A special thank you to all our EHHD donors!
Long Family Continues Legacy of Education through Scholarship

MSU Alumni Foundation
The Jesse and Ruth Long Education Scholarship was established by Ruth Long and her children to honor Jesse Long, late husband and father, and the important role education has played for their family.
Teaching brought Jesse and Ruth together. They met at Twin Bridges High School in Twin Bridges, Mont. Ruth was teaching home economics at the high school when Jesse was hired as a teacher in 1950. They were introduced and went on their first date not long after.
Jesse had a successful career as a school administrator, and he served as principal of three high schools over his 30 year career. After retiring as principal of Park High School in Livingston, Mont., Jesse served as the executive director for the School Administrators of Montana from 1979 to 1991. He also served as president of the Association of State Executives for AASA, the national school superintendents association in 1988.
Jesse’s journey back to Montana and his teaching career wasn’t easy. Born and raised in Laurel, Mont., Jesse went overseas to serve in World War II after graduating from high school. He arrived shortly after the D-Day invasion and joined the 2nd Armored Division, which pushed through France and engaged the German army in the Battle of the Bulge. Jesse was awarded the Purple Heart, the Bronze Star, and later the Belgian fourragére for his bravery and service.
After the war, Jesse took advantage of the G.I. bill and enrolled at Montana State College, where he earned his Bachelors of Science in General Science and Chemistry, with minors in math and counseling.
In retirement, Jesse and Ruth continued to teach. For ten years, they partnered with the American history classes at Capital High School and Carroll College to share their experiences from the war years. Jesse and Ruth also loved to travel and were members of the Friendship Force, believing strongly in the power of sharing experiences and developing friendships across international borders.
Education is fundamental in the Long family’s history.
“Teaching and education are close to our hearts and in our blood,” said Laurie Howell, Ruth and Jesse’s daughter.
In 1918, Jesse’s mother, Lassara Hartman Long, received a teaching certificate in home economics from the University of Nebraska. All three of Jesse’s and Ruth’s children—Laurie, Marc and Gary—received degrees in education and have taught in public schools.
The Long family also has a strong connection to MSU. Marc received his bachelor’s degree in math, and Gary earned his master’s in math and math education, both from MSU. Laurie has worked for MSU since 1990, most recently with the Montana INBRE program.
The Jesse and Ruth Long Education Scholarship will support scholarships for education students at MSU, with a preference for students completing their student teaching experiences. The Long family knows the impact this will have for students.
Dean and Penny Johnson Set Up Scholarships with Stock and Charitable Gift Annuities
“Every student can benefit from what you learn in the health and human development
curriculum,” said Penny Johnson, reflecting on the education she received at Montana
State. Penny is a home economics alumna and graduate of what was then the College
of Professional Schools. Although the full spectrum of the health and human development
curriculum was not an option when Penny earned her degree, she believes it is incredibly
useful and likely an option she would have pursued had it been available.
In January 2015, Penny and her husband Dean established the Dean and Penny Johnson Scholarship, a permanent endowment to support students in the Department of Health and Human Development. They funded the gift with appreciated stock, which, when transferred into a charitable gift annuity established a life income gift for Dean and Penny. The annuity will be invested during their lifetimes and provide income for them during retirement. The remainder of the annuity will fund the Johnsons’ scholarship endowment in perpetuity.
Penny credits her education at MSU with making her a lifelong learner. She has been an educator in the Glendive School District since she graduated from Montana State. She also volunteers regularly in her community and supports ministry outreach through her church, Orphan Grain Train and Lutheran Hour Ministries.
Dean is originally from Glasgow, Montana. He began working for a utility/energy company after graduating from high school. He was transferred to Billings where he worked and attended Eastern Montana College in pre-engineering. After several years he was offered the chance—with financing from the company—to attend MSU. Dean was offered an engineering position with the predecessor company of Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company after he earned his degree in chemical engineering in 1970.
The late Lloyd Berg, professor of chemical engineering and department head, the Bobcat football program, and several of the players were big influences in Dean’s life during his years in Bozeman.
“I probably wouldn’t have graduated except for those influences, and of course, my wife Penny,” reflected Dean. Part of their gift to MSU will support engineering students in the Bobcat football program. In addition to their charitable gift annuity to establish a scholarship in health and human development, Dean and Penny also gifted assets to establish the Dean and Penny Johnson Football Athletic Scholarship.
“Everyone should have the chance for an advanced education and this fund will help engineering students participating in football get one,” said Dean.
For Dean and Penny, these gifts were made possible by the education they both received at MSU and their hard work over the years. The education that students receive at Montana State is very important to them, and they wanted to support Montana students with the same opportunities they had.
