EHHD Donor Roster
A special thank you to each of our EHHD donors!
Bowman Education Scholarships Endow Student Futures
One doesn’t become a teacher to get rich. Ordinarily, teachers who give back to Montana
State do so modestly. But Darrell Bowman isn’t ordinary. While teaching was a career
he loved, entrepreneurship has always been his passion.
Darrell has always had something on the side. In the 1970s, he started B&B Ice Company in Bozeman; he has been a partner in the Bridger Creek Golf Course; he’s picked cherries in the Flathead; and his children most remember the early morning paper route that they each helped run.
Hard work and smart saving has made it possible for Darrell to be so generous today. But his kind eyes give away the sense that, means or no means, Darrell would still be doing the right thing. After his wife, Joan, died tragically in 2006, Darrell established the Joan Bowman Scholarship at MSU, which is awarded to students pursuing K-12 library teaching certificates.
Student response to the scholarship has been the most rewarding part for Darrell. He is moved by the many thank you notes he has received over the years from students who have received a Joan Bowman scholarship.
“I realized that the money will be there for scholarships forever. For as long as Montana State is here,” he said.
In July 2016, Darrell approached Montana State again, this time to establish the Darrell Bowman Science Education Scholarship. The scholarship will be awarded to students in the general science broadfield degree program.
Education has always been part of Darrell Bowman’s life, although he admits that he
didn’t plan it that way. Originally from Bowman, North Dakota (a coincidence of naming),
Darrell attended Black Hills Teacher’s College to study agricultural education, but
his original intent was to help take over his family’s farm. A diversion brought Darrell
to Montana State College in Bozeman. The rising Vietnam War and his number 1 draft
position sent Darrell to the atomic proving grounds in Nevada and a 15-month term
in southern Germany as a member of the U.S. Army.
When Darrell returned from the Army in 1958, he took a science teaching position in Forsyth. He soon met Joan in his hometown of Bowman and they married a year later. Some good luck brought Joan and Darrell to Bozeman, where they raised three boys and taught in the Bozeman Public Schools. Darrell’s students, 27 years’ worth of them at Bozeman Junior High, still run into him around town and remember the rock and mineral collections he helped them create, and the lessons he taught throughout the space age—remembering where they were during the first flight to the moon and the Challenger explosion. Joan was also a fixture in the school district as the head librarian at Whittier Elementary School.
For Darrell, the importance of education cannot be understated. In addition to his scholarships at MSU, he has provided four-year college funds to each of his grandchildren.
“If you don’t have a decent education, your chances of success are curtailed,” he said. “Most successful people owe their success to education.”
Education students at Montana State owe some of their success to Darrell Bowman.
2015 - 2016 EHHD Donors Make a Gift Now
Everett and Loralee Aarestad
Leon and Sallie Abbas
Alvin and Martha Adkins
Audrey and Tracy Alfson
Dale and Tomi Alger
Alice Allen
Andrew Anderson Jr.
Clinton Anderson
Michael and Ellen Anderson
Travis and Jennifer Annette
Rich Fisher and Tonja Arpin
Marion and John Bailey
Ronalee and Mike Baker
Bette and Lynn Balgeman
R. and Elizabeth Banderob
John and Jean Baringer
Bonnie Barkemeyer
Dallas Bronwyn Bateman and Doug Hershey
Marjorie and David Baylor
Marguerite Beatty
Shirley Beck
Linda and Larry Bell
John Berg and Carolyn Boyd
Barbara Bergum
Billee Bersch
Ronald and LouAnne Biggerstaff
Susan and Gene Billmayer
Pamela Birkeland
Diana Bishop
Laura and William Bishop
Larry Bittner
Robert and Annette Bjelland
Marshall and Betty Bjork
Gerry Blackman
Boeing Company
Patricia Bollinger
Denis and Ilene Bourdeau
Bruce and Diane Bourne
Betty Bradley
Kenneth and Carol Brady
Gary and Linda Branae
Anita Brawner
Carol Brawner
William and Phyllis Breeden
Roger Brewer
Bridger Brewing Company LLC
Donna Brown
Herschel and Patricia Buck
Craig and DeeAnn Buehler
Taylor Burback
JoAnne and David Burdick
Donald and Nancy Burnham
Nancy Byleen
Kenneth Card
Annette and Robert Carson
LeRoy Casagranda
Evelyn Casterline
Ruth Cegelski
Tyler Cegler
Martha and Robert Cetina
CITGO Petroleum Corporation
Brian and Marie Clark
Ardy Clarke
Mae Claypool
Janis Clemis
Ellen and Paul Clifford
Betty Cohn Anderson and Willard Anderson
Larry and Nancy Cole
Willis Conover Jr.
