Here are your Monday Minutes for April 5-9, 2021. 

Please make a point of reading this email every Monday (or Tuesday), as it highlights key department announcements, opportunities, and events, particularly events hosted by one of the Department of Education’s student clubs. It covers everything you need to know in a single email message. 

From the Department Head 

Dear Students and Colleagues,

With just a few weeks remaining in the semester, there is so much to celebrate. Tune in tonight at 5:30pm to the Teacher Education Program Induction and Student Teaching Send-Off ceremony livestream and mark your calendars to attend our Graduation Open House on April 30!

You are invited to the Virtual Teacher Education Program Induction and Student Teaching Send-Off Ceremony. Monday, April Fifth, five-thirty to six-thirty P M. Virtual watch party. Check for details on how to join. Special guest speaker: Marilyn King, E D D, Interim Co-Superintendent for Bozeman Public Schools. Montana State University. Department of Education.Spring 2021 Graduation Party. The M S U Department of Education would like to invite all Education graduating students to celebrate with us! Open House. Friday, April 30th, four-thirty to five-thirty p m, Centennial Mall, North of Reid Hall. Education Faculty, Staff, Family and Friends welcome! Montana State University, College of Education, Health and Human Development.

Take good care,

 Ann Dutton Ewbank's signature 

Dr. Ann Ewbank

From the Education Advising Office

  • The last day to drop a class this term is tomorrow, April 6. Elementary Education, Social Studies Broadfield, and General Science Broadfield students can request a drop by emailing David  ([email protected]) or Cyndi ([email protected]). Students in other departments will need to consult with their assigned academic advisors.
  • Elementary Education students who want to take PHSX 201 – Physics by Inquiry in the fall semester can register by contacting Stephanie McLaren in the physics department at 406.994.7398 or [email protected]. Please be sure to list the section you prefer and the last four digits of your student ID.
  • Do you feel like you could benefit from tips for time management, study strategies, or other academic skills? Check out for videos and documents with tips for academic success.
  • Students planning to student teach in Fall 2021 must attend one of the following two virtual meetings:
  • Students planning to student teach in Spring 2022 must attend one of the following two virtual meetings:
  • The Education Advising Center is currently offering remote advising only.
    • Phone or Webex Appointments: M-F, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, as available. You can schedule appointments at
    • And, as always, you can contact us via email or phone. We’re available to respond during normal business hours (M-F, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm).
  • All Monday Minutes are archived and available for your reference.
  • Make sure to check the MSU COVID-19 webpage frequently as university and system-wide updates are available all in one place.


  • The final Center for Bilingual and Multicultural Education webinar by Dottie Susag of Humanities Montana will take place on April 7 from 2:00-3:30 (Mountain time). She will discuss The Night Watchman and Native Poetry. All past webinars are available here.
  • The next Library Media Certificate webinar will be April 6th at 6-7pm MDT.Dr. Sarah Pennington will present Change Your Language; Change Your Perceptions. She will discuss how expanding our definition of what counts as "real" reading can support those who may not see themselves as readers based on our traditional definitions. Registration is required to participate in the webinar. All registered participants will receive a recording of the webinar.
  • On Thursday, April 8th, at 11am, the College of Education, Health and Human Development is excited to be sponsoring Leadership & Climate Justice with former president of Ireland and leading climate activist, Mary Robinson. Please take advantage of this incredible opportunity to hear from a world leader and engage in dialogue surrounding climate change and the social justice issues involved. Mary Robinson will be speaking to MSU students on April 8th at 11am. Register for tickets now through Eventbrite.
  • Wednesday, April 14th, 1-3pm:  A workshop facilitated by Colleen McMilin and Genevive Cox on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion integration into the classroom. More details to come.
  • April is Citizen Science Month! The Science Math Resource Center and MSU Renne Library offer free citizen science kits on April 12 and 13. The kit includes supplies to complete three citizen science projects; details on several more free projects; and information on how the subjects of the projects connect to authentic MSU research. 100 kits will be given away on a first-come/first-served basis on Monday, April 12 from 2pm to 4:30pm and Tuesday, April 13 from 9am to 11am on the second floor of the MSU Library. Those who complete the projects by April 26 will be eligible to win prizes, including the Field Guide to Citizen Science! For information about Citizen Science Month at MSU, visit  or email [email protected]. The kit is sponsored by SMRC and the MSU Library with support from Montana NSF EPSCoR, the People-Places-Water Lab, NASA AEROKATS and ROVER Education Network, the NSF-supported WAFERx project, and the Montana Institute on Ecosystems. 

Work and Volunteer Opportunities

  • Camp Watitoh (Massachusetts) is hiring for Summer 2021: Camp Watitoh is a family-oriented community with amazing adventures. Between land and water sports and the creative arts, there’s never a dull moment. Nestled in the beautiful Berkshire Mountains in Massachusetts, Camp Watitoh attracts staff from all over the country and creates an opportunity to form relationships and build resumes by coaching sports, leading activities, and teaching life skills. Escape your comfort zone, develop new skills, have fun and make memories! If you’re looking for the best summer job or internship, look no further! Learn more and apply at
  • Montana PBS is looking for an MSU student to work as a program assistant on their development team: The Development Team Program Assistant helps support viewer and donor services for MontanaPBS, nonprofit public television in Montana. The Development office is located on the MSU campus, in Culbertson Hall.  We offer a flexible schedule and are willing to work around a student class schedule. This position reports to the Development Director and Membership Manager. 20 hours/week, $11.50/hour. Full job description is attached. To apply, send a cover letter, resume, and list of 3 references to [email protected].

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!


Take care,

David Reese
Academic Advisor
MSU Department of Education
[email protected]

Click here to schedule an appointment