impacts and future resilience. WIREs Water, e1724. , , al. (
Johnson, M.F., Albertson, L.K., al. (2024) Accounting for the power of nature: Using flume and field studies to compare the capacities of bioenergy and fluvial energy to move surficial gravels. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 1–16.
Junker*, J.R., Cross, W.F., Hood, J.M., Benstead, J.P., Huryn, A.D., Nelson, D., Ólafsson, J.S. and Gíslason, G.M. (2024) Environmental warming increases the importance of high‐turnover energy channels in stream food webs. Ecology, p.e4314.
2024)Geographic Drivers More Important than Landscape Composition in Predicting Bee Beta Diversity and Community Structure. Ecosphere 15(4): e4819.
, , M.P., , G., , J.L., and (Levinson*, P.M., Rotella J.J. (2024) Immigration and emigration in the isolated White Island Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) population. Antarctic Science. Published online 2025:1-4. doi:10.1017/S0954102024000476
Linck, E.B., and Cadena, C.D. (2024) A Latiitudinal Gradient of Reference Genomes. Molecular Ecology, 0:e17551.
2024)Grizzly bear responses to restrictions of recreation in Yellowstone National Park. Journal of Wildlife Management, 88:e22527. , , A.R., , F.T., , M.A., and . (
Lujan, D. R., Tronstad, L.M., Briggs*, M.A., Albertson, L.K., Glassic**, H.C., Guy, C.S., and Koel, T.M. (2024) Novel technique for suppressing an invasive apex predator minimally alters nitrogen dynamics in Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, USA. Hydrobiologia
Nayeri, D., Cushman, S., Ganey, J., Hysen, L., Szykman Gunther,M., Willey, D., Wan, H.Y. (2024) Multiscale habitat suitability modeling for a threatened raptor offers insight into ecological model transferability. Ecological Modeling,496.
Peralta, G., CaraDonna, P.J., ...Burkle, L.A., al. (2024) Predicting plant-pollinator interactions: concepts, methods, and challenges. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, v. 39:5, p. 494-505.
Pillay, R., Watson, J.E., Hansen, A.J., Burns, P., Virnig, A.L.S., Supples, C., al. (2024) Global rarity of high-integrity tropical rainforests for threatened and declining terrestrial vertebrates, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 121 (51)
Stewart, K.P., McMahon, T.E., Koel, T.M. et al. (2024) Current and historical patterns of recruitment of Yellowstone cutthroat trout in Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, as revealed by otolith microchemistry. Hydrobiologia 851, 7–24.
, , , , , & (2024). Evaluating ecosystem protection and fragmentation of the world's major mountain regions. Conservation Biology, e14240.
Tsang, T.P.N., De Santis, A.A.A., Armas-Quiñonez, G., Ascher, J.S.,... Burkle, L.A., al. (2025) Land Use Change Consistently Reduces α- But Not β- and γ-Diversity of Bees. Glob Change Biol, 31: e70006.
Treanor, H.B., Guy, C.S., Ilgen, J.E., Sealey, W.M., Dove, A.T. (2024) Survival and growth of larval Pallid Sturgeon are improved by a live diet. North American Journal of Aquaculture, 00, 1–1.
Verhille, C.E., MacDonald, M.J., Noble, B., Demorest, G., Roche,A., Frazier, K., and Albertson, L.K. (2024) Thermal tolerance of giant salmonflies (Pteronarcys californica) varies across populations in a regulated river. Conservation Physiology 12:1-15.
Walsworth, T.E., Fadlovich, R., Heinle*, K.B. al. (2024) Interactions between runoff volume, timing, and annual temperatures shape migration phenology of a threatened adfluvial sucker. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 00, e12791.
Wilson, T.M., Thurman, L., Beever**, E.A. , Singleton, P., Olson, D.H., Williams,D., and Glavich, D.A. (2024) Chapter 6: Climate change, wildlife, and wildlife habitats in the Oregon Coast Range. USFS-PNW-GTR-1024: pages 201-258 in Halofsky, J.E.; D.L. Peterson, and R.A. Gravenmier, eds. Climate change vulnerability and adaptation in coastal Oregon. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-1024. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 380 pgs. Portland, OR.
2023 Publications
(Bold denotes Ecology Faculty, * denotes Ecology Graduate Student, ** denotes Affiliate of the Department of Ecology)
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.2c05311
Argueta-Guzmán, M., West, M., Gaiarsa, M.P. ...Gedlinski*, L., al. (2023) Words matter: how ecologists discuss managed and non-managed bees and birds. Scientometrics 128, 1745–1764.
Bakker, V.J, Finkelstein, M.E., Doak, D.F., Wostenholme, R., Welch, A., Burnett, J. al. (2023) Lead, trash, DDE, and young age of breeders linked to lower fertility in the first two decades of reintroduction for critically endangered California Condors in California, Ornithological Applications, v 125:3,
Barrile GM, Bernard RF, Wilcox RC, Becker JA, Dillon ME, et al. (2023) Equity, community, and accountability: Leveraging a department-level climate survey as a tool for action. PLOS ONE 18(8): e0290065.
Beever**, E.A., Wilkening, J.L., al. (2023) Geographic and taxonomic variation in adaptive capacity among mountain-dwelling small mammals: Implications for conservation status and actions. Biological Conservation, v.282.
Bertagnolli, A.D., Maritan, A.J., Tumolo*, B.B., Fritz*, S.F., Oakland, H.C., Mohr, E.J., Poole, G.C., Albertson, L.K. (2023) Net-spinning caddisflies create denitrifier-enriched niches in the stream microbiome. ISME Communications 3:111.
Billman, P.D., Beever**, E.A., Westover, M.L., Ryals, D.K. (2023) Spatio-temporal variability in the strength, directionality, and relative importance of climate on occupancy and population densitities in a philopatric mammal, the American pika (Ochotona princeps). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, v.11
Mycorrhizae influence plant vegetative and floral traits and intraspecific trait variation. American Journal of Botany 110(1): e16099. , and . (2023)
Cayton, H.L., Haddad, N.M., Henry, E.H., Himes Boor, G.K., Kiekebusch, E.M., Morris, W.F. and Aschehoug, E.T. (2023), Restoration success varies based on time since restoration in a disturbance-dependent ephemeral wetland ecosystem. Restor Ecol e13883.
Christianson, D. and Winnie, J. (2023), Estimating true density in large, alpine herbivores using Google Earth imagery. Wildlife Biology e01089.
Cox, T.L.; Guy, C.S.; Holmquist, L.M.; Webb**, M.A.H. (2023) Spawning Locations of Pallid Sturgeon in the Missouri River Corroborate the Mechanism for Recruitment Failure. Fishes, 8, 243.
Cox TL, Lance MJ, Albertson LK, Briggs MA, Dutton AJ, Zale, A.V. (2023) Diet composition and resource overlap of sympatric native and introduced salmonids across neighboring streams during a peak discharge event. PLOS ONE 18(1): e0280833.
Creel, S., Becker**, M.S., Goodheart*, B., Reyes de Merkle*, J., Dröge, E., M'soka, J., Rosenblatt, E....Smit*, D., et al. (2023) Habitat shifts in response to predation risk are constrained by competition within a grazing guild. Frontiers in Ecology, v. 2.
Creel, S., Becker, M.S., Reyes de Merkle*, J., Goodheart*, B. (2023) Hot or hungry? A tipping point in the effect of prey depletion on African wild dogs. Biological Conservation, v. 282
Daigle, N.J., Djokic, M.A., Kappenman, K.M., Gaylord, T.G., Quinn*, S., Verhille, C. (2023) Validation of a microwave energy meter to non-lethally estimate energetic reserves in adult sturgeon, Conservation Physiology, Volume 11, Issue 1, coad023,
East*, A.; Hansen, A.; Armenteras, D.; Jantz, P.; Roberts, D.W. (2023) Measuring Understory Fire Effects from Space: Canopy Change in Response to Tropical Understory Fire and What This Means for Applications of GEDI to Tropical Forest Fire. Remote Sens. 15, 696.
Eckelbecker*, R.W.; Heili, N.M.; Guy, C.S.; Schmetterling, D.A. (2023) Relative Condition Parameters for Fishes of Montana, USA. Fishes v. 8:28.
, , , , , , , , , , et al. 2023. California condor poisoned by lead, not copper, when both are ingested: a case study. Wildlife Society Bulletin 47:e1485.
Fritz*, S.F., Albertson, L.K., Hobgood, J.L., Mohr, E.J., Oakland, H.C., Poole, G.C. (2023) Macroinvertebrate ecosystem engineering affects streambed retention of microplastics. Freshwater Science.
Glassic*, H.C., Guy, C.S., Tronstad, L.M., Briggs*, M.A., Albertson, L.K., Lujan, D.R., Koel, T.M. (2023) Decomposition rates of suppression-produced fish carcasses in a large, deep, high-elevation lake in North America. Fishes, 8(8):385.
Glassic*, H.C., Guy, C.S., Tronstad, L.M., Lujan, D.R., Briggs*, M.A., Albertson, L.K., Koel, T.M. (2023) Invasive predator diet plasticity has implications for native fish conservation and invasive species suppression. PLoS One 18(2): e0279099.
Glenny*, W.G., Runyon, J.B., Burkle, L.A. (2023) Habitat characteristics structuring bee communities in a forest-shrubland ecotone. Forest Ecology Management, v. 534,
Glenny*, W.G., Runyon, J.B., Burkle, L.A. (2023) Plant selection for pollinator restoration in seminatural ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, v.21:3, p. 148-156.
, , , , , , & (2023). Estimating reproductive and juvenile survival rates when offspring ages are uncertain: A novel multievent mark-resight model with beluga whale case study. Methods in Ecology and Evolution,14,631-642.
