A Day in the life of a BreaksAway Participant
Daily Activities

While on a BreaksAway trip, groups will engage in educational activities throughout the week that relate to their break topic or area of service withe the purpose of enhancing student's understanding of the topic! This might look like a conversation with local individuals, listening to podcasts, or even watching a documentary.

Every day, site leaders will lead the group in a reflection activity to allow participants to process and discuss the work they accomploished as well as understand how their service ties back to their daily lives and communities.

Community Service
Groups will work with one or several community partners throughout their week to complete service activities that serve the mission of the organization and provide students with real world experience around their break topic.
Additional Activities

Community Building
Prior to and while on your trip, the group will engage in group bonding and community building activities!

Communtiy engaged work and learning can be mentally and physically draining. Each day, students will have some free time during which they can unwind and de-stress from the day. We encourage participants to bring activites they know help them with this on their trip! This could be a good book, hobbies that you can travel with or taking a walk around your housing site each night!

BreaksAway trip are not all work! There is intentional time for exploring and experiencing the area that you are visiting while you are on your trip.
Miscellaneous Activities

Meal Prep & Clean Up
Groups typically prepare meals together at their housing site - this helps to keep the cost of the trip down for participants. Group members will be expected to help with meal prep, cooking and clean-up.

Groups drive to their locations in university provied and insured vehicles. We rely on students to drive these vehicles to do so - preference for spots on the trip will be given to those students willing to help drive. All participants must complete a driver training with the Leadership Institute to drive on the trip.

Depending on the trip groups will be staying in housing provided by their community partner or at an Airbnb located in the area. Students can expect to have to share rooms and common spaces with other group members.