Board of Public Education Letter of Accreditation - Text follows

Elsie Arntzen, Superintendent
PO Box 202501
Helena, MT 59620-2501

Office of Public Instruction
State of Montana

Great Seal of the State of Montana

Putting Montana Students First A+


September 20, 2024


Dr. Tricia Seifert
College of Education Health and Human Development
Montana State University


Initial and Advanced Level Educator Preparation Program Accreditation and Approval

Dear Dr. Tricia Seifert,

Congratulations! This letter confirms the action taken by the Montana Board of Public Education (BPE) on September 13, 2024, granting accreditation and approval of the initial-licensure and the advanced level Educator Preparation Program (EPP) at the College of Education Health and Human Development at the Montana State University. This accreditation status is effective between Spring 2024 and Spring of 2030.

The Montana State University EPP is granted accreditation and program approval with the following improvement (AFI) areas identified by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) through the joint accreditation process.


Advanced Clinical Partnerships and Practice

10.58.313 and 10.58.607

Initial and Advanced Candidate Quality, Recruitment, and Selectivity

10.58.314 and 10.58.608

Initial and Advanced Program Impact

10.58.315 and 10.58.609

Initial and Advanced Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement

The Areas for Improvement should be remediated by the next accreditation cycle and progress toward improvement is purported annually through the annual report to the OPI/BPE. During the next accreditation review, the Educator Preparation Program at both the initial and advanced levels must demonstrate that the AFIs have been corrected.

I wish to extend a special thank you to Dr. Tricia Seifert, Dr. Rebecca Turk, and their team, for a successful virtual site visit. The College of Education Health and Human Development at the Montana State University is highly respected across the state.

Thank you for your commitment to advancing educator preparation in Montana.

For more information, contact Crystal Andrews at 406-444-6325 or [email protected].


Elsie Arntzen
State Superintendent

Cc: Dr. Waded Cruzado, President of Montana State University
Dr. Julie Murgel, Chief Program Officer, Office of Public Instruction
Crystal Andrews, Accreditation & Licensure Senior Manager, Office of Public Instruction