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These professional development opportunities were made possible through grants from the Office of Public Instruction (OPI), including the 2008 OPI Indian Education for All Montana University System Teacher Education Department Professional Development Grant; grants from MUS’s Provost Budget Committee; contributions from the College of Education, Health and Human Development, the Department of Education; the Department of Native American Studies; the Diversity Awareness Office; the Teaching and Learning Committee; and support from the Indian Leadership and Development (I LEAD) Program, and the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education (OCHE) .

October 12th, 2022 - Documentary screenings and Q & A sessions

The first film, “Montana Teachers of English Language Learners (MontTELLs): Braiding Indian Education with Academic Literacy Skills in English,” will be shown at 12:30 p.m.  It describes how the MontTELLs model supports American Indian English language learners by braiding Indian Education for All, Indigenous language preservation, and academic literacy in English.

The second documentary, “Little Shell Celebration of Determination to Regain Federal Recognition,” will be shown at 2:30 p.m. It tells the story of the long road to federal recognition and the role language revitalization has played and continues to play.

-Additional Resources: Flyer


September 24, 2019 - Native American Education:  Promoting Strength-Based Community

Dr. Florence McGeshick Garcia, “Washte Hinapawe”, Good Woman Appears, is an enrolled member of the Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes, and she is also Ojibwe.  Florence earned a doctorate in Adult and Higher Education from MSU Bozeman and holds a K-12 teaching license and guidance counseling endorsement.  She has taught middle school through graduate level courses in: Native American Studies, Spanish, English, general Education as well as Multicultural Education.  Florence is fluent in Spanish, and knowledgeable of her heritage Dakota language.  Florence is also a successful grant developer and writer and has served as the Principal Investigator on several grants.  

Florence served as the Vice President and President of Fort Peck Community College for 4 years.  

Florence is here to talk about Native American Education:  Promoting Strength-Based Community.  

-Additional Resources: FlyerRecording

September 27, 2018 – Revitalizing and Maintaining Indigenous Languages 

 Featured Speakers:  Dr. Lanny Real Bird (Crow), Dr. Ku Kahakalau (Native Hawaiian), Dr. Richard Littlebear (N. Cheyenne), Cathy Keggutailnguq Moses (Yup’ik), Dr. Joan Parker Webster, Dr. Martin  Reinhardt (Anishinaabe Ojibway), Dr. Jon Reyhner, Sally Angass’aq Samson (Yup’ik),  Dr. Sabine Seikmann, Dr. Lenore Stiffarm (Aa Nii), John Mark Stiffarm (Aa Nii) .

-Additional Resources: Flyer, recording of the workshop

October 26, 2017 – SINE members and The Shared Responsibility for American Indian Education

Featured Speakers: Dr. Martin Reinhardt and the Society of INdigenous Educators (SINE).  SINE members revisited their experience at the World Indigenous People’s Conference on Education (WIPCE) in Toronto in July.  In his keynote presentation, Dr. Reinhardt discussed Indian identity, the trilateral relationship, and treaty education provisions. He also led the audience through some scenarios and treaty analysis and even performed his inspirational song, Hey Teacher.

-Additional Resources:IEFA Flyer Photo, Photo, Dr. Reinhardt recording, SINE recording

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October 19, 2016 – American Indian Student Success Strategies and a National Update

William (Bill) Mendoza, a national leader on American Indian and Alaska Native education and ILEAD graduate, and Jim Burns, the former Director of American Indian/Alaska Native Student Success Services at MSU, were the featured speakers at the annual fall IEFA professional development workshop. In 2011, President Barack Obama appointed Mendoza as head of the White House Initiative on American Indian and Alaska Native Education. Mendoza shared the goals of the initiative which was designed to help expand educational opportunities and improve educational outcomes for all American Indian and Alaska Native students. It also aims to further opportunities for students to learn their native languages, cultures and histories and receive a complete and competitive education that prepares them for college and a career. In his 15 years of service at MSU, Burns provided academic advising and counseling services and also led the department’s recruitment, retention and graduation efforts. Burns’ talk addressed student leadership development and cultivating a positive self-image; community building; services; and developing relationships and partnerships with faculty, mentors, staff advisers and key staff. 