Jacobs, P.; Carbutt, C.; Beever**, E.A.; Foggin, J.M.; Martin, M.; Orchard, S.; Sayre, R. (2023) A Decision-Support Tool to Augment Global Mountain Protection and Conservation, including a Case Study from Western Himalaya. Land, 12, 1323.
, & (2023). A hypothetico-deductive theory of science and learning. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 1–27.
Kanive**, P.E., Rotella, J.J., Chapple, T.K., Anderson, S.D., Hoyos, E.M., Klimley, A.P., Galvan-Magana, F., Andrzejaczek, S., Block, B.A., Jorgensen, S.J. (2023) Connectivity between white shark populations off central california, USA and Guadalupe Island, Mexico. Frontiers in Marine Science, v.10
Koel, T.M., Doepke, P.D., MacDonald, D.J., Thomas, N.A., Vender, C.W., Glassic*, H.C., Poole, A.S., Guy, C.S. and Zale, A.V. (2023), Aerial Application of Organic Pellets Eliminates Lake Trout Recruitment from a Primary Spawning Reef in Yellowstone Lake. North Am J Fish Manage, 43: 505-516.
Lloyd, K.J., Oosthuizen, W.C., Rotella, J.J., et al. (2023) Density-related reproductive costs and natal conditions predict male life history in a highly polygynous mammal. Animal Behaviour. v. 200, p 183-197.
(2023). Evaluating the importance of individual heterogeneity in reproduction to Weddell seal population dynamics using integral projection models. Journal of Animal Ecology, 92, 1828–1839.
, , &Meek, M.H., Beever**, E,A., Barbosa, S., Fitzpatrick, S.W., Fletcher, N.K., Mittan-Moreau, C.S., Reid, B.N., Campbell-Staton, S.C., Green, N.F., Hellmann, J.J. (2023) Understanding Local Adaptation to Prepare Populations for Climate Change, BioScience, v73:1, p.36–47,
Ohlberger, J., Cline, T.J., Schindler, D.E., Lewis, B. (2023) Declines in body size of sockeye salmon associated with increased competition in the ocean. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, February 8.
O'Neill, K.M., O'Neill, R.P., Delphia, C.M., Burkle, L.A., Runyon, J.B. (2023) Diversity and distribution of orchid bees (Humenoptera: A;idae, Euglossini) in Belize. PeerJ 11:e14928
, , , , & (2023). Investigating diverse sources of variation in the amount of time Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) pups spend in the water during the lactation period. Marine Mammal Science, 39( 1), 6– 21.
, , , & (2023). Rotenone induces mortality of invasive Lake Trout and Rainbow Trout embryos. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, v 152, p 3-14.
Powell, J.H.; Kalinowski, S.T.; Taper, M.L.; Rotella, J.J.; Davis, C.S.; Garrott, R.A. (2023) Evidence of an Absence of Inbreeding Depression in a Wild Population of Weddell Seals (Leptonychotes weddellii). Entropy, 25, 403.
Foster-Dyer, R.T.N., Goetz, K.T., Pinkerton, M.H. ...Rotella, J., et al. (2023) First observations of Weddell seals foraging in sponges in Erebus Bay, Antarctica. Polar Biol 46, 611–621.
(2023). Patterns, sources, and consequences of variation in age-specific vital rates: Insights from a long-term study of Weddell seals. Journal of Animal Ecology, 92, 552– 567.
Sanders, C.H., Rice, S.P., Wood, P.J. & Albertson, L.K. (2023) River bank burrowing is innate in native and invasive signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) and is driven by biotic and abiotic cues. Biol Invasions 25, 3425–3442.
Scholl*, E.A., Cross, W.F. and Guy, C.S. (2023) Geomorphology shapes relationships between animal communities and ecosystem function in large rivers. Oikos, 2023: e09431.
, , , & (2023) Landscape diversity promotes stable food-web architectures in large rivers. Ecology Letters, 26, 1740–1751. Available from:
Tronstad, L. M., Lujan, D.R., Briggs*, M.A.,Albertson, L.K., Glassic*, H.C., Guy, C.S., and Koel, T.M. (2024) Novel technique for suppressing an apex invasive predator minimally alters nitrogen dynamics in Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, USA. Hydrobiologia 851: 2215 - 2236
Tumolo*, B.B., Albertson, L.K., Cross, W.F., Poole, G.C., Davenport, G., Daniels, M.D. and Sklar, L.S. (2023) Resource modification by ecosystem engineers generates hotspots of stream community assembly and ecosystem function. Ecology. Accepted Author Manuscript e4052.
, , , & (2023). Facilitation strength across environmental and beneficiary trait gradients in stream communities. Journal of Animal Ecology, 92, 2005-2015.
,Ulrich, D.E.M., Grossiord, C. (2023) Faster drought recovery in anisohydric beech compared with isohydric spruce, Tree Physiology, V43:4, 517–521,
Ulrich, D.E.M, Wasteneys*, C., Hoy-Skubik*, S., Alongi*, F. (2023) Functional traits underlie specialist-generalist strategies in whitebark pine and limber pine. Forest Ecology and Management. v. 542. 121113.
Verhille, C.E., and Farrell, A.P. (2023) Endurance Swimming Is Related to Summer Lake Survival of Rainbow Trout in a Warm Lake with Avian Piscivores. Fishes 8, no. 4: 213.
Ward, N. K., Lynch, A.J., Beever**, E.A., Booker, J., al. (2023) Reimagining large river management using the Resist–Accept–Direct (RAD) framework in the Upper Mississippi River. Ecological Processes 12:48. .
2022 Publications
(Bold denotes Ecology Faculty, * denotes Ecology Graduate Student, ** denotes Affiliate of the Department of Ecology)
2022) “Dietary Composition and Fatty Acid Content of Giant Salmonflies (Pteronarcys Californica) in Two Rocky Mountain Rivers.”Ecosphere13(1): e3904. , , , , , , , , and (
Influence of beaver mimicry restoration on habitat availability for fishes, including Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus).Aquaculture, Fish, and Fisheries 2:104-115.
2022). A global synthesis of human impacts on the multifunctionality of streams and rivers. Global Change Biology, 28, 4783– 4793. , , , , , , , , , & (
, and 2022)Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat Selection Varies across the Marginal Habitat of Its Lagging Range Margin. Ecosphere 13( 7): e4146.
Bowersock, N. R.*, Okada, H., Litt, A.R., Gunther, K.A., and van Manen, F.T. (2022) Rub tree use and selection by bears in northern Yellowstone. Ursus 33:e7. doi: 10.2192/URSUS-D-21-00009.3
Briggs*, M.A., Albertson, L.K., Lujan, D.R., Tronstad, L.M., Glassic*, H.C., Guy, C.S., and Koel, T.M. (2022) Fish carcass deposition to suppress invasive laketrout through hypoxia causes limited, non-target effects on benthic invertebrates in Yellowstone Lake. Aquaculture, Fish, and Fisheries 2:470-483.
Burkholder, B.O., Harris, R.B., DeCesare, N.J., Boccadori, S.J. and Garrott, R.A. (2022) Winter habitat selection by female moose in southwestern Montana and effects of snow and temperature. Wildlife Biology, 2022: e01040.
Burkle, L.A., Belote, R.T. and Myers, J.A. (2022) Wildfire severity alters drivers of interaction beta-diversity in plant–bee networks. Ecography, 2022: e05986.
Cabon, A., Kannenberg, S.A., Arain, A., Babst, Fl., ....Ulrich, al. (2022) Cross-biome synthesis of source versus sink limits to tree growth. Science, 376:6594, 758-761.
Clark, C., Al-Chokhachy**, R., and Ross, K. (2022) Using continuous surveys to evaluate precision and bias of inferences from design-based reach-scale sampling of stream habitat. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 80(2): 229-242.
Cope, L.O., Burkle, L.A., Croy, J.R., Mooney, K.A., Yank, L.H., Wetzel, W.C. (2022) The role of timing in intraspecific trait ecology. Trends in Evolution. v. 37:11.
, , , & (2022) Reproductive indices and observations of mass ovarian follicular atresia in hatchery-origin pallid sturgeon. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 38, 391– 402.
Cross, W.F., Hood, J.M., Benstead, J.P., Huryn, A.D., Welter, J.R., Gíslason, G.M. and Ólafsson, J.S.; 2022. Nutrient enrichment intensifies the effects of warming on metabolic balance of stream ecosystems. Limnol. Oceanogr. Lett, 7: 332-341.
, , , , & (2022) A microwave energy meter to estimate energetic reserves in juvenile sturgeon. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 38, 149-156.
, , , and (2022)Earlier Spring Snowmelt Drives Arrowleaf Balsamroot Phenology in Montane Meadows. Ecosphere 13( 8): e4198.
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , … (2022) Quantifying fixed individual heterogeneity in demographic parameters: Performance of correlated random effects for Bernoulli variables. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 13, 91– 104.
, , , , , , et al. (2022) Temporal correlations among demographic parameters are ubiquitous but highly variable across species. Ecology Letters, 25, 1640– 1654. Available from:
, , , , and (2022)Average Kinship Within Bighorn Sheep Populations is Associated with Connectivity, Augmentation, and Bottlenecks.” Ecosphere 13( 3): e3972.
Forester, B.R., Beever**, E.A., Darst, C., Szymanski, J., Funk, W.C. (2022) Linking evolutionary potential to extinction risk: Applications and future directions. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, v20:9, 507-515.
& (2022) The effects of beaver impoundments on montane stream fish communities. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 32( 10), 1618-1633
Garcia, L., Veneros*, J., Chavez, S.G., Manuel, O., Nilton, B.R-B. (2022) World historical mapping and potential distribution of Cinchona spp. in Peru as a contribution for its restoration and conservation. Journal for Nature Conservation. v. 70.
