Technology Education Club
Helping out at the 2018 Engineer-a-thon.
The Technology Education Club is made up of MSU students who are interested in learning about and working with new technology. We also explore the incorporation of technology into society, industry, and the classroom.
We work with robotics, drones, laser engraving, 3D printing, and more!
What we Do?
Fundraising: We sell Custom and standard engraved pint glasses that members make. The fundraising we do is to help send our club to the ITEEA Conference each year.
Volunteering: We facilitate a competition for the Montana Science Olympiad event that is held on campus. We fun the Scrambler and roller coaster event. This helps us to stay involved with the youth of technology. In the past, we assisted with classes put on by the Children's museum of Bozeman in their classes that are STEAM oriented which aligns closely with most of our member’s futures and it is a good opportunity to stay involved with the community.
Lacey Clark and Rebecca Brown competeting in the TEECA 2018 Copetetions.
TEECA- aligns closely with our members and we travel each year to their national Conference. Once there we as a club we compete at the conference in a variety of events such as: robotics, transportation, teaching lesson, communications, quiz bowl, problem solving etc. It is a great way for students in our club to connect with industry professionals and attend seminars to better their professional career and knowledge of new and upcoming technologies in education and industry. TEECA is a part of the larger ITEEA.
Technology Education program at Montana State University is an interdisciplinary program of study designed to develop technological literacy through the study of past, present, and future technological systems and their impacts on society.

Bryce Miller, Taylor Johnson, and Bailey Jack 2018 Problem Solving Champions at the 2018 TEECA.
Meeting Times/Dates
We meet on Wednesdays at 10am in Reid 422. The meeting time changes each semester based on members' class schedules, so check back next semester for the updated time!
Contact Us
Visit our website for up-to-date information , as well as our product order form!
Check out our Facebook page!
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