“Although we definitely are not materialistic, we have been very fortunate in accruing assets and now it is important for us to share them with those who need it,” said Penny of their gifts.
EHHD Donor Roster
Donna and Roy Aafedt
Everett and Loralee Aarestad
Jewel Ackerman
Jean and George Adams
Marie Addison
Alvin Adkins
Miriam and Stephen Adkins
Advanced Performance and Rehab. Services, Inc.
Louise Alderson*
Audrey and Tracy Alfson
Dale and Tomi Alger
All Weather Tech Inc.
Burke and Elizabeth Allen
Dale and Sharon Andersen
Andrew Anderson Jr.
James and Betty Anderson
Kristy Anderson
Karen and Antonio Angello
Travis and Jennifer Annette
William Antonioli Jr.
Susan Asher
Azcam Enterprises
Marion and John Bailey
Sandra Bailey
Mary Baird
Roger and Lenora Baker
Ronalee and Mike Baker
Arthur Bangert
Katheryn and Gerald Bark
Bonnie Barkemeyer Dallas
Troy and Michelle Barry
Marjorie and David Baylor
Marguerite Beatty
Mark and Petrine Beatty
Brian and Barbara Beaudrie
Linda and Larry Bell
A Bender
John Berg and Carolyn Boyd
Barbara Bergum
Ronald and LouAnne Biggerstaff
Elizabeth Bird
Sandra Birkholz
Laura and William Bishop
Robert and Annette Bjelland
Kari Bjelland
Karen Black
Gerry Blackman
Boeing Company
Susan and John Boettcher
Rachel Bohach-De Yat
Denis and Ilene Bourdeau
Bruce and Diane Bourne
Gerald and Marilyn Bowman
Marcus and Patty Boyd
Kaylee Bradford
Charles and Susanna Bradley
Kenneth and Carol Brady
Anita Brawner
William and Phyllis Breeden
Kenneth and Georgia Brensdal
Roger Brewer
Patricia Britton
Donna Brown
Andrew and Nikki Brummond
Buffalo Bump Pizza
James and Twila Burdick
Jeremy Burleigh
Thomas and Gayle Butler
Stephanie and Gabe Buzzell
Carmen Byker-Shanks
Nancy Byleen
Linda and Ward Cambridge
Cargill, Inc.
Jioanna Carjuzaa
Becky and Jonathan Carlson
Carol Staben-Burroughs Counseling
Annette and Robert Carson
LeRoy Casagranda
B. Evelyn Casterline
Ruth Cegelski
Tyler Cegler
Martha and Robert Cetina
Bruce and Jean Christensen
Suzanne Christopher
CITGO Petroleum Corporation
Christopher Clairmont
Jennifer and Daniel Clark
Patricia and Donald Clark
Janis Clemis
Carol and James Clepper
Ellen and Paul Clifford
Betty Cohn Anderson and Willard Anderson
Willis Conover Jr.
Craig and Vickie Coover
Francis and Judy Cosgriff
Jerry and Barbara Coulter
Janice and Richard Counter
Margaret Cowley
Shane Crabtree Stuart and Rebecca Crane
David and Kristi Crawford
Helen Currier
Brett and Tina Cusker
Joseph and Julie Dahinden
Dallas Dallman
Carol Daniel
Edward and Lynn Darfler
James Goetz and Jill Davenport
Adam Davis and Adrianne Haslet-Davis
Shirley and Russ Davis
Joseph Day Rider
Donna and Robert Day
George and Loretta Day
Lynn Day
Amo and Mary DeBernardis
Patricia Delaney-Cohlhepp and John Cohlhepp
Jane and James Dempsey
Robert and Andrea Denning
Janice Desi
David Dewey
Ann and James DiBerardinis
David and Patricia Dickey
Terry and Raymond Dickinson
Stacey Dolezal
Catherine Donahue
Jayne Downey
Kadene Drummer
James and Leslie Drummond
Thomas and Ruth Drummond
Scott and Vickie Dubbs
Bradley and Jodi Duffy
Dennis and Nancy Dulniak
Carmie and Rick Dunbar
Harriet and Lee Dunbar
Jerry Dunckel
John Dunckel III*
Teelan Durham
Lawrence and Vivian Durland
Debra and Ken Dzuck
Margaret Eagle
Amanda Edwards
Maurice and Donna Edwards
Patricia and Paul Edwards
Walter and Karen Egged
Irene Eidet Martin and John Martin
Ethan and Joyce Elliott
Barbara Elser
Margaret Engelbach
Jill Erickson
Excel Physical Therapy, Inc.