Glenny*, W., Runyon, J.B. & Burkle, L.A. (2022) A review of management actions on insect pollinators on public lands in the United States. Biodivers Conserv 31, 1995–2016
Goodheart, B*., Creel, S., Vinks, M.A., Banda, K.*, Reyes De Merkle, J.*, Kusler, A., Dean, K., Dart, C., Banda, K., Becker, M.S., Indala, P., Simukonda, C., Kaluka, A. (2022) African wild dog movements show contrasting responses to long and short term rish of encountering lions: analysis using dynamic Brownian bridge movement models. Movement Ecology. 10:16.
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , and Demographic uncertainty and disease risk influence climate-informed management of an alpine species. Journal of Wildlife Management 86:e22300.
, , , , , and Informing Conservation Decisions to Target Private Lands of Highest Ecological Value and Risk of Loss. Ecological Applications 32( 5): e2612.
Harmata**, A. (2022) Home range and use area sizes of territorial golden eagles tracked with tail-mounted satellite transmitters. Journal of Raptor Research, v.56:4, 479-483.
Harmata**, A. (2022) Migration and summer ranges of golden eagles tracked by tail-mounted satellite transmitters. Eastern Bird Banding Association. v. 47, p. 24-31.
Kannenberg, S.A., Cabon, A., Babst, F., ...Ulrich, D.E.M., al. (2022) Drought-induced decoupling between carbon uptake and tree growth impacts forest carbon turnover time. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 332.
, , , , and (2022)Factors influencing rate of decline in a Merriam's wild turkey population. Journal of Wildlife Management 86:e22240.
Lewis, M.C.*; Guy, C.S.; Oldenburg, E.W.; McMahon, T.E. (2022) Individual Characteristics and Abiotic Factors Influence Out-Migration Dynamics of Juvenile Bull Trout. Fishes, 7, 331.
Lewis*, M.C., Guy, C.S., Oldenburg, E.W. and McMahon, T.E. (2022) Temporal Variation in Capture Efficiency Underrepresents Spring Out-Migrating Bull Trout in a Trap-and-Haul Program. North Am J Fish Manage, 42: 1237-1249.
Litt, A.R., Pearson, D.E. (2022) A functional ecology framework for understanding and predicting animal responses to plant invasion. Biological Invasions,
Response of nutrient limitation to invasive fish suppression: How carcasses and analog pellets alter periphyton. Freshwater Science 41(1):88-99.
, , , , , , & 2022. Counterintuitive scaling between population abundance and local density: Implications for modelling transmission of infectious diseases in bat populations. Journal of Animal Ecology, 91, 916– 932.
Lynch, A.J., Thompson, L.M., Morton,J.M., Beever, E.A.**, et al. (2022) RAD Adaptive Management for Transforming Ecosystems, BioScience, Volume 72, Issue 1, Pages 45–56,
, , , and (2022)Evaluating Temporal and Spatial Transferability of a Tidal Inundation Model for Foraging Waterbirds.” Ecosphere 13( 4): e4030.
McCarty*, J.D., Cross, W.F., Albertson, L.K., Tumolo*,B.B., Sklar, L.S. (2022) Life histories and production of three Rocky Mountain aquatic insects along an elevation-driven temperature gradient. Hydrobiologia 849, 3633–3652
, , , , and Warming Temperatures Affect Meadow-Wide Nectar Resources, with Implications for Plant–Pollinator Communities.” Ecosphere 13( 7): e4162.
McGarvey, L.M., Ilgen, J.E., Guy, C.S., McLellan, J.G., Webb**, M.A.H. (2022) Nonlethal Tools to Identify Mass Ovarian Follicular Atresia in Burbot. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management . v.13 (2): 552–561. doi:
Meek, M.H., Beever**, E.A., Barbosa, S., Fitzpatrick, S.W., et al. (2022) Understanding Local Adaptation to Prepare Populations for Climate Change. Bioscience.
Miller, J.M., Campbell, E.O., Rotella, J.J. , MacDonald*, K.R., et al. (2022) Evaluation of novel genomic markers for pedigree construction in an isolated population of Weddell Seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) at White Island, Antarctica. Conservation Genet Resour 14, 69–8.
Park, M.G., Delphia, C.M., Prince, C., Yocum. G.D., Rinehart, J.P., O’Neill,K.M., Burkle, L.A., Bowsher, J.H., Greenlee, K.J. (2022) Effects of Temperature and Wildflower Strips on Survival and Macronutrient Stores of the Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) Under Extended Cold Storage, Environmental Entomology, Volume 51, Issue 5, Pages 958–968,
, , , , & (2022) Evaluating the summer landscapes of predation risk and forage quality for elk (Cervus canadensis). Ecology and Evolution, 12, e9201.
Incorporating vital rates and harvest into stochastic population models to forecast elk population dynamics. Journal of Wildlife Management 86:e22189.
, , andPeel, A. J., Yinda, C., Annand, E. J., Dale, A. S., Eby, P., Eden, J, Jones, D.N., Kessler*, M.K.....Plowright, R. K. (2022) Novel Hendra Virus Variant Circulating in Black Flying Foxes and Grey-Headed Flying Foxes, Australia. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 28(5), 1043-1047.
, , , , & (2022) Investigating diverse sources of variation in the amount of time Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) pups spend in the water during the lactation period. Marine Mammal Science, 1– 16.
Pillay, R., M. Venter, J. Aragon-Osejo, P. Gonzalez-del-Pliego, A.J. Hansen, J.E.M. Watson, O. Venter. (2022) Tropical forests are home to over half of the world's vertebrate species. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. v. 20:1, pg 10-15.
, , , , , and (2022)Modeling Broad-Scale Patterns of Elk Summer Resource Selection in Montana Using Regional and Population-Specific Models. Ecosphere 13( 12): e4311.
Raynor, E.J., Hillhouse, H.L., Debinski, D.M. et al. (2022) Recoupling cross-scale interactions in tall fescue-invaded tallgrass prairie. Landsc Ecol 37, 267–283.
, and Influence of Biomimicry Structures on Ecosystem Function in a Rocky Mountain Incised Stream.” Ecosphere 13( 1): e3897.
Rice, C.L., D.M. Debinski, R.G. Bramblett**, S.E. Rubin, M.A. Ivie, J.A. Clark, A.C. Evans, B.V. Smithers, and T.E. McMahon. (2022) Montana State University Vertebrate Museum Fish Collection (Version 1) [Data set]. Zenodo.
, & (2022) Epidemiological differences between sexes affect management efficacy in simulated chronic wasting disease systems. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59, 1122– 1133.
Sanchez, C.A., Penrose, M.T., Kessler*, M.K., Becker, D.J., et al. (2022) "Land use, season, and parasitism predict metal concentrations in Australian flying fox fur." Elsevier. v. 81.
Shamon, H., Cosby, O.G., ...Bresnan*, C.E., al. (2022) The potential of bison restoration as an ecological approach to future tribal food sovereignty on the northern great plains. Front. Ecol. Evol., v. 10.
Siemiantkowski*, M.J., Guy, C.S., Koel, T.M., Tronstad, L.M., Fredenberg, C.R. and Rosenthal, L.R. (2022) Combination of Acoustic Telemetry and Side-Scan Sonar Advances Suppression Efforts for Invasive Lake Trout in a Submontane Lake. North Am J Fish Manage, 42: 1609-1622.
, , , , , , , Lutz, D., McWhirter, D., Brimeyer, D., Hnilicka, P., Lowrey*, B., Monteith, K.L. (2022) Heterogeneity in Risk-Sensitive Allocation of Somatic Reserves in a Long-Lived Mammal.Ecosphere 13( 7): e4161.
, , , , , , , & (2022) Applying assessments of adaptive capacity to inform natural-resource management in a changing climate. Conservation Biology. 36:e13838.
Ulrich, D.E.M., Clendinen, C.S., Alongi*, F. et al. (2022) Root exudate composition reflects drought severity gradient in blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis). Sci Rep 12, 12581.
Ulrich, D.E.M., Voelker, S., Brooks, J.R., Meinzer, F.C. (2022) Insect and Pathogen Influences on Tree-Ring Stable Isotopes. In: Siegwolf, R.T.W., Brooks, J.R., Roden, J., Saurer, M. (eds) Stable Isotopes in Tree Rings. Tree Physiology, vol 8. Springer, Cham.
Vinks*, M., Creel, S., Rosenblatt, E., Becker, M., Schuette, P., Goodheart*, B., . . .Banda*, K., ... Simukonda, C. (2022) Leopard Panthera pardus density and survival in an ecosystem with depressed abundance of prey and dominant competitors. Oryx, 56 (4), 518-527. doi:10.1017/S0030605321000223
Voss, N.S., Al-Chokhachy, R., Sepulveda, A.J., Verhille, C.E., Ruggles, M.P. and Zale, A.V. (2022) The Importance of Phenology and Thermal Exposure to Early Life History Success of Nonnative Smallmouth Bass in the Yellowstone River. Trans Am Fish Soc, 151: 527-542.
Williams, J.R., Guy, C.S., Bigelow, P.E. and Koel, T.M. (2022) Quantifying the Spatial Structure of Invasive Lake Trout in Yellowstone Lake to Improve Suppression Efficacy. North Am J Fish Manage, 42: 50-62.
Wood, D.J.A., Stoy, P.C., Powell, S.L., Beever**, E.A. (2022) Antecedent climatic conditions spanning several years influence multiple land-surface phenology events in semi-arid environments. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, v10.
2021 Publications
(Bold denotes Ecology Faculty, * denotes Ecology Graduate Student, ** denotes Affiliate of the Department of Ecology)
Ainley, D., P. Cziko, N. Nur, J. Rotella, J. Eastman, M. Larue, I. Stirling, and P. Abrams. 2021. Further evidence that Antarctic toothfish are important to Weddell seals. Antarctic Science 33:17-29.
