EHHD Course Load Reduction Worksheet

This form is to be completed by the PI after a grant has been awarded.  Contact [email protected] or [email protected] for a Word version of this form.  Provide the following information about the course load being reduced with grant funding.

Faculty requesting buyout:


Last 4 digits of MSU GID:


Grant Name: 



Grant index number:



Grant end date:


Course Rubric and Number:



Course Title:



# Credits:






10% AY salary: 



Amount budgeted in your grant for this buyout:



Proposed Instructor:



Will you be doing an IPR in the same semester as the course buyout? Yes or No?

If yes, please contact Elizabeth Bird at [email protected] to complete your IPR forms. Note that if you charge your grant 10% of your base for your course load reduction per EHHD policy, you likely will also be eligible for IPR.


Approval – Once signed please send to [email protected] and [email protected].


_____________________________________                                   _________________________

Dept. Head Signature                                                                                     Date