Montana 4-H Newsletter Header

Message from the Director

This is the time of year when we all reflect on the good things in our lives and give thanks.  While I have many things to be personally thankful for, I am also more and more encouraged professionally.Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The 4-H model of youth development is built on positive relationships with caring adults, belonging, goal setting, and accomplishment among many other factors.  For a long time, youth development researchers focused on raising the self esteem of young people through baseless praise.  Show up, you get a trophy.  No goals involved, no hard work, no effort.  Just raise a young  person's self esteem and they would make good decisions.

Today's researchers are discovering the value of goals and effort, struggle and accomplishment, and the well deserved self esteem that comes with hard work and persistence.  It's not a revolutionary idea.  We've been operating this way since 1902.  Social scientists are catching on and I say, welcome to the world of 4-H.  The door is always open.

Wishing you all a joyful Thanksgiving. 

Dr. Todd Kesner

Director, Montana 4-H Center for Youth Development

In this Issue

Volunteer Resources

Alumni Community 

Volunteer Facebook page

Member Resources 

Rec Lab

Murdoch's Discount Cards

Club Fundraising Best Practices


CWF/LWF/National Conference


2020 Outbound programs 

Other Opportunities

Cook Scholarship

Wool Judging at National Western Stock Show  


Upcoming Dates 

November 15 / International Programs Outbound applications due

December 13 /Rec Lab Workshop Proposals due

January 15 /CWF/LWF/National Conference Applications due

February 1 / MT 4-H Foundation People Partner Grants due

April 26-26 /Rec Lab in Hobson, MT

May 1  / State Award Application Deadline

July 6-8 / Pre-Congress

July 8-12  /Montana 4-H Congress



Volunteer Resources 

Montana 4-H Alumni and Friends Community 

Alumni community banner

New to Montana 4-H! We are building a network of 4-H Alumni and need your help! Please spread the word to members of your community. The Montana 4-H Alumni and friends community aims to connect past 4-Hers with current opportunities and fill them in with what is going on in the program now. The 4-H Center will send a bi-annual newsletter to those who sign up. Additionally, we would love to hear stories and gather photos to feature on our website.  

Join the conversation! Join the 4-H Volunteer Leaders Facebook Page

4-H Volunteer Resource Page                                                                   

Recent Conversations: 

-Rec Lab Updates

-Club meeting ice breakers 

-Small Livestock Market Sale

-Photography Leader networking

-Community Service Opportunities 

The Montana 4-H Leaders Facebook page is a closed group, only available for Montana 4-H Volunteers. It was created to be a networking platform for volunteers across the state to ask for suggestions, share event information, and learn from other volunteers!  

Member Resources

Fundraising Best Practices 

Fundraising is an important part of a functioning club. It is also important to make sure members know the components of a successful fundraiser and ensure all club members agree with the fundraising goals to minimize the likelihood of disagreements in the future.

  • All funds are raised in the name of 4-H. 100% of the money raised by the 4-H club, belongs to the club.
  • The fundraiser should align with the 4-H mission and values of Positive Youth Development
  • Make a written plan with your club or committee that includes: 
    • The specific cause (item, program, etc.) the money is being raised for. If you are planning one big fundraiser to fund several things, detail how much money will go to each item
    • If money raised will be Proceeds or Profits
      • Proceeds: All money collected will go towards cause 
      • Profits: Expenses of fundraiser (supplies) will be covered by the money raised
    • A goal of how much money your club aims to raise
      • What to do if you do not reach that goal (back up fundraiser)
      • What to do with excess if you exceed the goal 
    • Identify someone to keep track of the money, and make sure they are comfortable with how to complete this task
    • Talking with your County Agent to help plan and market your fundraiser 
  • During the fundraiser:
    • Clearly state on signage and marketing material what the funds will be used for
    • Make sure everyone in your club helping with fundraiser is educated on the fundraising plan
    • Designate a safe place to store collected money
    • Be prepared with a receipt book and your club's EIN (tax ID number) 
      • Donations to a non-profit organization (such as your 4-H club) can be tax-deductible, some people like to have a record of their donation for tax reporting purposes. 
  • For more information and an club fundraising plan form visit the Fundraising Guidelines document on the club resource pageMontana 4-H Fundraising Tips

Murdoch’s Discount Cards

murdochs discount cards

Don’t forget! Active 4-H members are eligible to receive a discount on show apparel and supplies throughout the year!

Next time you stop by a Murdoch’s store, ask a cashier for assistance with acquiring a discount card.