Albertson, L. K., M. J. MacDonald, B. B. Tumolo*, M. A. Briggs*, Z. Maguire*, S. Quinn, J. A. Sanchez-Ruiz*, J. Veneros* and L. A. Burkle. 2021. Uncovering patterns of freshwater positive interactions using meta-analysis: Identifying the roles of common participants, invasive species, and environmental context. Ecology Letters 24:594-607.
Bakker, V. J., D. F. Doak, and F. J. Ferrara. 2021. Understanding extinction risk and resilience in an extremely small population facing climate and ecosystem change. Ecosphere 12:e03724.
Belote, R.T., Barnett, K., Dietz, M.S., Burkle, L., Jenkins, et al. (2021) Options for prioritizing sites for biodiversity conservation wtih implications for "30x30". Biological Conservation. 264.
, , , and 2021. Combined carbon flows through detritus, microbes, and animals in reference and experimentally enriched stream ecosystems. Ecology. 102( 3):e03279. 10.1002/ecy.3279
, , , , & (2021). Factors influencing distributional shifts and abundance at the range core of a climate-sensitive mammal. Global Change Biology, 27, 4498– 4515.
Bowersock, N. R.*, Litt, A.R., Merkle, J. A.*, K. A. Gunther, and F. T. van Manen. 2021. Responses of American
black bears to spring resources. Ecosphere 12(11):e03773. 10.1002/ecs2.3773
Bramblett**, Robert G., Rice, Chloe L., Clark, Jason A., Ivie, Michael A., Stewart, Hannah E.D., & Debinski, Diane M. (2021). Montana Prairie Fish Collection, Montana State University (Version 2) [Data set]. Zenodo.
Briggs*, M. A., L. K. Albertson, D. R. Lujan, L. M. Tronstad, H. C. Glassic*, C. S. Guy, and T. M. Koel. 2021. Carcass deposition to suppress invasive lake trout causes differential mortality of two common benthic invertebrates in Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 194 (4):285-295. DOI:10.1127/fal/2020/1352
Brusa*, J.L., J.J. Rotella, K.M. Banner, and P.R. Hutchings. 2021. Challenges and opportunities for comparative studies of survival rates: An example with male pinnipeds. Ecology and Evolution 11:7980–7999.
Brusa*, J.L., J.J. Rotella, and R.A. Garrott. 2021. Influence of age and individual identity in the use of breeding colony habitat by male Weddell seals in Erebus Bay, Antarctica. Marine Mammal Science - published online April 4, 2021
Burkle, L.A., L.J. Heil*, R.T. Belote. 2021. Salvage logging management affects species' roles in connecting plant–pollinator interaction networks across post-wildfire landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology.
Carroll*, K.A., Hansen, A.J., Inman,R.M., Lawrence, R.L. (2021) Evaluating the importance of wolverine habitat predictors using a machine learning method, Journal of Mammalogy, Volume 102, Issue 6, December, Pages 1466–1472,
Carroll*, K.A., R.M. Inman, A.J. Hansen, R.L. Lawrence, K. Barnett. 2021. A framework for collaborative wolverine connectivity conservation. iscience, v. 24:8
Clute, T.*, Martin, J.*, Looker, N. et al. 2021. Hydraulic traits of co-existing conifers do not correlate with local hydroclimate condition: a case study in the northern Rocky Mountains, U.S.A. Oecologia 197, 1049–1062.
Cook, C., E.A. Beever**, L.L. Thurman, L. Thompson, J.E. Gross, A. Whitely, A. Nicotra, J. Szymanski, C. Botero, K. Hall, A. Hoffmann, G. Schuurman, and C. Sgrò. 2021. Supporting the adaptive capacity of species through more effective knowledge exchange with conservation practitioners. Evolutionary Applications 00:1-11.
Coon, J. J., Lyon, N. J., Raynor, E. J., Debinski, D. M., Miller, J. R., Schacht, W. H. (2021) Using Adaptive Management to Restore Grasslands Invaded by Tall Fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus). . Rangeland Ecology & Management : v. 76 p. 84-94
Crees, L. L., Debinski, D. M. (2021) Natural history observations on Parnassius clodius altaurus and Parnassius smintheus magnus (Papilionidae) in Grand Teton National Park, WY. Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society: v. 75 i. 1 p. 70-74
Chapple, T.K., Tickler, D., Roche, R.C., Bayley, D.T.I., Gleiss, A.C., Kanive, P.E.**, et al. Ancillary data from animal-borne cameras as an ecological survey tool for marine communities. Mar Biol 168, 106 (2021).
Cutting*, K.A., J.J. Rotella, J.A. Waxe, A. O'Harra, S.R.Schroff, L. Berkeley, M. Szczypinski, A.R. Litt, and B.F. Sowell. 2021.Resource allocation effects on the timing of reproduction in an avian habitat specialist. Ecosphere 12 (8):e03700.
2021.Nutrient sources for offspring formation: diet–mother and mother–offspring isotope discrimination in domesticated gallinaceous birds.Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 57:6, 553-562, DOI: 10.1080/10256016.2021.1984905
Deane, C.E., J.J. Rotella, J.M. Warren, R.A. Garrott, and D.N. Koons. 2021. Nasal discs and the vital rates of lesser scaup. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:723-729.
Garcia, L., Castro, F.A., Hernandes-Amasifuen, A.D., Corazon-Guivin, M.A., Vasquez, J.A., Guerrero-Abad, J.C., Arellanos, El, Veneros*, J., et al. 2021. Global Studies of cadmium in relation to theobroma cacao: A bibliometric analysis from Scopus (1996-2020). Scientific Agropecuaria. 12:4,
, , & (2021). Burbot (Lota lota) exhibit plasticity in life-history traits in a small drainage at the southwestern-most extent of the species' native range. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 37, 875– 884.
Glassic*, H.C.; Guy, C.S.; Koel, T.M. (2021) Diets and Stable Isotope Signatures of Native and Nonnative Leucisid Fishes Advances Our Understanding of the Yellowstone Lake Food Web. Fishes, 6, 51.
Goodheart* B, Creel S, Becker MS, Vinks* M, Schuette P, Banda* K, Sanguinetti C, Rosenblatt E, Dart C, Kusler A, Young-Overton K, Stevens X, Mwanza A, Simukonda C. 2021. Low apex carnivore density does not release a subordinate competitor when driven by prey depletion. Biological Conservation, online early.
Hansen, A.J., Burns, P., Ervin, J. et al. A policy-driven framework for conserving the best of Earth’s remaining moist tropical forests. Nat Ecol Evol 4, 1377–1384 (2020).
Hansen, A.J., Noble, B.P., Veneros*, J., East*, A., Goetz, S.J., Supples, C., Watson, J.E.M., Jantz, P.A., Pillay, R., Jetz, W., Ferrier, S., Grantham, H.S., Evans, T.D., Ervin, J., Venter, O. & Virnig, A.L.S. 2021. Towards monitoring ecosystem integrity within the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Conservation. Letters; e12822.
Hansen, A. J., A. East*, R. E. Keane, M. Lavin, K. Legg, Z. Holden, C. Toney, and F. Alongi. 2021. Is whitebark pine less sensitive to climate warming when climate tolerances of juveniles are considered? Forest Ecology and Management 493:119221.
Heredia, N.A., Gresswell, R.E.**, Webb, M.A.H.**, Brenden, T.O. and Sandstrom, P.T. (2021), Invasive Lake Trout Reproduction in Yellowstone Lake under an Active Suppression Program. Trans Am Fish Soc, 150: 637-650.
Hinderer*, R. K.,A. R. Litt, and M. McCaffery. 2021.Habitat selection by a threatened desert amphibian. Ecology and Evolution 11: 536-546.
Jacobs, P., Beever**, E.A. , Carbutt, C., Foggin, M., Juffe-Bignoli, D., Martin. M., Orchard, S., and Sayre, R. (2021) Identification of global priorities for new mountain protected and conserved areas. Paper prepared to support the work of the IUCN-WCPA Mountain Specialist Group through the development of a decision-support tool for the identification of global priorities for new mountain protected and conserved areas.
Johnston, A.N., R.G. Christophersen, E.A. Beever**, and J.I. Ransom. 2021. Freezing in a warming climate: marked declines of a subnivean hibernator after a snow drought. Ecology and Evolution 11(3): 1264-1279.
Jones, J.D., Proffitt, K.M.**, Paterson, J.T.*, Almberg, E.S., Cunningham, J.A. and Loveless, K.M. (2021), Elk Responses to Management Hunting and Hazing. Jour. Wild. Mgmt., 85: 1721-1738.
Junker, J.R.*, Cross, W.F., Benstead, J.P. et al. Flow is more Important than Temperature in Driving Patterns of Organic Matter Storage and Stoichiometry in Stream Ecosystems. Ecosystems 24, 1317–1331 (2021).
Kanive*, P.E., J.J. Rotella, T.K. Chapple, S.D. Anderson, T.D. White, B.A. Block, S.J. Jorgensen. 2021. Estimates of regional annual abundance and population growth rates of white sharks off central California. Biological Conservation 257: article 109104.
LaManna, J.A., L.A. Burkle, R.T. Belote, J.A. Myers. 2021. Biotic and abiotic drivers of plant-pollinator community assembly across wildfire gradients. Journal ofEcology
Lamarre, J-F., Gilles, G., Lanctot, R.B., Saalfeld, S.T., Love, O.P., Reed, E., Johnson**, O.W., Liebezeit, J., McGuire, R., Russell, M., et al. (2021) Timing of breeding site availability across the North-American Actic partly determines spring migration schedule in a long-distance neotropical migrant. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution. v.9.
LaRue, M., L. Salas, N. Nur, D. Ainley, S. Stammerjohn, J. Pennycook, M. Dozier, J. Saints, K Stamatiou, L. Barrington, J. Rotella. 2021. Insights from the first global population estimate of Weddell seals in Antarctica. Science Advances 7: eabh3674.
