WebEx Online Collaboration

WebEx is a cloud-based video conferencing system that allows users to meet remotely and collaborate, sharing screens, files and video.

Visit the UIT resource link for more information about WebEx

Adobe Connect

Adobe Connect is MSU Extension’s cloud-based video conferencing system that allows users to meet remotely and collaborate, sharing screens, files and video. Contact MSU Extension for more information.

Instant Messaging

Instant Messaging or IM is the real time exchange of text messages using a software application. Many IM apps today also include collaboration features that allow you to share links, media (video, images, audio) and files, make voice and video calls, conduct voice and video online meetings as well as have presence which is the ability to see if the person you are contacting is available. MSU has a campus-wide licenses for several IM applications. MSU Extension encourages the use of MS Teams.

Visit the UIT resource link for more information about Instant Messaging Tools