Diana Fearn and Scott Powers
Maxine Ferguson
Thomas Ferguson*
Douglas and Priscilla Ferkin
William and Phyllis Feusahrens
Judith Fiedler
First Interstate Bank - MSU Office
Dennis and Ruth Fladstol
Thomas and Patricia Fleming
Susan and Craig Flentie
Greg Evans and Susan Fletcher-Evans
Sharon Flower
J Nick and Onalee Flynn
Martin and Sheryl Foxman
Carol Frantal
Kenneth and Lynn Franz
Nichole Fredrick
William Freese
Beau and Susan Freund
Darrell and Charlotte Frideres
Nathan Friesz
Jane Frye
Carol Fulton
David and Donna Gaarder
Steven Galbavy
Nichole and Trint Gamas
Robert Garber
Sofie Garcelon
Edward and Georgia Garnett
Leandra Gebhardt
Emma and David Gebo
General Electric Company
Carol Ann Gibbons
Kenneth Gibson and Lynn Kelting-Gibson
Lisa and Bradley Giese
Gordon and Susan Gilfeather
Tymon and Brianna Gleason
Michael and Anne Godfrey
Carol and Louis Goosey
Jack and Betty Gosar
Eric Lindeen and Anna Graham Lindeen
Granger Angus
James and Elizabeth Granger
Colleen Gray
Glen Gray
Laurita Green
Amy and Aaron Griffin
Mary and Timothy Grupa
JoAnn Guenther
Leonard and Katheryn Gunderson
Jane Hager
Howard Hahn and Dona Keeler
Janet and Arthur Hall
Bryan and Johnna Hall
Rick Halmes and Janet Schuh
Mark Halvorson and Cindy Osland
Priscilla Hamilton
James and Mary Jo Hamling
John Hannahs
David and Kathryn Hannahs
David and LouAnn Hansen
Craig Hall and Mary Anne Hansen
Janet Hanson
Clifford and Sheila Hanson
Alan and Melody Harmata
Alison Harmon
Harry and Sandra Haroldson
Carol Harper and John Laird
Georgia Harrington
Thomas and Twila Harrington
Helen Hart
Tyler Hartanov
Ronald and Sandra Haugan
Yvonne Hauwiller
Deanna Hay
Judy Hayden-Gardenier and Keith Gardenier
Dayle Hayes
George and Deborah Haynes
Marty and Nicole Hecock
Lora Hedegaard*
Richard and Betty Henderson
David Henderson
Lynn Hendrickson
Shawn and Megan Hendrickson
Randy and Kay Henjum
Patricia Hennessey
Joyce Herbeck
Daniel and Cecile Hertz
Gregory and Jane Hicks
Virginia and Joe Hillers
Darlene Hindoien
John and Terry Hinman
Suzy and Kim Hoberecht
Barbara Hogan
Arthur and Naomi Hoiland
James and Sarah Holland
Gordon III and Jennifer Holton
Mary Ellen Holverson
Homes 4 Rent, Inc.
Julie and Del Hopewell
Jack and Nancy Hopkins
David and Janyce Hoyt
Raymond Hua
Michael and Cynthia Hufnagel
Lawrence and Linda Hughes
Ronald and Sandra Hults
John and Katheryn Humphreys
Marjorie Hunt
Holly and Stephen Hunts
Cynthia Hustad
Lawrence Hutchinson
Barbara Hvizdak
Robert Hyatt Sr.
Peggy and Mike Iba
Patricia and Wendell Ingraham
Scott and Susan Irvin
Neil and Amy Iversen
Jonathan and Pamela Jackson
Rick and Julie Jackson
Roxane Jacobson-Shammel and Floyd Shammel
Russell Jacquet-Acea
Jeffrey Jarvi and Beth Dayton
James and Diane Jenks
Terry Jensen
June Jibotian Lewis Gamez and Raul Gamez
David and Mary Jochim
Carla and Philip Johnson
Catherine and John Johnson
Dean and Penny Johnson
Jon and Janet Johnson
Linda F. Johnson
Linda Lee Johnson
Patricia Johnson
Royal Johnson
William and Andrea Johnstone
Deborah Jones
Stephanie and Ted Jones
Rick and Christy Jordan
James and Dianne Jorgensen
Miranda Kacer
Donna and Todd Kaiser
James and Esther Kalitowski
William and Patricia Kamrath
Ann Kapernick
Duane Karlin
Thomas and Rosina Kastelitz
James and Wendy Kautz
Jennifer and Mitchell Kayser
Susan and Robert Keene
Cherie Keil
Jessica and Kavin E. Kelly
William Kelly
Sandra Kempa
Joan Kessner
Kristine and Kerry Kilen
Hannah Kim-Rohrer and Jeffrey Rohrer
Diana Kingfisher
Lisa and Richard Klemmensen
Kay and Terry Klepey
Cynthia and David Kneebone
Joye and John Kohl
Frank and Debbie Kohlenstein
Linda and Joe Konesky
Della and Robert Kramlich
Ellen Kreighbaum
Judith Kuhl
Barbara Kyle
Daniel and Kay LaFrance
Lakers Inn Inc.