Lynch, A.J., Thompson, L.M., Beever**, E.A., al. 2021. Managing for RADical ecosystem change: Applying the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 19:8, 461-469. doi:10.1002/fee.2377
Levandowski, M.L.*, A.R. Litt, M.F. McKenna, S. Burson, K.L. Legg. 2021. Multi-method biodiversity assessments
from wetlands in Grand Teton National Park, Ecological Indicators, v.131, 108205.
, , and . 2021. Behavior-specific habitat models as a tool to inform ungulate restoration. Ecosphere 12( 8):e03687. 10.1002/ecs2.3687
Lujan, D.R., Tronstad, L.M., Briggs, M.A.*, Albertson, L.K., Glassic, H.C.*, Guy, C.S., Koel, T.M. 2021. Response of nutrient limitation to invasive fish suppression: How carcasses and analog pellets alter periphyton. Freshwater Science, 41:1,
, , , , , , & (2021). Conventional wisdom on roosting behavior of Australian flying-foxes—A critical review, and evaluation using new data. Ecology and Evolution, 11, 13532– 13558.
Lynch, A.J., Thompson, L.M., Morton, J.M., Erik A Beever**, al. (2022) RAD Adaptive Management for Transforming Ecosystems, BioScience, v72:1,45–56.
Lyon, N.J., D.S. Stein, D.M. Debinski, J.R. Miller, and. W.H. Schacht. 2021. Responses of flowering plant and butterfly communities to experimental herbicide and seeding treatments for native grassland restoration. Ecological Restoration. 39 (3):168-181. https://doi:10.3368/er.39.3.168
MacDonald, M. J., L. K. Albertson, and G. C. Poole. 2021. Ecosystem engineering in the streambed: Net-spinning caddisflies influence hydraulic properties. Ecohydrology 14 (2):e2266. DOI:10.1002/eco.2266
Maskill*, P.A.C., Crossman, J.A., Webb**, M.A.H., Marrello, M.M., Guy, C.S. 2021. Accuracy of histology, endoscopy, ultrasonography, and plasma sex steroids in describing the population reproductie structure of a hatchery-origin and wild white sturgeon. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, V. 38(1): 3-16.
McGarvey, L.M., Ilgen, J.E., Guy, C.S., McLellan, J.G., Webb, M.A.H.**; 2021. Gonad Size Measured by Ultrasound to Assign Stage of Maturity in Burbot. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management , 12 (1): 241–249. doi:
McGuire, T.L., Shelden, K.E.W., Himes Boor, G.K., Stephens, A.D., McClung, J.R., Garner, C., Goertz, C.E.C., Burek-Huntington, K.A., O'Corry-Crowe, G. & Wright, B. (2021) Patterns of mortality in endangered Cook Inlet beluga whales: Insights from pairing a long-term photo-identification study with stranding records. Marine Mammal Science,37, 492-511.
McGuire, T.L., Stephens, A.D., McClung, J.R., Garner, C., Burek-Huntington, K.A., Goertz, C.E.C., Shelden, K.E.W., O’Corry-Crowe, G., Himes Boor, G.K. & Wright, B. (2021) Anthropogenic scarring in long-term photo-identification records of Cook Inlet beluga whales, Delphinapterus leucas. Marine Fisheries Review,82, 20-40.
Mitchell*, A. B., A. R. Litt, and F. Smith. 2021. Using locally-adapted seeds to restore native plants and arthropods after plant invasion and drought. Rangeland Ecology and Management 77:30-38.
Moss, K., D.M. Debinski and J.S. Durney*. 2021. Wings that Make Waves. Free iBook summarizing how butterflies can serve as an indicator of climate change.
Odland, M, Goodwin, M, Smithers, BV, Hurteau, M, North, MP. 2021. Plant community response to thinning and repeated fire in a Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest understory. Forest Ecology and Management. DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119361
Ogunkoya, A.*, Kaplan, J., Whitlock, C., Nanavati, W., Roberts, D.W., Poulter, B. 2021.Drivers of recent forest cover change in southern South America are linked to climate and CO2. Landscape Ecol 36, 3591–3606.
O’Shea-Stone, G., Lambert, R., Tripet, B., Berardinelli, J., Thomson, J., Copie, Valerie, Garrott, R.; 2021. 1H NMR based metabolic profiling distinguishes the differential impact of capture techniques on wild bighorn sheep. Sci Rep 11, 11308.
A comparative study of hard clustering algorithms for vegetation data. J Veg Sci. 32:e13042.
, , , , . 2021.Paterson*, J. T., K.M. Proffitt**, J.J. Rotella, D.E. McWhirter, and R.A. Garrott.2021. Drivers of variation in the population dynamics of bighorn sheep. Ecosphere 12 (7):e03679.
Proffitt, K.M., A.B. Courtemanch, S.R. Dewey, B. Lowrey, D.E. McWhirter, K.L. Monteith, J.T. Paterson*, J.J. Rotella, P.J. White, and R.A. Garrott. 2021.Regional variability in pregnancy and survival rates of Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep. Ecosphere 12:e03410.
Qubain*, C. A., Y. Yano, and J. Hu. 2021. Nitrogen acquisition strategies of mature Douglas-fir: a case study in the northern Rocky Mountains. Ecosphere 12(1):e03338. 10.1002/ecs2.3338
Raynor, E.J., D.A. McGranahan, J.R. Miller, D.M. Debinski, W.H. Schacht and D.E. Engle. 2021. Moderate grazer density stabilizes forage availability more than patch burning in low-stature grassland. Land 10, 395.
Reisig, D., K. Mullan, K., Hansen, A., Powell, S., Theobald, D., Ulrich, R. 2021. Natural amenities and low-density residential development: Magnitude and scale of influences. Land Use Policy 102 105285.
Rosenblatt E, DeBow J, Blouin J, Donovan T, Murdoch J, Creel S, Rogers* W, Gider K, Fortin N, Alexander C, 2021. Juvenile moose (Alces alces) stress and nutrition dynamics relate to landscape characteristis, climate-mediated factors, and survival. Conservation Physiology, 9:1 coab048,
Scasta, J.D., R.L. McCulley, D.M. Engle, and D.M. Debinski. 2021. Patch burning tall fescue invaded grasslands alters alkaloids and tiller defoliation with cattle toxicosis implications. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 75: 130-140.
Scholl*, E.A.,W.F.Cross, C.V.Baxter, and C.S.Guy. 2021. Uncovering process domains in large rivers: Patterns and potential drivers of benthic substrate heterogeneity in two North American riverscapes. Geomorphology 375
Slominski, A.H. and L.A. Burkle. 2021. Asynchrony between solitary bee emergence and flower availability reduces flowervisitation rate and may affect offspring size.Basic and Applied
Smithers, BV, Alongi*, F, North, MP. 2021. Live fast, die young: Climate shifts may favor Great Basin bristlecone pine or limber pine in sub-alpine forest establishment. Forest Ecology and Management. DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119339
Stewart*, K.P., T.E. McMahon, T.M. Koel, and R. Humston. 2021. Use of otolith microchemistry to identify subbasin natal origin and use by invasive Lake Trout in Yellowstone Lake. Hydrobiologia 848:2473-2481.
Thompson, L. M., A. J. Lynch, E. A. Beever**, A. C. Engman, J. A. Falke, S. T. Jackson, T. J. Krabbenhoft, D. J. Lawrence, D. Limpinsel, R. T. Magill, T. A. Melvin, J. M. Morton, R. A. Newman, J. Peterson, M. T. Porath, F. J. Rahel, S. A. Sethi, and J. L. Wilkening. 2021. When is resistance futile? Resisting, accepting, or directing ecosystem transformation.Fisheries 46(1):8-21.
Vinks*, MA, S Creel, P Schuette, MBecker, E Rosenblatt, C Sanguinetti, K Banda*, B Goodheart*, K Young, X Stevens, C Chifunte, N Midlane, C Chifunte. 2021. Response of lion demography and dynamics to the loss of preferred larger prey. Ecological Applications, early view
Vinks* MA, S Creel, E Rosenblatt, MS Becker, P Schuette, B Goodheart*, C Sanguinetti, K Banda*, C Chifunte, C Simukonda. 2021. Leopard Panthera pardus density and survival in an ecosystem with depressed abundance of prey and dominant competitors. Oryx, in press.
Williams, B.A., O. Venter, J. R. Allan, S. C. Atkinson, J. A. Rehbein, M. Ward, M. Di Marco, H. S. Grantham, J. Ervin, S. J. Goetz, A. J. Hansen, P. Jantz, R. Pillay, S. Rodríguez-Buriticá, C. Supples, A. L. S. Virnig, J. E. M. Watson. 2021. Change in terrestrial Human Footprint Drives Continued Loss of Intact Ecosystems. One Earth. v. 3:3, p 371-382.
, , , , & (2021). Is the grass always greener? Land surface phenology reveals differences in peak and season-long vegetation productivity responses to climate and management. Ecology and Evolution, 11, 11168– 11199.
Wright, W.J., Irvine, K.M., Rodhouse, T.J., Litt, A.R. 2021. Spatial Gaussian Processes improve multi-species occupancy models when range boundaries are uncertain and nonoverlapping. Ecology and Evolution, 11.13: 8516-8527. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7629
2020 Publications
(Bold denotes Ecology Faculty, * denotes Ecology Graduate Student, ** denotes Affiliate of the Department of Ecology)
Arroyo-Correa, B., L.A. Burkle, C. Emer. 2020. Alien plant and flower visitor species disrupt the seasonal dynamics of mutualistic networks. Journal of Ecology, 108:1475-1486.
Bakker, V. J., T. S. Sillett, W. M. Boyce, D. F. Doak, T. W. Vickers, W. K. Reisen, B. S. Cohen, M. T. Hallworth, and S. A. Morrison. 2020. Translocation with targeted vaccination is the most effective strategy to protect an island endemic bird threatened by West Nile virus. Diversity and Distributions 26:1104-1115.
