Here are your Monday Minutes for the week of October 19-23, 2020.

Please make a point of reading this email every Monday (or Tuesday), as it highlights key department announcements, opportunities, and events, particularly events hosted by one of the Department of Education’s student clubs. It covers everything you need to know in a single email message. 

From the Department Head 

Dear Students, Staff, and Faculty, 

We are officially over the hump of this challenging semester! I want to commend you all for your persistence in working together as we weather the pandemic. Let’s finish strong!

As we continue to work virtually, I thought I’d highlight that today is National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day

“Remember when your computer was new and the desktop was clean and organized? The trash file was empty. The only files on the computer were the ones the manufacturer created. No viruses. No documents. And your computer was fast, too. You were ready to create, design and program. A clean and organized space offers fewer frustrations. Everything is in its file and you know where to find it. Archive old files. Create short cuts. This will help your computer run faster and help you find them more quickly. Pin favorite apps to the start menu.  Name photos and put them on a thumb drive. Clean out that email, too. Delete unused icons. You can do the same thing with your phone. Are there games you don’t play anymore? Eliminate them. Make sure your virus protection is up to date and run it. Make sure it runs on a regular schedule.”

Also, consider backing up your digital files in multiple places. A good way to remember is the acronym LOCKSS (lots of copies keeps stuff safe). There is no such thing as too many backups! 

Take good care, 

Dr. Ann Ewbank

From the Advising Office

  • Registration for Spring 2021 is just around the corner. Due to the pandemic, we will not run group advising sessions this term. Instead, Elementary Education, Social Studies Broadfield, and General Science Broadfield majors may advise via email or make an appointment with David or Cyndi. Other teaching majors should plan to advise in their home departments. 
  • We will host an advising and registration informational meeting for first-semester students and anyone else who could use a refresher on October 20, at 10:00 am via Webex (
  • The Education Advising Center is currently offering remote advising only.
    • Phone or Webex Appointments: M-F, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, as available. You can schedule appointments at
    • And, as always, you can contact us via email or phone. We’re available to respond during normal business hours (M-F, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm).
  • Students planning to student teach in Spring 2021 should plan to attend one of the following orientation sessions:
  • Students planning to student teach in Fall 2021 should plan to attend one of the following information sessions:
  • The Center for Bilingual and Multicultural Education in Reid 418 is open M-Th, 9am-3pm, for students, staff and faculty. The Center offers a safe and socially-distanced space for students to collaborate and receive support. See the attached flyer for scheduled CBME programming.
  • All Monday Minutes are archived and available for your reference.
  • Make sure to check the MSU COVID-19 webpage frequently as university and system-wide updates are available all in one place.


  • Virtual TEP Induction Ceremony and Student Teacher Sendoff: Monday, November 9 at 6:15pm. Ms. Kristi Borge, 2021 Montana Teacher of the Year and MSU Department of Education alum, will provide the keynote address. Click here to attend the event via WebexPlease note that students admitted to the Teacher Education Program in Spring 2020 who were not able to attend last semester's ceremony are welcome to RSVP and receive a name tag.
  • Comfort Food in the Comfort of Your Own Home, with John Melick and Dean Alison Harmon - November 9, 4:30-6pm. We want to know how you’re doing this semester, what are your struggles and how can we help, and what are the really great things that are happening! We’d also just like to get to know you and what your experience is like at MSU.
    • To RSVP for this event and sign-up to pick up an EHHD Care Package before the event, please click the link below. Pick-ups for the care packages will be on November 6th and November 9th outside of Reid Hall 250. You must RSVP to get your Care Package; this will help us know how many goodies to buy and how many packages to put together.  
    • To RSVP for this care package and for the event, please click the RSVP Link: Please RSVP no later than October 25th at 5pm. The event will be hosted on Webex at and whether or not you’d like a Comfort Food Care Package, we hope you’ll join us!

Work and Volunteer Opportunities

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Resources

  • The award-winning documentary “Picture a Scientist” will be available to stream from Thursday, Oct. 22, to Wednesday, Oct. 28. The film chronicles the groundswell of women scientists who are changing the face of science in the United States and around the world. On Tuesday, Oct. 27, there will be a virtual panel event featuring keynote speaker Corrie Moreau, the Martha N. and John C. Moser professor of arthropod biosystematics and biodiversity at Cornell University, along with MSU women scientists. Our Science Math Resource Center is a co-sponsor. Registration for the screening and panel discussion is required by Tuesday, Oct. 20. For more information and to register, visit  

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!


Take care,

David Reese
Academic Advisor
MSU Department of Education
[email protected]

Click here to schedule an appointment