Murdoch’s is a pivotal supporter of all things 4-H. In addition to the program support and annual scholarships, they are eager to help clubs fundraise on a county level. Visit their website to learn more about the fundraising opportunities they provide

2020 Rec Lab

Save the date! 
Hobson, MT on April 24-26, 2020
Registration information coming soon

2020 Rec Lab

This event provides an opportunity for youth and adults to enhance their leadership, communication and team building skills in an action packed and interactive setting. Rec Lab programming is designed to provide participants with tips and tricks for being a better club, camp and community leader. This is an ideal event for younger senior members to attend a state event for the first time and begin to form relationships with 4-H peers form across the state, broadening their own skills and widening their network. 

Do you have an idea for a workshop? Submit a workshop proposal, both teen and adult presenters are encouraged to share the ideas and knowledge!

Workshop Proposals due December 13, 2019. For more information visit:

Contact the Chouteau County MSU Extension office with questions regarding workshops (406) 622-37510 or [email protected].


 CWF/LWF/ National Conference

CWF photo by National Capitol

Citizenship Washington Focus

During this week-long trip, delegates go to Washington D.C. to experience our nation's capital, meet your legislators, and meet 4-Hers from around the country. The week is comprised of workshops related to the congressional process, meetings with your legislators, a cultural evening, and visits to monuments and museums on the mall. Two selected adults chaperone the trip. Susan Dufner Scholarship is awarded to one delegate to help with trip costs (application required).

 Program Age: 14-19 Years-old
Program Dates: June 13-20


Delegate/ Chaperone Application Deadline: January 15, 2020
Susan Dufner Application Deadline: January 15, 2020

LWF photo by National Capitol

Leadership Washington Focus

A sister program of CWF,  Leadership Washington Focus is designed for younger youth, the program takes place at the National 4-H conference center, conveniently located one mile from Washington, D.C. Participants build confidence in their abilities to motivate and direct others in meaningful action, practice effective communication with others through group discussion and public speaking, work with others to create and accomplish goals, develop an understanding of their own personal leadership style, exchange ideas, practice respect, and form friendships with other 4-Hers from across the nation. Two selected adults chaperone the trip.
Program Age: Grades 7th -9th  
Program Dates: July 26-31

Delegate/ Chaperone Application Deadline: January 15, 2020

National 4-H Conference Center

National 4-H Conference

Land Grant University 4‑H Departments send delegations of 4‑H youth to participate in the National 4‑H Conference. At the conference, delegates prepare and present briefings on important societal topics to federal officials in Washington, D.C. 4‑H youth also have the opportunity to engage in personal development experiences that increase their knowledge, resources, and skills while discussing topics affecting youth and 4‑H programming nationwide.

Delegates not only learn while at the conference: they are empowered to create positive social change in their communities and have the opportunity to practice and apply their skills in a real-world setting.

The National 4-H Conference is a working conference in which youth and adults assist in the development of recommendations to help guide 4-H youth development programs nationally and in their communities. Conference delegates are prepared, personally and professionally, to become more active participants within their communities and to effectively develop youth-adult partnerships for community action.  

Montana sends a delegation of up to 4 participants (including one adult chaperone).

Program age: 15-18 years old
Program Dates: March 28- April 6, 2020

Application Deadline: January 15, 2020

For more information and application material regarding CWF, LWF, and National Conference can be found on our website. If you have further questions, please contact Stephanie Davison at  [email protected]

WEBINAR: Going Deeper into Global Youth Citizenship
 (global citizenship)

Presented by Jennifer Skuza, Ph.D., Associate Dean and Director, MN 4-H, University of Minnesota Extension. Following on a popular 2018 webinar, Dr. Jennifer Skuza will go into more detail about the WeConnect: A Global Youth Citizenship Curriculum Second Edition, how it is used and specific activities that you can use in your state along with how to add social inquiry to programming. Global youth citizenship emphasizes the importance of our thinking which drives our attitudes, behaviors and actions. The presenter will discuss why global youth citizenship is important, define key terms, and frame global citizenship within the context of 4-H Youth Development. 

November 12, 2019, 2:00 PM EST


International Programs

 2020 Summer Outbound

The Montana 4-H Outbound travel opportunities gives youth a chance to experience life around the world. Each outbound program varies in the amount of travel time, host family stay experience, and chaperone requirements. However, they all offer youth a once in a life time experience they will cherish forever. 