Beever, E.A.**, S. Prange, and Dominick DellaSala, Editors. 2020. Relationships of biological diversity to ecological disturbance: scale, context, and nature. CRC Press.
Beever, E.A.**, S.A. Sethi, I.S. Prange, and D. DellaSala. 2020. Introduction: defining and interpreting ecological disturbances. Chapter 1 in: Beever, E.A., S. Prange, and Dominick DellaSala, Editors. Relationships of biological diversity to ecological disturbance: scale, context, and nature.
Bennett, J.M., J. A. Steets, J. H. Burns, L. A. Burkle,J. C. Vamosi,M. Wolowski, G. Arceo-Gómez, M. Burd, W. Durka, A. G. Ellis, L. Freitas, J. Li, J. G. Rodger, J. Xia, T. M. Knight, and T-L. Ashman. 2020. Land use and pollinator dependency drives global patterns of pollen limitation in the Anthropocene. Nature Communications 11:3999.
Bolas, E. C., R. Sollmann, K. R. Crooks, L. Shaskey, C. L. Boser, V. J. Bakker, A. Dillon, and D. H. Van Vuren. 2020. Assessing methods for detecting island spotted skunks. Wildlife Society Bulletin.
Brusa*, J.L., J.J. Rotella, R.A. Garrott, J.T. Paterson*, and W.A. Link. 2020. Variation of annual apparent survival and detection rates with age, year and individual identity in male Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) from long‐term mark‐recapture data. Population Ecology 62:134–150.
Burkle, L.A., C.M. Delphia, K.M. O’Neill. 2020. Redundancy in wildflower strip species helps support spatiotemporal variation in wild bee communities on diversified farms. Basic and Applied Ecology 44:1-13.
Burkle, L.A., W. Glenny*, J.B. Runyon. 2020. Intraspecific and interspecific variation in floral volatiles over time. Plant Ecology 221:529-544.
Capozzelli, J.F., J.R. Miller, D.M. Debinski, and W.H. Schacht. 2020. Restoring the fire-grazing interaction promotes tree-grass coexistence by controlling woody encroachment. Ecosphere.
CaraDonna, P.J., L.A. Burkle, B. Schwarz, J. Resasco, T.M. Knight, G. Benadi, N. Blüthgen, C.F. Dormann, Q. Fang, J. Fründ, B. Gauzens, C.N. Kaiser-Bunbury, R. Winfree and D.P. Vázquez. 2020. Seeing through the static: the temporal dimension of plant-animal mutualistic networks. Ecology Letters 24:149-161.
Carroll*, K. A., A. J. Hansen, R. M. Inman, R. L. Lawrence, and A. B. Hoegh. 2020. Testing landscape resistance layers and modeling connectivity for wolverines in the western United States. Global Ecology and Conservation 23:e01125.
Cross, WF, KA Henderson*, JR Junker*, EA Scholl*. 2020. Secondary Production. Oxford University Press.
Creel, S., Merkle*, J., Mweetwa, T. et al. Hidden Markov Models reveal a clear human footprint on the movements of highly mobile African wild dogs. Sci Rep 10, 17908 (2020).
Davis*, M.N., T. E. McMahon, K. Cutting, and M. Jaeger. 2020. Environmental and climatic factors affecting winter hypoxia in a freshwater lake: evidence for a hypoxia refuge and for re-oxygenation prior to spring ice loss. Hydrobiologia 847:3983-3997.
Delphia, C.M., K.M.O’Neill, L.A. Burkle, 2020. Wildflower Seed Sales as Incentive for Adopting Flower Strips for Native Bee Conservation: A Cost-Benefit Analysis, Journal of Economic Entomology, Volume 112, Issue 6, December 2019, Pages 2534–2544,
Dröge, E.*, S Creel, M Becker, A Loveridge, L Sousa , D Macdonald. 2020, Assessing the performance of index calibration survey methods to monitor populations of wide-ranging low-density carnivores. Ecology and Evolution
Faurot-Daniels*, C, W. Glenny*, K.F. Daughenbaugh, A.J. McMenamin, L.A. Burkle, M.L. Flenniken. 2020. Longitudinal monitoring of honey bee colonies reveals dynamic nature of virus abundance and indicates negative impact of Lake Sinai virus 2 on colony health. PloS One 15: e0237544.
Furey, K.M., Glassic*, H.C., Guy, C.S., Koel, T.M., Arnold, J.L., Doepke, P.D., Bigelow, P.E. 2020, Diets of Longnose Sucker in Yellowstone National Park, USA. Journal of Freshwater Biology v.35:1, p291-303.
Garzella, C. and D. Debinski. 2020. Using Biodiversity Data to Assess Species-Habitat Relationships in Glacier National Park, Montana ver 8. Environmental Data Initiative. (data publication)
Gehring, C, Sevanto, S., Patterson,, A., Ulrich, D.E.M., and Kuske, C.R.. 2020. Ectomycorrhizal and Dark Septate Fungal Associations of Pinyon Pine Are Differentially Affected by Experimental Drought and Warming. Frontiers in Plant Science. 11: 582574. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.582574
Glassic, H. C.* and Jereme W. Gaeta. 2020. The Influence of Multiyear Drought and Associated Reduction in Tributary Connectivity on an Adfluvial Fish Species. Ecology of Freshwater Fish.
Glassic, H. C.*, Guy, C., Rotella, J., Nagel, C., Schmetterling, D., Dalbey, S. 2020. Fort Peck Paddlefish Population Survival and Abundance in the Missouri River. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 26:559-567.
Glucs, Z. E., D. R. Smith, C. Tubbs, V. J. Bakker, R. Wolstenholme, K. Dudus, J. Burnett, M. Clark, M. Clark, and M. E. Finkelstein. 2020. Foraging behavior, contaminant exposure risk, and the stress response in wild California condors (Gymnogyps californianus). Environmental Research:109905.
Grantham, H.S., and 45 coauthors including A. Hansen. 2020. Anthropogenic modification of forests means only 40% of remaining forests have high ecosystem integrity. Nature Communications, 11:5978.
Grossiord, C., Ulrich, D.E.M., and Vilagrosa, A. 2020 Controls of the hydraulic safety--effiency trade-off. Tree Physiology 40 (5) 574-476.
Hansen, A., Barnett, K., Jantz, P. et al. 2019. Global humid tropics forest structural condition and forest structural integrity maps. Scientific Data 6, 232 doi:10.1038/s41597-019-0214-3
Hansen, A. J., P. Burns, J. Ervin, S. J. Goetz, M. Hansen, O. Venter, J. E. M. Watson, P. A. Jantz, A. L. S. Virnig, K. Barnett, R. Pillay, S. Atkinson, C. Supples, S. Rodríguez-Buritica, and D. Armenteras. 2020. A policy-driven framework for conserving the best of Earth’s remaining moist tropical forests. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4:1377-1384.
Heim, K.C.*, T.E. McMahon, B. Ertel, and T. Koel. 2020. Leveraging public harvest to reduce invasive hybridization in Yellowstone National Park: Field identification and harvest of cutthroat x rainbow trout hybrids. Biological Invasions, vol. 22, pages2685–2698
Heim, K.C.*, T.E. McMahon, S. Kalinowski, B. Ertel, and T. Koel. 2020. Abiotic conditions are unlikely to mediate invasive rainbow trout hybridization with Yellowstone cutthroat trout in a high elevation metapopulation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 77(9): 1433-1445.
, , , , 2020.Rainbow Darter (Etheostoma caeruleum , Storer, 1845) predation on early ontogenetic stages of Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens , Rafinesque, 1817). J Appl Ichthyol. 2020.36: 151– 158.
Himes Boor, G.K. & Ford, R.G. (2020) Using a mark-recapture model to estimate beaching probability of seabirds killed in nearshore waters during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191, 813.
Hoegh, A. and Roberts, D.W. 2020. Evaluating and presenting uncertainty in model-based constrained ordination. Ecology and Evolution (10(1): 59-69.
Koel, T., Arnold, J., Bigelow, P., Brenden, T., Davis, J. D. , Detjens, C.*, Doepke, P., Ertel, Hayley Glassic*, et al. 2020. Yellowstone Lake Ecosystem Restoration: A Case Study for Invasive Fish Management. Fishes. Accepted.
Koel, T. M., N. A. Thomas, C. S. Guy, P. D. Doephke, D. J. MacDonald, A. S. Poole, W. M. Sealey, and A. V. Zale. 2020. Organic pellet decomposition induces mortality of lake trout embryos in Yellowstone Lake. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 149:57-70.
2020. Assessing cetacean populations using integrated population models: an example with Cook Inlet beluga whales. Ecological Applications 30: e02114. , , , , , and
Johnson, O.W., Tibbitts, T.L., Weber, M.F., Bybee, D.R., Goodwill, R.H., Bruner, A.E., Smith, E.J., Buss, E.L., Waddell, T.Q.A., Brooks, D.C., Smith, C.D., Meye, J-Y. 2020. Tracking the migration of Pacific Golden-Plovers from nonbreeding grounds at Moorea, French Polynesia, using Pinpoint GPS-Argos tags. Wader Study. 10.18194/ws.00172
Junker*, J.R., Cross, W.F., Benstead, J.P., Huryn, A.D., Hood, J.M., Nelson, D., Gíslason, G.M. and Ólafsson, J.S.. 2020. Resource supply governs the apparent temperature dependence of animal production in stream ecosystems. Ecol. Lett., 23: 1809-1819.
Junker*, J.R., Cross, W.F., Benstead, J.P. et al. 2020. Flow is more Important than Temperature in Driving Patterns of Organic Matter Storage and Stoichiometry in Stream Ecosystems. Ecosystems.