-Additional Resources: IEFA Flyer, MSU to host Oct. 19 Indian Education for All professional development workshop--Article, Photo




October 28, 2015 -- Transcending Classrooms: Native American Studies Graduate Courses Support the Implementation of Indian Education for All

This fall’s annual Indian Education for All professional development workshop focused on Native American Studies graduate courses offered at MSU that support the implementation of Indian Education for All. The full day workshop, facilitated by Jioanna Carjuzaa, executive director for Bilingual and Multicultural Education at MSU, featured faculty who presented overviews of the classes they teach for the 12 credit, graduate online certificate in Native American Studies (NAS). To conclude, a panel of instructors and moderator Walter Fleming, NAS department head, discussed the challenges and benefits of conducting classes online. The following instructors and their courses included: Jioanna Carjuzaa, associate professor of education, “IEFA: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Practice”; Caroline Running Wolf, MSU graduate, and Kristin Ruppel, associate professor in Native American Studies,“Federal Indian Law and Policy”; Josh Mori, MSU graduate and youth mentor in Hawaii, “Activism and Indigeneity: A Comparative Study”; Francine Spang-Willis, former director of the American Indian Tribal Histories Project, “Native America: Dispelling the Myths”; Carol Miller, professor emeritus of American Indian Studies from the University of Minnesota, “Indigenous Literature and the West”; and Michelle Baumfleck, Non-timber Forest Products research specialist at the University of Vermont, “Native Food Systems”.

-Additional Resources: November 2015 page 5, IEFA Hosts Workshops on Transcending Classrooms, IEFA Flyer


October 29, 2014 -- The Indian Mascot Controversy:

The 18th Indian Education for All workshop featured  keynote speaker Cornel Pewewardy, professor and director of Indigenous Nations studies at Portland State University. His presentation was entitled “Why Educators Should Not Ignore the Indian Mascot Controversy: The construction of whiteness, looking at relations and transdifference in the misuse of Indian mascots in American Schools and sport culture.” The concept of using Indian mascots originated with the Indian boarding schools on the east coast in the early 1900s with the establishment of Indian sports teams at the schools. The concept of empirical nostalgia (the noble savage, the wild west image) was used by schools to affirm the use of Native American mascots. In addition to the keynote speaker, a panel discussion featured Mike Jetty, Indian education specialist with the Office of Public Instruction; Sweeney Windchief, assistant professor of adult and higher education at MSU; Rex Ternan, principal at Red Lodge High School; and Pewewardy. Before the featured presentation, the American Indian Council at MSU held a silent auction to raise funds to support council activities.

-Additional Resources: December 2014 page 2, Fall IEFA Workshop Focuses on Sports Mascots, IEFA Flyer

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October 23, 2013 – Montana’s American Indian Poets Share

Dorothea Susag served as the moderator for the MSU Indian Education for All Fall 2013 Workshop and the poets who contributed to Birthright: Born to Poetry--A Collection of Montana Indian Poetry, shared their work. “The poets presented in this teaching collection reflect an intense and deep understanding of the people and places that give them the wisdom and cleverness to find those universal and local associations,” from the foreword of  Birthright: Born to Poetry--A Collection of Montana Indian Poetry by Dr. Joseph McGeshick who sums up the importance of this collection.  The featured poets included:  Heather Cahoon (Pend d’Oreille), Victor Charlo (Salish), Jennifer Greene (Salish/Chippewa-Cree), Richard Littlebear (Northern Cheyenne), Joseph McGeshick (Chippewa/Assiniboine/Sioux), Lois Red Elk (Dakota/Lakota), M.L. Smoker (Assiniboine), and Lois Welch (Reading for James Welch-Blackfeet/Gros Ventre).

-Additional Resources: Birthright: Born to Poetry,IEFA Flyer

 February 27, 2013 - Dr. James Loewen

This MSU spring Indian Education for All professional development workshop featured Dr. James Loewen, a well-known sociologist and author of numerous books dealing with American history and how it has been misrepresented in textbooks. His lecture, “Lies My Teacher Told Me about Native Americans and How to Do Better,” was based on his best seller, Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your High School History Textbook Got Wrong. This was the fourteenth in a series of IEFA workshops over the past seven years.  It was made possible through a grant from the MSU Provost’s Office.  In attendance were MSU faculty, staff, undergraduate and graduate students, the TEA fellows (international middle and high school teachers from around the world), and educators from the Bozeman School District.