Frank and Phyllis Landon
Richard and Dorothy Lang
Neva Larson
Jay and Susan Larson
Jennifer LaVanchy
Claire LeDuc
Opal and Ralph Lee
Robin and Robert LeNeve
Cheryl Lenhardt
Richard and Robin Lennemann
Ethel Lenz
Edwin and Jann Leppien
Thomas LeProwse
Scott Lindsay
John and Barbara Livingston
Marilyn Lockhart
Susan and Wayne Loeffler
Katie Loessberg
Ruth Long
Twila and Raymond Loveridge
Thomas and Kristina Luhrsen
Fenqjen Luo
June Luptak
Gary and Mary Jo Lusin
Vincent and Maureen Maddio
Sharon Madsen Redfern and Mark Redfern
Karen Madsen
Sandra and Merrill Main
Leonard and Johnnon Malin
Alice Malmanger
Stephen and Sunny Mandeville
Michael Manger
Frank Manseau
Virginia Manseau*
Leonard and Carol Markuson
Ramona Marotz-Baden and John Baden
Craig and Janice Marshall
Christine Martin
Sherrie Martin
Dennis and Kay Martinen
Bernice Mason
Jane and D. Lynn Mason
Nancy Matheson
MATRIX-5 Technologies, Inc.
Theodore and Cheryl Mattocks
Robert and Andrea Mayer
Linda McClanahan
R. and Jeanne McCormick
Joan McCracken*
Kimberli and Steven McCullough
Ronald and Susan McCullough
Lance McDowell
Jess McGee and Laura Hickey
Richard McGowan and Arianne Lahana
Beverly McHugh
Arthur and Donna McRae
Marcia Mecklenburg
Carol Melby
Marcia Melton
Gary and Virginia Mermel
Joe Metcalf
Keith and Susan Mettler
Michele Middlesworth
Mary Miles
Arthur and Kathleen Miller
Carolyn Miller
DeeVon Miller
R. and Stewart Miller
Sherry Miller
Wilfrid Mitchell
Montana Dietetic Association, Inc.
Brad and Sheri Moore
Junella Moore
Anne Morel
Candace Moyer
Joan Moyle
Karalee Mulkey
Cynthia and Roy Mulvaney
William and Edna Munson
Patrick Munson
Carrie Myers
Alice Myron
Jean Nedrud and Ed Nordby
David and Linda Nelson
Bruce and Jaclynn Nelson
James and Karma Nelson
Richard Nelson
Victoria Ness
Bruce and Susan Neumann
C. and Rosemary Newman
John and Cheryl Nilsen
Kent and Lois Norby
Timothy and Joann O'Brien
Lynis O'Malley and James Hinde
O-E Ranch
O.P. and W.E. Edwards Foundation
Melvin and Carol Odell
Patricia Odell
Don Brown and Catherine Okeson
Deborah and Robert Olig
Patsy and James Olmstead
Kjel Olson
Patsy Oppenheim
James and Barbara Oriet
Marian Ornelles*
Charlotte Orr
Claire Orr
Lori Ostberg
Karen Ostermiller-Galbraith and Scott Galbraith
Dorothy Otte
Robert Palmer
Tamar Parker
Natalie and Jack Patterson
Donna Paugh
John Paugh Jr.*
Lynn Paul
Mary and James Paulson
Earl and Janice Peace
Julia Peila
David and Billie Pemble
Mary Person
John and Martha Peters
Janice Peterson
Loween Peterson
Matthew Peterson
Susan Phillips
Joycelyn Piapot
Dan and Mari Pickering
Laura and Randy Pierce
Leslie Pierson
Charles and Rebecca Pipal
Wayne and Bette Pitzer
Patrick McLatchy and Esther Polette McLatchy
Karen and Dorvan Polson
Virginia and R. Poole
Sharon Powell
William and Lucille Prenevost
James and Marjorie Pribyl
Selma Price
Cory and Diane Pulfrey
Kathryn and William Quast
Elizabeth Quintana
Eugene and Linnie Racht
Julie Rademacher-Clifford and Daniel Clifford
Lynda Ransdell
Kari Ratliff
Tara Ray
Debra and Michael Redburn
Gregory and Barbara Reed
Allen and Georgann Reel
James and Irene Rexroat
Nicole Reynolds
Deanna and Bert Rice
Bruce and Peggie Riley
Lois Ringo