Laufenberg, D.*; Thoma, D.; Hansen, A.; Hu, J. 2020. Biophysical Gradients and Performance of Whitebark Pine Plantings in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Forests,11, 119.
Lowrey, B.*, D. E. McWhirter, K. M. Proffitt, K. L. Monteith, A. B. Courtemanch, P. J. White,
J. T. Paterson*, S. R. Dewey, R. A. Garrott. 2020. Individual variation creates behaviorally and spatially diverse migratory
portfolios in native populations of a migratory ungulate. Ecological Applications
Lowrey, B.*, J. DeVoe, K.M. Proffitt, and R.A. Garrott. 2020. Hiding without cover? Defining elk security in a beetle-killed forest. Journal of Wildlife Management 84:138-149.
MacDonald, K.R.*, Rotella, J.J., Garrott, R.A., and Link, W.A. 2020. Sources of variation in maternal allocation in a long-lived mammal. Journal of Animal Ecology 89:1927-1940.
Maguire, Z.*, B. B. Tumolo*, and L. K. Albertson. 2020. Retreat but no surrender: Caddisfly silk has enduring effects on stream channel hydraulics. Hydrobiologia 847(6): 1539-1551.
McGarvey, L. M., L. J. Halvorson, J. E. Ilgen, C. S. Guy, J. G. McLellan, and M. A. H. Webb. 2020. Gametogenesis and assessment of non-lethal tools to assign sex and reproductive condition in burbot Lota lota. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 149:225-240.
McGuire, T.L., Himes Boor, G.K., McClung, J.R., Stephens, A.D., Garner, C., Shelden, K.E.W. & Wright, B. (2020) Distribution and habitat use by endangered Cook Inlet beluga whales: Patterns observed during a photo-identification study, 2005–2017. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems,30, 2402-2427.
McGuire, T.L., Stephens, A.D., McClung, J.R., Garner, C.D., Shelden, K.E.W., Himes Boor, G.K. & Wright, B. (2020) Reproductive natural history of endangered Cook Inlet Beluga whales: insights from a long-term photo-identification study. Polar Biology,43, 1851-1871.
, , , ...Cross, WF,...Junker*, al. 2020. Contrasting responses of black fly species (Diptera: Simuliidae) to experimental whole-stream warming. Freshwater Biology 65:1793-1805.
, , , , , , , , , and 2020. The indirect paths to cascading effects of extinctions in mutualistic networks. Ecology 101( 7):e03080. 10.1002/ecy.3080
Proffitt, K.M., R. Garrott, J.A. Gude, M. Hebblewhite, B. Jiminez, J.T. Paterson*, and J. Rotella. 2020. Integrated carnivore‐ungulate management: a case study in west‐central Montana. Wildlife Monographs 206:1-28.
Raynor, E.J., H.L. Hillhouse, D.M. Debinski, J.R. Miller, and W.H. Schacht. 2021. Recoupling cross-scale interactions in tall fescue-invaded tallgrass prairie. Landscape Ecology.
Reinert, J. H., L. K. Albertson, and J. R. Junker. 2020. Influence of biomimicry structures on ecosystem function in a Rocky Mountain incised stream. Ecosphere 14, 2: e2266.
Ritter, T.D.*, Zale, A.V., Grisak, G., Lance, M.J.* 2020. Groundwater Upwelling Regulates Thermal Hydrodynamics and Salmonid movements during High-Temperature Events at a Montane Tributary Confluence. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.
Roberts, D.W. 2020. Comparison of distance-based and model-based ordinations. Ecology 101(1):10.1002/ecy.2908
Scholl*, EA, WF Cross, JR Junker*, MJ MacDonald*, JASanchez-Ruiz*, BB Tumolo*, MR Whiles, 2020. Are human remediation efforts responsible for increases in insect abundance? Science
Schwarz, B., D.P. Vázquez, P.J. CaraDonna, T.M. Knight, G. Benadi, C.F. Dormann, B. Gauzens, E. Motivans, J. Resasco, N. Blüthgen, L.A. Burkle, Q.Fang, C.N. Kaiser-Bunbury, R. Alarcón, J.A. Bain, N.P. Chacoff, S-Q Huang, G. LeBuhn, M. MacLeod, T. Petanidou, C. Rasmussen, M.P. Simananok*, A.H. Thompson, J. Fründ. The temporal scale-dependence of plant-pollinator networks. 2020. Oikos 129:1289-1302.
Shea, B., J Mourier, C Benson, C DaSilva, D Donovan, J Romiero, M Bond, S Creel, A Gallagher. 2020. Effects of exposure to large sharks on the abundance and behavior of mobile prey fishes along a temperate coastal gradient. PLoS ONE 15 (3)
Simanonok, M.P., Burkle, L.A. (2020) High-severity wildfire limits available floral pollen quality and bumble bee nutrition compared to mixed-severity burns. Oecologia 192, 489–499.
Smithers, BV, North, MP. 2020. Mechanisms of species range shift: germination and early survival of Great Basin bristlecone pine and limber pine. Plant and Soil. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-020-04732-9.
Stein, D., D.M. Debinski, J. Pleasants, John, A. Toth. 2020. Evaluating Native Bee Communities and Nutrition in Managed Grasslands. Environmental Entomology.
Syslo, J. M., T. O. Brenden, C. S. Guy, T. M. Koel, P. E. Bigelow, P. D. Doepke, J. L. Arnold, and B. E. Ertel. 2020. Could ecological release buffer suppression efforts for non-native lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77:1010-1025.
Thurman L.L., B.A. Stein, E.A. Beever**, W. Foden, S.R. Geange, N. Green, J.E. Gross, D.J. Lawrence, O. LeDee, J.D. Olden, L.M. Thompson, and B.E. Young. 2020. Persist in place or shift in space: evaluating the adaptive capacity of species to climate change. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 18(9):520-528.
Tumolo, B.B.*, Calle, L.*, Anderson, H.E.*, Briggs, M.A.*, Carlson, S., MacDonald, M.J.*, Reinert, J.H.*, Albertson, L.K. 2020. Toward spatio-temporal deliniation of positive interactions in ecology. Ecology and Evolution.
Ulrich, D.E.M., Sevanto, S., Peterson, S., Ryan, M., and Dunbar, J. 2020. Effects of soil microbes on functional traits of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) seedling families from contrasting climates. Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 1643.
Veblen, K., E.A. Beever**, and D.A. Pyke. 2020. Context-dependent effects of livestock grazing in deserts of western North America. Pages 89-113 in: Beever, E.A., S. Prange, and Dominick DellaSala, Editors. Relationships of biological diversity to ecological disturbance: scale, context, and nature. CRC Press.
Vinks, M.*, S Creel, P Schuette, W Matandiko*, E Rosenblatt*, C Sanguinetti, K Banda*, B Goodheart*, M Becker, C Chifunte, C Simukonda. 2020. Testing the effects of anthropogenic pressures on a diverse African ungulate community. Ecosphere,11(3):e03067.
Walters, D.M., Cross, W.F., Kennedy, T.A., Baxter, C.V., Hall Jr., R.O., Rosi, E.J. 2020. Food web controls on mercury fluxes and fate in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon.
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Williams, B.A., O. Venter. J.R. Allen, S.C. Atkinson, J.A. Rehbein, M.S. Wared, M. DiMarco, H.S. Grantham, J. Erin, S. Goetz, A.J. Hansen, P. Jantz, R. Rillay, S. Rodríguez-Buriticá, C. Supples, A.L.S. Virnig, J.E.M. Watson. 2020. Change in terrestrial human footprint drives continued loss of intact ecosystems. One Earth. One Earth 3, 371–382.
Williams, J. R.,C. S. Guy, T. M. Koel, P. Bigelow. 2020. Targeting aggregations of telemetered lake trout to increase gillnetting suppression efficacy. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:225-231.
2019 Publications
(Bold denotes Ecology Faculty, * denotes Ecology Graduate Student, ** denotes Affiliate of the Department of Ecology)
Adhikari, S., Burkle, L., O'Neill, K., Weaver, D., Menalled, F. 2019. Dryland organic farming increases floral resources and bee colony success in highly simplified agricultural landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and the Environment : v. 270 p. 9-18.
Adhikari, S., Burkle, L., O'Neill, K., Weaver, D., Delphia, C., Menalled, F. 2019. Dryland organic farming partially offsets negative effects of highly-simplified agricultural landscapes on forbs, bees, and bee-flower networks. Environmental Entomology: v. 48 p. 826-835.
Adhikari, A. andA.J. Hansen. 2019. Climate and water balance change among public, private, and tribal lands within Greater Wild land Ecosystems across North Central USA. Climatic Change. 152 (3-4): 551-567.
Adhikari, A., A.J. Hansen and I. Rangwala. 2019. Ecological water stress under projected climate change across hydroclimate gradients in the North-Central United States. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 58 (9): 2103 - 2114.
Adhikari, A., K.P., Mainali, I. Rangwala, A.J. Hansen. 2019. Various measures of potential evapotranspiration have species-specific impact on species distribution models. Ecological Modeling 14:108836.
Albertson, L. K., L. S. Sklar, S. D. Cooper, and B. J. Cardinale. 2019. Aquatic macroinvertebrates stabilize gravel bed sediment: A test using silk net-spinning caddisflies in semi-natural river channels. PLOS ONE 14(1):e0209087. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0209087
Alongi, F., A.J. Hansen, D. Laufenberg*, R.E. Keane, K. Legg, M. Lavin. 2019. An economical approach to genetically distinguish limber from whitebark pine needles. Forests 2019, 10, 1060; doi:10.3390/f10121060.
Anderson, H. E.*, L. K. Albertson, and D. M. Walters. 2019. Thermal variability drives synchronicity of an aquatic insect resource pulse. Ecosphere 10(8):e02852.