-Additional Resources: Documents, Photos, Video Link(Per Request Only, Contact Dr. Jioanna Carjuzaa), March 2013 page 1, Author JamesLoewen Guest at Spring IEFA Workshop, IEFA Flyer

October 26, 2012 - The First Thanksgiving: Dispelling the Myths and Misconceptions
Dr. Henrietta Mann, President of the Cheyenne Arapaho Tribal College in Weatherford, Oklahoma; gkisedtanamoogk, Spiritual Leader of the Wamponoag/Wabanaki Nations; and Mike Jetty, Indian Education Specialist from the Office of Public Instruction shared the Indigenous perspective on the first Thanksgiving celebrated in 1621. Twila Old Coyote and Dr. Jioanna Carjuzaa facilitated the workshop.  Mike Sweeney provided a traditional Indigenous meal. This event was made possible by support from the MSU Provost’s Office, the Department of Native American Studies, the Teaching and Learning Committee, and the Diversity Awareness Office.

-Additional Resources: Documents, Photos, Video LinkNovember 2012 page 4, Annual Indian Ed for All Workshop, IEFA Flyer, IEFA Presenters

 October 24, 2012 - Indian Education for All in Higher Education and in Indian Country 

Dr. Henrietta Mann, President of the Cheyenne Arapaho Tribal College in Weatherford, Oklahoma; Brandi Foster, Director of American Indian/Minority Student Achievement, Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education; Dr. Wayne Stein, Professor, Department of Native American Studies at MSU, and a distinguished panel of Tribal College presidents were the featured speakers for the fall IEFA professional development workshop.  Over 200 MSU faculty, staff, and students and educators from the Bozeman School District were in attendance.  This event was made possible by a Montana State University's Office of the Provost grant to bolster recruiting efforts and retention initiatives for Native American students.

-Additional Resources: Documents, PhotosVideo LinkNovember 2012 page 4, Annual Indian Ed for All Workshop, IEFA Flyer

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 April 12, 2012 - Images of Indians Reel to Real

Oscar winner, Victoria Mudd, best known for the 1985 documentary, Broken Arrows, an exploration of the Hopi-Navajo land dispute, presented how American Indians are portrayed in film.  She shared clips from Stagecoach, Little Big Man, Dances with Wolves, Smoke Signals and other films.  Mudd interspersed commentary throughout her presentation to highlight the historical and social implications stereotypes of American Indians have had.

-Additional Resources: Documents, Photos, Video Link, May 2012 page 1, Indian Ed for All hosts Academy Award Winner, IEFA Flyer

 October 28, 2011 - Indian Student Achievement and Indian Education for All

Mandy Smoker Broaddus led a discussion on Increasing Educational Outcomes for American Indian students in Montana.  Panel members, Walter Fleming, Department Head, Native American Studies; Bill Mclaughlin, Department of Chemistry/ Biochemistry; Holly Hunts, Department of Health and Human Development; and Florence Dunkel, Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology, described their collaborative partnerships with tribal members to integrate IEFA in their respective curricula.  Aboriginal Studies professors, Dr. Nado Aveling and André Georgeff from Murdoch University in Australia, highlighted our global partnership.

-Additional Resources: Documents, Photos, Video Link, November 2011 page 4, Annual Indian Ed Workshop, IEFA Flyer, IEFA Agenda

 April 19, 2010 - Increasing Educational Outcomes

Denise Juneau, Mandy Smoker Broaddus, and Michael Munson from OPI presented data on Indian student achievement.  A video-cast of their presentation title, “Raising the Bar: Increasing Educational Outcomes for American Indian Students in Montana” and their power point slides were made available.

-Additional Resources: Documents, Photos,  IEFA Podcast Part1 and Part2, Presentation Slides

 October 29, 2010 - Beyond Indian Education for All (IEFA) 101

During the workshop, we addressed the legal, instructional, and ethical responsibilities to integrate IEFA, examined the Seven Essential Understandings, which serve as a framework for integrating IEFA, reviewed best practices in the implementation of culturally responsive pedagogy, and explored the benefits of collaborative efforts.

-Additional Resources: DocumentsPhotos, Video Link, November 2010 page 2, Annual IEFA Workshop, IEFA Flyer, IEFA Agenda

 October 23, 2009 - IEFA Gallery Walk

Laurie Smith Small Waisted Bear, a language arts teacher from Heart Butte, Montana, facilitated participants’ exploration of primary sources, artifacts, exhibits, and displays to consider an alternative historical narrative.