Mary Cooley
Josephine Corcoran
Francis and Judy Cosgriff
Jerry and Barbara Coulter
Janice Counter
Richard Counter
Mark Coverdell
Margaret Craft
Craig R Buehler, Attorney
Stuart and Rebecca Crane
David and Kristi Crawford
Larry and Tamara Crowder
Margaret Crutchfield
Michael and Julie Cummins
Dallas Dallman
John and Catherine Danahey
Judith Danskin Miller and Craig Miller
Edward and Lynn Darfler
David and Janyce Hoyt Foundation
Mary and Roy Davis
Donna and Robert Day
George and Loretta Day
Tory Atkins and Torrian Dean-Atkins
Janice Desi
David Dewey
Ann and James DiBerardinis
David and Patricia Dickey
Joan and David Douglas
Jayne Downey
James and Leslie Drummond
Jane Dubitzky
Harriet and Lee Dunbar
Dan and Sherrie Duncan
Maurice and Donna Edwards
Patricia and Paul Edwards
Tammy and Sean Edwards
Walter and Karen Egged
Irene Eidet Martin and John Martin
Woodrow and Lorraine Ekegren
Barbara Elser
Alan and Jane Erickson
Jill Erickson
Joseph Eslick
Marcy and Thomas Euler
Carole and John Evans
Allan Fedoruk and Sandy Henderson
Judith Fiedler
Dennis and Ruth Fladstol
Eric and Pamela Foxman
Carol Frantal
Lander and Sharon Fred
William Freese
Michael and Cynthia Fretheim
Beau and Susan Freund
Darrell and Charlotte Frideres
Nathan Friesz
Erika and Jason Frounfelker
Carol Fulton
Linda and Monte Gagliardi
Robert Garber
Sofie and Travis Garcelon
Edward and Georgia Garnett
Lisa and Bradley Giese
Marshall and Jacqueline Gingery
Tymon and Brianna Gleason
Alexandra Gonzales
Gerald Goodwin
Carol and Louis Goosey
John and Paula Gorton
Granger Angus
Kirby and Diane Granger
James and Elizabeth Granger
Glen Gray
Greater Kansas City Community Foundation
Anna Gruden
JoAnn Guenther
Leonard and Katheryn Gunderson
Jean and James Hagan
Jane Hager
Janet and Arthur Hall
Mark Halvorson and Cindy Osland
Martin and Mary Hamilton
Priscilla Hamilton
James and Mary Jo Hamling
Richard and Judith Haney
Glen Steinhoff and Kerry Hanson
Mindy and Robert Harlin
Alan and Melody Harmata
Alison and Rance Harmon
Harry and Sandra Haroldson
Carol Harper and John Laird
Thomas and Twila Harrington
Shawn and Tara Harrison
Tyler Hartanov
Brenda Harvey
Hass Insurance LLC
Michael and Jamie Hass
Ronald and Sandra Haugan
Yvonne Hauwiller
Deanna Hay
Richard and Sarah Hays
Roger and Juanita Hearst
Rhonda Heidner
Gary and Lynn Hellenga
David Henderson
Randy and Kay Henjum
Patricia Hennessey
Donald and Christine Hettinger
John and Judy Hickey
Joe Hicks
High Stakes Foundation
Thomas and Nancy Hildner
Virginia and Joe Hillers
Lisa Hodges
Tami Hoines
James and Sarah Holland
Sonny Holland
Evonne and Thomas Holman
Gordon III and Jennifer Holton
Homes 4 Rent, Inc.
