Foods and Nutrition
Foods and Nutrition will help you appreciate the part food plays in relationships with family and friends. You will also gain a better understanding of the principles of nutrition as they relate to personal appearance, physical fitness and health. As you prepare foods you will become skilled in the planning, purchasing, preparing, and serving of nutritious, appealing and satisfying meals and snacks.
Cake Decorating
Cake Decorating, Level 1
Members will learn to bake and frost single-layer cakes and learn simple decorating procedures.
Cake Decorating, Level 2
Members will learn to bake two-layer cakes and make flat surface flowers, simple nail flowers, roses, a variety of borders and special effects like Cornelli lace, lattice work, basket weave and others.
Cake Decorating, Level 3
Members will learn to bake stacked and tiered cakes, master all flat surface flowers, and learn to make flowers using a lily nail.
Cake Decorating, Level 4
Members design various patterns using techniques learned in level 1–3, experiment with scratch recipes and decorate cakes with their own designs.
M 4-H Cake Decorating, 5341
Cake Decorating Independent Study/Advanced (see pg 6)
Cooking 101
This book is for young people who are just learning to cook and bake. The project covers kitchen and food safety, basic food preparation and nutrition. It includes MyPlate, microwave cooking, meal time and measuring basics. There are recipes for snacks, side dishes, main dishes, quick breads and desserts. A great project to start with Foods!
It may take you up to two years to complete the level. By the time you have completed the project, you will be preparing meals for family and friends. You have over 40 different recipes to choose from and several learning activities to complete. Prepare two to three dishes from each of the recipe sections: snacks, side dishes, breads and desserts. (10-15 dishes total) Complete two learning activities: Explore MyPlate Activity, Demonstrate your knowledge of safety basics, Experiment: Test for Safety of Microwave Dishes, Experiment: How much Flour will a Measuring Cup Holds? and/or Demonstrate your knowledge of Cooking Basics: Give a demonstration to your leader or at your club. Complete at least one community service activity.
M 4-H Cooking 101, 01512Y
L 4-H Cooking Helper’s Guide, 01516F
Cooking 201
Each level builds upon skills learned in 4-H Cooking 101. The project book is organized into sections by MyPlate Food Groups. At the beginning of each section, background information is provided to help learn more about the science behind food preparation, the nutritional contribution of each food group and basic information about preparing foods. Recipes included for each food group. For example, as part of exploring the Milk Group, youth learn how to make white sauce. This skill is also used in the Meat and Beans Group to make Chicken Rice Casserole; in the Vegetable Group, several recipes use white sauce as a base.
It may take you two or three years to complete the level. By the time you have completed the project, you will be preparing meals for your family and friends. You have over 40 different recipes to choose from and several learning activities to complete as part of the project. Prepare two to three dishes from each recipe section: Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Meat and Beans, Milk, and Desserts (10 to 15 dishes total). Give two to three informal demonstrations on food or kitchen safety to your helper, leader or club. Demonstrate knowledge on Cooking “How To” Basics. Complete at least one community service project such as, baking food for a fund-raising bake sale.
M 4-H Cooking 201, 01513Y
L 4-H Cooking Helper’s Guide, 01516F
Cooking 301
The 4-H Cooking 301 project builds on the skills young people learned in 4-H Cooking 101 and 4-H Cooking 201. The project book is organized into sections by the MyPlate Food Groups. At the beginning of each section, background information is provided to help youth learn more about the science behind food preparation, the nutritional contribution of each food group and basic information about preparing foods in the food groups. Recipes are included for each food group. This curricula includes outdoor cooking, party planning, slow cookers, yeast breads and much more!
Prepare two to three dishes from each of the recipe sections: Fruit Group, Vegetable Group, Grain Group, Meat and Beans Group, Milk Group and Desserts (10 to 15 dishes total), Demonstrate your knowledge on cooking or baking techniques by giving a “How To” demonstrations to your helper, leader, or club. Suggested topic areas include yeast breads, short cakes, grilled foods and party planning. Complete one or two food science experiments. Complete at least one community service project such as, planning and hosting a holiday party for the elderly or baking cupcakes for a homeless shelter.
M Cooking 301, 01514Y
L 4-H Cooking Helper’s Guide, 01516F
Cooking 401
This project book is organized into sections by MyPlate Food Groups. Each section provides background information to help the young person learn more about the science behind food preparation. This is especially important in understanding how to produce quality products and to troubleshoot what went wrong when mistakes happen. Recipes are included for each food group.
Prepare 2-3 dishes from each of the recipe sections: Fruit Group and Vegetable Group, Grains Group, Protein Foods Group, Dairy Group and Desserts. Demonstrate your knowledge on cooking or baking techniques. Give 3-5 “how to” demonstrations to your project leader, helper or club. Suggested topics include flatbreads, pastry, candy, celebration meal planning or meat preparation. Complete 1-2 food science experiments. Complete at least one community service project.
M Cooking 401, 01515Y
M Kitchen Boss, 4H476
L 4-H Cooking Helper’s Guide, 01516F
Baking 1
Baking 1 is to help first-year baking members learn baking basics — nutrition, measuring and kitchen safety. The project is organized to cover one topic or food at each club meeting. Learn the basics of baking by making quick breads and cookies.
Complete this project with a minimum of seven activities each year.
M Baking 1, 4HDL07
Baking 2
In Baking 2, you will learn how to make more advanced quick breads and cookies. You also will review basic measuring techniques and baking terms, and demonstrate the proper way to use baking equipment and utensils when making the recipes.
To complete this project you should complete a minimum of seven activities each year.
M Baking 2, 4HDL08
Baking 3
Baking 3 is an introduction to yeast breads. It is very different from Baking 1 and 2, teaching different techniques. Yeast bread baking develops your creativity. The project is organized so one subject can be covered at each meeting.
Complete this project with a minimum of seven activities each year.
M Baking 3, 4HDL09
Baking 4
Baking 4 teaches about cakes, pies and pastries. Learn about baking cakes, pastry recipes and techniques and trouble shooting.
Complete this project with a minimum of seven activities each year.
M Baking 4, 4HDL10, download only, Extension online store
Food Preservation
This intermediate-level project is designed to help you home preserve produce – from your garden, a store, or a farmer’s market – so that you can enjoy nutritious fruits and vegetables all year. The pressure canning method is not covered in this project. Members will explore different home preservation methods, understand how a food’s pH determines which home food preservation method to use, gather the proper equipment for water bath canning, track when produce becomes ripe, learn how to home preserve produce using the freezing method and home preserve applesauce using the water bath canning method.
To complete the project members should complete seven activities, at least two learning experiences and be involved in at least two leadership/citizenship activities.
M Canning and Freezing, 4H670
Food Independent Study/Advanced
see Self Determined