-Additional Resources: DocumentsPhotos, Video Link, November 2009 page 1, Indian Education Gallery Walk, IEFA Flyer,IEFA Agenda

 November 7, 2008 - IEFA Poster Session Conference

Eighty guests from OPI, OCHE, the Council of Elders, Bozeman Public Schools, and students, staff, faculty and administrators from across campus came to see the Lesson/ Unit Plans faculty and graduate instructors designed to integrate Indian Education for All in their respective courses at MSU.

-Additional Resources: DocumentsPhotos, Video Link, December 2008 page 3, Indian Education for All Poster Session Held, October 2008 page 3, Carjuzaa Receives Grant for IEFA. IEFA Flyer

 September 12, 2008 - MSU Professional Development IEFA Workshop

Julie Cajune, Indian Education specialist from Salish Kootenai College, was invited to facilitate this hands-on workshop focusing on social justice, culturally responsive pedagogy and the implications of the IEFA mandate in higher education. Forty MSU faculty, graduate instructors, and librarians participated in discussions and shared lesson plans they had created over the summer.

-Additional Resources: Documents, Photos, Video Link, IEFA Flyer

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 Summer 2008 - IEFA Faculty Summer Research Projects

Thirty-five faculty, graduate instructors and librarians from the Department of Education, Native American Studies and the University Teacher Education Committee (UTEC) had the opportunity to explore the integration and implementation of IEFA in their specific disciplines.

-Additional Resources: Documents, Photos, Video Link

 February 22, 2008 - Update on MCA 20-1-501 Indian Education for All in Montana & “A Different Place: The Intercultural Classroom”

Ellen Swaney from OCHE led this workshop focusing on the Montana University System’s Academic Plan for IEFA. She shared OPI enrollment data, MUS current research initiatives with MT tribes, the AIMA Web site – MSU information, and sample materials in the MUS for Implementation of MCA 20-1-501 as well as her personal and professional experiences with the 40 faculty and staff from across campus.

-Additional Resources: Documents, Photos, Video Link

 October 12, 2007 - MSU Indian Education for All Professional Development Workshop 

Seventy-five attendees: MSU students, staff, faculty and administrators from across campus gathered for this alternative celebration of Columbus Day to explore the IEFA mandate and how it affects higher education. Mike Jetty, Indian Specialist at OPI, Ellen Swaney, Director of Minority/Indian Student Achievement at OCHE, Robin Arnold, Curriculum Director at Bozeman Public Schools, Indian Education Specialists from the Tribal Colleges, and several educators from the Bozeman School District were among those invited to speak.

-Additional Resources: Documents, Photos, Video Link, November 2007 page 1, Indian Education for All Workshop Held

 May 17-18th, 2007 - Indian Education for All Professional Development Institute 

With a generous grant from OPI, Montana State University-Bozeman in collaboration
with OPI and OCHE were able to invite participants from the seven Tribal Colleges, the five institutions in the Montana University System, and the three privates Rocky Mountain College, Carroll College and The University of Great Falls for a two-day IEFA Professional Development Teacher Education Institute. In addition to sharing best practices, we were able to purchase a variety of books and materials on IEFA to distribute a ‘goodies box’ to each of the 30 participants.

-Additional Resources: Documents, Photos, Video Link


Fall 2006 - Present - Teacher Resource Center/Renne Library: IEFA Materials 
Taking the input on the IEFA survey into consideration, I set out to determine what resources we had available to help faculty learn about the distinct and unique heritage of American Indians in general and about the 12 Montana tribes specifically. I took an inventory of what we had in Renne Library’s general holdings and the Department of Education’s Teacher Resource Center’s collection. I also consulted with faculty in Native American Studies (NAS) and found out they no longer maintained a separate collection, but had donated their materials to Renne library. I then searched for materials and resources to compliment and update our current collection of books, documentaries, DVDs, etc. by and about Indians. I consulted with the Indian Specialists at OPI, NAS faculty, contacts and friends

-Additional Resources: Documents, Photos, Video Link, IEFA Agenda Part1 and Part2


Fall 2006 - IEFA Survey: Preparing Pre-Service Teachers to Meet the Needs of K-12 Pupils
I administered this survey to faculty in the Department of Education to take a snapshot of where we were with respect to the Indian Education for All legislation, within our courses individually and as a teacher preparation program. This initial survey was intended to help set the agenda for upcoming professional development initiatives, and to help determine what kinds of resources and assistance would be of most value.

-Additional Resources: Documents, Photos, Video Link


Download MSU IEFA Professional Development Flyer


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