David and Janyce Hoyt
Michael and Cynthia Hufnagel
Lawrence and Linda Hughes
Marjorie Hunt
Cynthia Hustad
Edmond and Jennifer Hwang
Patricia and Wendell Ingraham
Scott and Susan Irvin
Neil and Amy Iversen
Leonard and Linda Iverson
Jonathan and Pamela Jackson
Roxane Jacobson-Shammel and Floyd Shammel
Rodney and Mary James
Mary Jarrett
Jeffrey Jarvi and Beth Dayton
James and Diane Jenks
Teresa Jenny
Terry Jensen
June Jibotian
Lewis Gamez and Raul Gamez
Carla and Philip Johnson
Royal Johnson
Deborah Jones
Lynn Journey
Coleen and Todd Kaiser
David and Joan Kalberg
James and Esther Kalitowski
Henry and Marilyn Kathrein
Susan and Robert Keene
Cherie Keil
Dorothy Kellerman
William Kelly
Kenneth Gibson and Lynn Kelting-Gibson
Joan Kessner
Gary and Teresa Kimmet
Diana Kingfisher
Lisa and Richard Klemmensen
Kay and Terry Klepey
Cynthia and David Kneebone
Brenda Koch
Joye and John Kohl
Linda and Joe Konesky
Della and Robert Kramlich
Ellen Kreighbaum
Tera Krone
Marian and Larry Krummel
Dorothy and Richard Lang
Michael and Callie Langohr
Neva Larson
Jay and Susan Larson
Opal and Ralph Lee
Richard and Robin Lennemann
Ethel Lenz
Edwin and Jann Leppien
Scott Lindsay
Katie Loessberg
Clint and Beth Lohman
Twila and Raymond Loveridge
LeRoy and Agnes Luft
Fenqjen Luo
June Luptak
Gary and Mary Jo Lusin
Karen Madsen
Sandra and Merrill Main
Leonard and Johnnon Malin
Alice Malmanger
Stephen and Sunny Mandeville
Michael Manger
Amber Marble
Helen and Bernard Marcantel
Leonard and Carol Markuson
Ramona Marotz-Baden and John Baden
Craig and Janice Marshall
Sherrie Martin
Susan and Richard Marvin
Bernice Mason
Tammi Masters
MATRIX-5 Technologies, Inc
Robert and Andrea Mayer
James Dayand
Monica McAllister-Day
Linda McClanahan
Carol and Thomas McElwain
Laura McGlothlin
Donald and Elizabeth McLaughlin
Sandra and Dan McNeill
Arthur and Donna McRae
Douglas and Kim McRae
Kathleen and Murray Meade
Gary and Linda Meehan
Carol Melby
Kathleen Melee and Lerick Allen
Marcia Melton
Jill Menard
Sandra Merdinger
Ronald and Karen Meroney
Michele Middlesworth
Michael and Carleen Milburn
Darla Miller
DeeVon Miller
William and Gloria Miller
Kim Miller
Sherry Miller
Stewart Miller
Wilfrid Mitchell
Virginia Mohr
Montana Dietetic Association - Billings
James and Kathleen Montana
Wendy Morrison
Carol Morton
Joan Moyle
Duhame Harold and Patricia Mueller
Cynthia and Roy Mulvaney
William and Edna Munson
Chris and Amy Musick
Alice Myron
Jean Nedrud and Ed Nordby
Nelson and Company
Stuart and Janie Nicholson
John and Cheryl Nilsen
Ina and Robert O'Connor
Lynis O'Malley and James Hinde
Don Brown and Catherine Okeson
Glenda and Carl Oliver
Patsy and James Olmstead
Dale and Anne Olson
Kjel Olson
Patsy Oppenheim
Claire Orr
Susan Osterman
Karen Ostermiller-Galbraith and Scott Galbraith
Dorothy Otte
Robert and Janet Palmer
Sharon and Jesse Parks
Natalie and Jack Patterson
Donna Paugh
Mary and James Paulson
Mary Person
Donald and Luann Petersen
Janice Peterson
Matthew Peterson
Karen and Dorvan Polson
William and Lucille Prenevost
James and Marjorie Pribyl
Jeffrey and Rebecca Price
Selma Price
Eugene Racht Jr.