Anderson, H. E.*, Albertson, L. K., Walters, D. 2019. Water temperature drives variability in salmonfly abundance, emergence timing, and body size. River Research and Applications: v. 35 i. 7 p. 1013-1022.
Banner, K.M., Irvine, K.M., Rodhouse, T.J., Donner, D., Litt, A.R. 2019. Statistical power of dynamic occupancy models to identify temporal change: Informing the North American Bat Monitoring Program. Ecological Indicators 105:166-176.
Brusa, J.L.*, Rotella, J.J., Garrott, R.A., Paterson, J.T., and Link, W.A. 2019. Variation of annual apparent survival and detection rates with age, year and individual identity in male Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) from long‐term mark‐recapture data. Population Ecology 62:134–150.
Burkhardt, A., Briar, S.S., Martin, J.M., Carr, P.M., Lachowiec, J., Zabinski,C., Roberts, D.W., Miller, P., and Sherman, J. 2019. Perennial crop legacy effects on nematode community structure in semi-arid wheat systems. Applied Soil Ecology 136: 93-100.
Burkle, L., Runyon, J. 2019. Floral volatiles structure plant-pollinator interactions in a diverse community across the growing season. Functional Ecology 33:11
Burkle, L., Simanonok, M*., Durney, S*., Myers, J., Belote, T. 2019. Wildfires influence abundance, diversity, and intraspecific and interspecific variation of native bees and flowering plants across burned and unburned landscapes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7:252
Burns, J., Bennett, J., Li, J., Xia, J., Arceo-Gomez, G., Burd, M., Burkle, L., Durka, W., Ellis, A., ... Steets, J. 2019. Plant traits moderate pollen limitation of introduced and native plants: a phylogenetic meta-analysis of global scale. New Phytologist: v. 223 p. 2063-2075.
Creel, S., M Becker, E Dröge, J M'soka, W Matandiko, E Rosenblatt, T Mweetwa, H Mwape, M Vinks, B Goodheart, J Merkle, T Mukula, D Smit, C Sanguinetti, C Dart, D Christianson, P Schuette. 2019. What explains variation in the strength of behavioral responses to predation risk? A standardized test with large carnivore and ungulate guilds in three ecosystems. Biological Conservation 232: 164-172.
Creel, S., G Spong, M Becker, C Simukonda, A Norman, B Schiffthaler, C Chifunte. 2019. Carnivores, competiton and genetic connectivity in the Anhtropocene. Nature Scientific Reports 9, 16339 doi:10.1038/s41598-019-52904-0
Davis, M.N.*, T.E. McMahon, M.A.H. Webb, J.E. Ilgen, A.T. Hitch, M.E. Jaeger, and K.A. Cutting. 2019. Winter survival, habitat use, and hypoxia tolerance of Montana Arctic Grayling in a winterkill-prone lake. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 148:843-856.
Debinski, D.M. 2019. Insects as a Vital Sign in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.Yellowstone Science. Yellowstone Science 27(1):58-60.
De Aguiar, M., Newman, E., Pires, M., Yeakel, J., Hembry, D., Burkle, L., Gravel, D., Guimaraes, P., O'Donnell, J., ... Fortin, M. 2019. Revealing biases in the sampling of ecological interaction networks. PeerJ 7:e7566
Delphia, C., O'Neill, K., Burkle, L. 2019. Wildflower seed sales as incentive for adopting flower strips for native bee conservation: a cost-benefit analysis. Journal of Economic Entomology 112:6, 2534-2544.
Droge E*, Christianson D, Watson F, M'Soka J*, Becker M & Creel S. 2019. Response of wildebeest (Connochates taurinus) movements to spatial variation in long term risks from a complete predator guild. Biological Conservation 233: 139-151.
Glassic, H. C.* and J. W. Gaeta. 2019. Multiyear Drought-Driven Littoral Habitat Loss and the Response of an Endemic Fish Species in a Deep, Desert Lake. Freshwater Biology.
Glassic, H.C.*, Kurt C. Heim*, Christopher S. Guy. 2019. Creating Figures in R that Meet the AFS Style Guide: Standardization and Supporting Script.Fisheries.
Hansen, A.J. 2019. Challenges to Arid Public Lands through the Lens of the Grand Canyon, BioScience, 69:3, 228-229.
Hansen, A., Barnett, K., Jantz, P. et al. 2019. Global humid tropics forest structural condition and forest structural integrity maps. Scientific Data 6, 232.
Hansen, M.J., C. S. Guy, P. Budy, and T. E. McMahon. 2019. Trout as Native and Non-native Species: A Management Paradox. Chapter 19, IN: Trouts and Chars of the World. American Fisheries Society. PDF
Holmquist, L. M., C. S. Guy, A. Tews, D. J. Trimpe, and M. A. H. Webb. 2019. Reproductive ecology and movement of pallid sturgeon in the upper Missouri River, Montana. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 35:1069-1083.
Kalinowski, S. 2019. A graphical method for displaying the model fit of item response theory trace lines. Educational and Psychological Measurement: v. 79 i. 6 p. 1064-1074.
Kalinowski, S., Willoughby, S. 2019. Development and validation of a scientific (formal) reasoning test for college students. Journal of Research in Science Teaching: v. 56 i. 9 p. 1269-1284.
Kanive, P.E.*, Rotella, J.J., Jorgensen, S.J., Chapple, T.K., Hines, J.E., Anderson, S.D., and Block, B.A. 2019. Size-specific apparent survival rate estimates of white sharks using mark-recapture models. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76: 2027-2034.
Heim, K.C.*, T.E. McMahon, L. Calle, M.S. Wipfli, and J.A. Falke. 2019. A general model of temporary aquatic habitat use: water phenology asa life history filter. Fish and Fisheries 20:802-816.
Holmquist, L. M., C. S. Guy, M. A. H. Webb, and A. Tews. 2019. First maturity and spawning periodicity of hatchery-origin pallid sturgeon in the upper Missouri River above Fort Peck Reservoir, Montana. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 35:138-148.
Litt, A.R., Ray, A.M. 2019. Surrogate Species: Piecing Together the Whole Picture. Yellowstone Science 27(1)40-43.
Lowrey, B.*, K. Proffitt, D. McWhirter, P.J. White, A. Courtemanch, S. Dewey, H. Miyasaki, K. Monteith, J. Mao, J. Grigg, C. Butler, E. Lula*, and R. Garrott. 2019. Characterizing population and individual migration patterns among native and restored bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). Ecology and Evolution, 9(15): 8829-8839.
Lyon, N.J., D.M. Debinski and Imtiaz Rangwala. 2019. Evaluating the Utility of Species Distribution Models in Informing Climate Change-Resilient Grassland Restoration Strategy. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Vol 7 Article 33.
Mayfield, M.P.*, T.E. McMahon, J. J. Rotella,R.E. Gresswell**, T. Selch, P. Saffel, J. Lindstrom, and B. Liermann. 2019. Application of multistate modeling to estimate salmonid survival and movement in relation to spatial and temporal variation in metal exposure in a mining-impacted river. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76: 2057-2068.
Milliman, T., B. Seyednasrollah, A.M. Young, K. Hufkens, M.A. Friedl, S. Frolking, A.D. Richardson, M. Abraha, D.W. Allen, M. Apple, M.A. Arain, J. Baker, J.M. Baker, C.J. Bernacchi …D.M. Debinski … et al. 2019. PhenoCam Dataset v2.0: Digital Camera Imagery from the PhenoCam Network, 2000-2018.
Mosher, B.A., Saab, V.A., Lerch, M.D., Ellis, M.M., and Rotella, J.J. 2019. Forest birds exhibit variable changes in occurrence during a mountain pine beetle epidemic. Ecosphere 10(12): e02935.
, , , , , , , , and . 2019. Thermal niche diversity and trophic redundancy drive neutral effects of warming on energy flux through a stream food web. Ecology 101(4):e02952. 10.1002/ecy.2952
Paterson, J.T.*, K. Proffitt, B. Jimenez, J. Rotella, and R. Garrott. 2019. Simulation-based validation of spatial capture-recapture models: a case study using mountain lions. PLOS ONE 14(4):e0215458.
Paterson, J.T.*, Proffitt, K., Rotella J,, Garrott, R. 2019. An improved understanding of ungulate population dynamics using count data: Insights from western Montana. PLOS ONE 14(12): e0226492.
Patrick, C.J., D.J. McGarvey, J.H. Larson, W.F. Cross, D.C. Allen, A.C. Benke, T. Brey, A.D. Huryn, J. Jones, C.A. Murphy, C. Ruffing, P. Saffarinia, M.R. Whiles, J.B. Wallace, and G. Woodward. 2019. Precipitation and temperature drive continental-scale patterns in stream invertebrate production. Science Advances 5: eaav2348.
Rosenblatt, E.*, S Creel, P Schuette , M Becker, D Christianson, E Dröge*, J M’soka*. 2019. Do protection gradients explain patterns in herbivore densities? An example with ungulates in Zambia’s Luangwa Valley. PLoS ONE 14(10): e0224438
Ruhi, A., Catford, J.A., Cross, W.F., Escoriza, D., Olden, J.D. 2019. Understanding the Nexus Between Hydrological Alteration and Biological Invasions. Multiple Stressors in River Ecosystems (Elsevier). p. 45-64.
Seyednasrollah, B., A.M. Young, K. Hufkens, T. Milliman, M.A. Friedl, S. Frolking…D.M. Debinski … et al. 2019. PhenoCam Dataset v2.0: Vegetation Phenology from Digital Camera Imagery, 2000-2018.
Simanonok, M., Burkle, L. 2019. Nesting success of wood-cavity-nesting bees declines with increasing time since wildfire. Ecology and Evolution 9:22, 12436-12445.
Slominski, A. H.*, Burkle, L. 2019. Solitary Bee Life History Traits and Sex Mediate Responses to Manipulated Seasonal Temperatures and Season Length. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7:314.
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