Janet Rintala
Dana and Robin Roberts
Lewis Roberts
John and Kay Robertson
Leah Roble
Lisa Rogers
Doreen and James Romanchuk
Geraldine Roth
Dale and Melanie Rowlison
Royal and Norma Johnson Charitable Foundation
Monica Ruiz
Constance Rumely
Sheila Rutherford
Barb and Marty Sackman
Peter and Marcia Sadowski
Susan Sager
Angela and Randy Sailer
Glenn and Marian Salo
Christine Salstrom
Charles and Joan Sampson
Valerie and Ray Samson
David and Dina Sandon
Anita and Peter Sandretto
Leonard and Marlene Saunders
Charles and Janet Saxton
Patricia and Floyd Sayler
Gordon and Cheryl Schlepp
David and Sandra Schmit
Bernard and Susan Schmitt
Christopher Wilson and Sarah Schmitt-Wilson
Eleanor Schwarzkopf
Milana Lazetich and Michael Schwarzkopf
Rollin and Donna Sears
Margaret Secrest
Kevin and Francine Segrud
Tricia Seifert
Chad and Cornelia Seitz
Gay Selby EdD
Virginia and Richard Semler
Stephanie and Alan Shammel
Justin Shanks
Ben Shepard
John and Diane Sherick
Stephan and Doris Sherick
Maggie Sherrill
Rosemary Shockley
Kenneth Siderius and Cathy Malarchick
Torger and Kenna Sikveland
Dawn Silva
David and Helen Sloan
Guy and MaryJo Smith
Alan and Karen Sommerfeld
Bruce and Virginia Sorensen
E. Sorte
Gene and Margaret Spangrude
Ryan Sparks
Ardythe Speer
Sharon Spicher
Keith Springer
Peggy Springer
Carol Staben-Burroughs and Grant Burroughs
Wallace and Kay Stadtfeld
David Staley
Christine and Brad Stanton
Glen Steinhoff and Kerry Hanson
John and Laura Steinhoff
Michael and Molly Stenberg
David and Roberta Stengel
Jo and Dwight Stevenson
Nicholas and Theresa Stevenson
Roger and Gayl Stewart
Linn and Emily Stordahl
Kathryn Stowell
Susan Sullivan
Larry and Ronna Sundell
Sheryl Swanson
Vicki and Lionel Tapia
Dennis Taplin
Donna and Thomas Tarantino
Sharon Tate and Theodore Freeman
Glen and Glenda Terry
Amy Thompson
Paul and Kathleen Thompson
Robert Thornton
Barbara Tipton
Brian Tocher
Gary and Shirley Tonn
Bill and Beverly Townsend
Herbert and Connie Townsend
Kimberly and Thomas Trafton
Fred and Janet Turner
Eugene PhD and Shirley Turner
Glen and Leola Tusler
Constance Undem
Mary Ungaretti
Barbara Van Cleave
Larry and Mary Van Winkle
Rick and Cindy Vancleeve
Michael Dillard and Janet VanDaveer Dillard
Eugene and Peggy Vennes
Tena Versland
Judy Vidack
Martin and Jolie Vigen
Tom and Jeanne Vogel
John Vollertsen
Katherine Wagner
Amy Walchuk
Christina Waller
Nancy Walters
Richard F30 and Shirley Ward
Tim and Denise Warner
Skye Watts
Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program
Jacob and Brooke Wells
Wertheimer Ranch
Paul and Janet Wertheimer
William Wertman
Robert and Sandra Western
Mary Whitham*
David and Janet Wichman
Mikelle Wiley
James and Penney Wiley
Debra Wilkinson
Gladys Williams
Kelli Williams
Roberta and Benjamin Williams
Blake and Ann Williamson
Kenneth and Carolyn Wilson
Dwight Wilson
Howard and Laurel Wilson
Peter Wilson
Calvin and Sharon Wilson
Wilson-Humphreys Family Foundation
Trent and Sandra Woldstad
Terry and Linda Wolfe
Susan Wolff
Andrea and James Woodley
Larry and Nonie Woolf
Daniel Donovan and Ione Young
Youngworth Trucking
Gerald and Alison Youngworth
Ypsilon Associates
A. Zier
Barbara Zuck
Linda Zygmond