Linnie Racht
Julie Rademacher-Clifford and Daniel Clifford
Sally Ralston
Joyce and Richard Rash
Stanley and Tootie Rasmussen
Kari Ratliff
Debra and Michael Redburn
Gregory and Barbara Reed
Allen and Georgann Reel
Gordon and Kathleen Reistad
James and Irene Rexroat
Bruce and Peggie Riley
Lois Ringo
Elizabeth Rink
Janet Rintala
John and Patricia Robbins
Candace Roberts
John and Kay Robertson
Leah Roble
Richard and Carol Roehm
Lisa Rogers
Howard and Margaret Ross
Dale and Melanie Rowlison
Royal and Norma Johnson Charitable Foundation
William Ruff
Katherine Rusher
Robert and Marilyn Rutherford
Barb and Marty Sackman
Peter and Marcia Sadowski
Susan Sager
Angela and Randy Sailer
Glenn and Marian Salo
Mike Salvagni
James and Susan Sampson
Valerie and Ray Samson
Jaycen Sanderson
Robert Jr. and Pamela Sanderson
David and Dina Sandon
Anita and Peter Sandretto
Leonard and Marlene Saunders
Charles and Janet Saxton
Patricia and Floyd Sayler
Warren and Patricia Scarrah
David and Susan Schlechten
Gordon and Cheryl Schlepp
Verne and Kathleen Schlepp
Rodney and Vicki Schmall
David and Sandra Schmit
Christopher Wilson and Sarah Schmitt-Wilson
Florence Schumacher
Dolores Scott
Rollin and Donna Sears
Margaret and Ian Secrest
Kevin and Francine Segrud
Tricia Seifert
Margaret and Scott Seilstad
Virginia and Richard Semler
Frances Shellenberger
John and Diane Sherick
Rosemary Shockley
Kenneth Siderius and Cathy Malarchick
Dawn Silva
E. Jane Sims and Lawrence Kazmier
Chad Slyngstad
Lori and Douglas Smart
Guy and MaryJo Smith
Leonard and Maura Smith
Rex and Jeanine Smith
Lee and Sandra Snow
Bruce and Virginia Sorensen
Ardythe Speer
Sharon Spicher
St. Vincent Healthcare
Carol Staben-Burroughs and Grant Burroughs
Robert Stark
Jo and Dwight Stevenson
Kathryn Stowell
Michael Strickling
Priscilla Strung
Doyle and Crystal Sutton
Miles and Doris Swan
Barbara Taplin
Kyle Donna and Thomas Tarantino
Laurinda and Richard Taylor
Joan and Terry Terland
Marcelyn Thomas
Paul and Kathleen Thompson
Barbara Tipton
Brian Tocher
Gary and Shirley Tonn
Kimberly and Thomas Trafton
Candice Tschache
Eugene and Shirley Turner
Glen and Leola Tusler
Robert and Sally Uhlmann
Constance Undem
Mary Ungaretti
Lynn Utterback
Barbara Van Cleave
Gerrit and Tracie Van Ommen
Rick and Cindy Vancleeve
Michael Dillard and Janet VanDaveer Dillard
Thomas Vanderbeck
Tena Versland
Judy Vidack
Martin and Jolie Vigen
Thomas and Jeanne Vogel
Dee and Sally Walker
Margaret Walker
Scott and Lori Walter
Jack and Kathy Walton
Richard and Shirley Ward
Mary Watson
Robert and Kathy Weir
Kasey and Jessica Welles
William Wertman
David and Janet Wichman
Gladys Williams
Roberta and Benjamin Williams
Alan Wilson
Suzanne Wilson
Wilson-Humphreys Family Foundation
Terry and Linda Wolfe
Susan Wolff
Kathryn Woodmansey Phillips
Larry and Nonie Woolf
Youngworth Trucking
Gerald and Alison Youngworth
Ypsilon Associates
Denise Zimmer
Linda Zygmond