Application deadline is November 15

Tiwan 4-H Group

Taiwan 4-H Group 

-Costa Rica/ 15-18 year-olds, June 18-July 17, approx. $3,000

-Norway/ 15-18 year-olds , June 24-July 24, approx. $4,200

-South Korea/ 14-18 year-olds, July 15 – August 13, approx. $4,600

-Japan (4 or 8 week)/  14-18 year-olds , July 8 – August 6 or June 10---August 6, approx. $5,200 or $6,400

-Taiwan/ 14-18 year-olds, June 28-July 28, approx. $4,500

-Romania (NEW)/ 15-18 year-olds, June 24-July 24, approx. $3,750


International Program for Young Adults (IPYA)

IPYA is a three to a six-month international exchange program to countries around the world for those interested in a rural, work experience.

3 or 6 month exchange for 18-30 year old former 4-Hers

IPYA Opportunities: U.K., Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, Greece, Estonia, Luxembourg, Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, Botswana. Other countries not listed may be a possibility as well.

$500 Deposit due with application November 15 

For more information and applications regarding Citizenship and International programs go to  Or contact Stephanie at [email protected].

Other Opportunities 

Cook Scholarship


St. Paul School Building

Each year, one talented Montana student is selected on the basis of character and academic accomplishment to receive $62,000 annually to cover their attendance at St. Paul’s School, a boarding school in New England, along with $15,000 awarded per year towards tuition at a college of their choice. 

Founded in 1856, St. Paul’s School is a co-educational college preparatory high school in Concord, N.H. The 2,000-acre grounds are home to approximately 530 students from 38 states and 20 countries. All students and the nearly 100 full-time faculty members live on the grounds. The School is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.  

Established in 1973, the Cook Scholarship is underwritten by the Frank Hervey Cook Trust and is named in honor of Frank Hervey Cook, a Montana resident and successful cattle rancher who graduated from St. Paul's School in 1919. Following his death in 1970, the majority of his estate was converted to a trust for Montana students who might benefit from a St. Paul's education. Since the founding of the scholarship, 124 Montana students have attended St. Paul's School from Montana – 78 as Cook and Hervey Scholars. The Montana-based Cook Board selects recipients who meet St. Paul’s School admission standards and demonstrate a desire to give back to the Big Sky state.

“Through the Cook Scholarship, young Montana students receive an outstanding high school education, with top-notch academic faculty and unique athletic and arts programs not offered here in Montana,” says Alex Blake, a Cook Trustee, and past Cook Scholar. “My St. Paul’s School experience opened up doors for me from an Ivy League education to serving in the Marine Corps, all of which helped me bring more home to Montana when I moved back.”

Cook Scholarship finalists are selected by the St. Paul’s School Admission Office and then interviewed in Montana by the Cook Scholarship Board of Trustees, which includes Montana residents, former Cook Scholars, and a representative from St. Paul’s School. As a part of this opportunity, Cook Scholars are expected to give back to Montana through a minimum commitment of 80 hours of community service to benefit their state, along with a summer of service to their Montana hometowns.

 Applications to St. Paul's School and the Cook Scholarship are due January 15, 2020

Interested Montana students in the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades looking for a challenge are encouraged to attend an information session about St. Paul’s School and the Cook Scholarship on Friday, November 8, from 6pm to 7pm.  Please visit www. for a list of locations.

Those interested in learning more about this educational opportunity at St. Paul’s School and the Cook Scholarship should visit www.

To learn more about St. Paul’s School, please visit their website,


National Western Stock Show: 4-H & FFA Wool Judging Contest

Youth Wool Judging

We are excited to announce the 2nd annual National Western Stock Show's 4-H & FFA Wool Judging Contest during the National Western Stock Show in Denver, CO! 

Online Application Deadline: December 15, 2019
Program Dates: Thursday, January 16, 2020  
$50 per team of 3 or 4
$15 per Individual 

New in 2020

  • All students who competed last year are welcome to compete in the Senior division. Students who have not competed in this contest will compete in the Junior division.
  • Students will have Questions as part of the Contest. They may also compete in oral reasons; high scores in Reasons will receive awards, however, these points will not be counted as part of the regular contest.
  • The schedule has been rearranged from last year. We hope this new schedule will give students some time around Collegiate students and coaches. 

Find more information for the contest here:

There is a block of rooms reserved at the Fairfield Inn in Brighton. 

Please let Heather Pearce know if you are interested in a room there or have any additional questions. 

Heather Pearce 720-254-6289